Because of Cheesecake

She Will Be Famous

그녀는 너무 예뻤어[She was so cute]!!!” Mir gushed as they walked through the revolving doors of the building. 

It was nice meeting her. For my temper, I’m not even mad at her for not knowing MBLAQ. At least that means she doesn’t know Big Bang, SuJu, B2ST and the others...right? :D.

Chundoong laughed at himself for thinking about a girl who he would probably never see again. Snapping back to reality, he looked around aimlessly before running down the hall. He caught up to s just in time before they disappeared around the corner.


“아이씨 ,젠장! [Aish, jinja!]” Bom complained as she worked on her report assiduously in the kitchen. “Will you STOP pacing around, Dara?” 

Dara unwillingly stopped after receiving an intimidating glare from Bom. Everything was normal routine in the 2ne1 dorm. Dara as usual, was worrying over small things like meeting Dadoong. She was quite scared of dogs and cats. Minzy carelessly sat in a corner playing with her puppy.

“Yah, don’t chew on that outfit! It’s my performance outfit for tomorrow~” Minzy scolded her puppy as she took her sparkly jeans off of the hanger on the doorknob, and placed it in her closet.

On the other hand, CL was insouciant, and ate whenever and whatever she wanted, especially when she yearned for a dessert.

“Dara,” CL called out with a mouth full of cake. “Get me more cheesecake, will you?; I’ll give you the money, okay?..” 

Without waiting for an answer (for she wasn’t accepting one), CL stuffed another mouthful of cake into before fumbling through the stuff in her bag. She gave Dara a 20 dollar bill and waved her away. Dara groaned. CL was so messy. I lent her so many stuff. No wonder she didn’t give it back yet. Dara thought, scowling as she took a peek in CL’s bag. Dismayed, Dara took the 20 dollar bill involuntarily and headed out.

고마워[Thanks].” CL said, her voice muffled.

“See ya later,” Minzy said, while watching her puppy intensely.

사랑해요[I LOVE YOU]!!!” Bom shouted as Dara walked out the door. Dara laughed.

Might as well. It would be a refresher for one; I could give Bom some time to work undisturbed, too. 

Dara headed down the street to the closest supermarket around the corner. As she arrived, she was greeted by the familiar ahjumma who always worked there and loved Dara since she was little. Dara kindly greeted her back and asked her if there were any fresh foods that had came in that day.

“당연하지 [Of course]! Oh, by the way, I saw one of your friends come in earlier; One of your childhood friends, I reckon..I believe she’s still in the cheesecake section. You said you wanted cheesecake, did you not?” The ahjumma asked, considerately.

네, 네 [Yes, Yes], 감사합니다 [Thankyou]!!” Dara cheerfully thanked and hugged the ahjumma before heading over to the desserts. 

A girl about 5 feet 2 was leaning over the display and peering at the cheesecakes with craving and compassion. Dara stared at her for a moment and then couldn’t control her desire to start cracking up as she slowly remembered who this girl was. Before Dara could walk over, the girl’s eyes diverted attention from the cheesecakes to Dara. Her eyes slowly widened in recognition.

“DARA UNNI <3” She screamed, before cheerfully running up to hug Dara.

“Yah, IU; Long time no see. Why didn’t you visit me? And when did you arrive? I thought you were going to stay in America..?” Dara threw questions at her left and right.

“I was going to visit you, but I bumped into someone who reminded me of you. Then I thought of cheesecake.” IU laughed. “And also,I arrived this morning, unni.” She winked.

She and IU walked out of the supermarket, talking about their lives after they were separated.

“CL and Chundoong could wait.” Dara thought, mindlessly. She watched IU as she breathed in the fresh air and gazed around at the shops she hasn’t been to for 4 years. 

“IU?” Dara asked suddenly, as they arrived at the coffee shop. They ordered their coffee and sat down by the window.
“Hmm?” IU asked.There was a silence in between words.

“I heard about that audition you took two days ago, and...” Dara said slowly.

Both of them stopped talking. IU paused as if hesitating for a second, but gradually brought her eyes up from her macchiato to meet Dara’s.


A/N: Was this chapter okay? ...I think I can do much better than this; It takes some time getting used to since I'm improving my own writing skills as well ;D I might delay the next chapter, but I'll do my best to give consistant updates! I hope you continue to rate, support, subscribe and comment to this story and my other stories as well! Thanks for stopping by and reading this chapter ;)

Love, Kpopchicken


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Chapter 24 posted after a somewhat long "hiatus"(?). I am so sorry and I hope you enjoy the chapter!! Looks like IU and Hongki are about to have a kiss scene...


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Chapter 17: oh.......
Chapter 11: oh . BUSTED.
HanSang #3
Chapter 27: Well, I also apologize, almost inactive to open my acc :)
omo, I almost could see Hongki kissed Dara! the way you described their interaction is just… precious <3
HanSang #4
Hello there?
HanSang #5
Chapter 26: well, Doongie sure will explode if they're -IU and Hongki- doing a kiss scene!
argh, I know what you mean! school can be a BIG trouble sometimes…
HanSang #6
Chapter 25: hohohohohohohoho, just how much I miss these couples!!!!
can't really point out what's the best part, since it's all good! <3
now, I'll expect some trouble will come, especially to Jieun... hm yeah....
HanSang #7
Chapter 24: Ah, DaraKi… I LUV IT!!! Especially the part when they grinned not to each other and Seunghyun's call, that's funny!
Keep going! ^^
HanSang #8
Chapter 23: Those two… they really are oblivious about what they do for each other!
You, Cheondung, did you not realised that you just held her hands?
And IU, did you not realised you actually care for him?
*end of my rant being their minds*
oh, he had been fanboying mentally~ his face must be really cute! XD
I just realised, in this story IU's older than Cheondung, am I right?
HanSang #9
Chapter 22: YAY!!!! another singing lesson!! gotta have a camera for a picture :3
Dara isn't the only one melted by Hongki, me too :")
HanSang #10
Chapter 21: 2 chappies and bonus drama for my day~~~
well, I'm very happy to see that Doongie will have his drama!!!! if only IU is the main female, mihihihi…
Park siblings are the best idol-siblings ever!!! cute, dorky siblings
DaraKi deserve to be happy, fighting!
and… Stanford? COOL!!!