A Christmas Party With Everyone

Four Years Later...
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MiRae looked over at Baekhyun who was still standing in the doorway of their home with his hand over his mouth leaning against the doorframe, even from afar, MiRae could tell he was crying.

She looked back at Chanyeol “Are… Are you really my daddy uncle Yeolie?” she asked.

Chanyeol gave her a small soft smile and he nodded “I really am your daddy, MiRae.”

Tears started to form in MiRae’s eyes as she hugged him with all her might that he gladly returned “I-I missed yo-you so mu-much daddy!” she cried.

“I know princess, I know. I’m sorry.” He said rubbing her back trying to calm her down a little.

Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun who was still crying in the doorway, Chanyeol gave him a small sad smile and Baekhyun motioned for them to come inside. Chanyeol walked up to the house with MiRae still in his arms crying “She’ll be okay, she’s just a little confused right now.” Baekhyun said softly when he and Chanyeol walked into the living room.

Chanyeol walked up and wrapped his other arm around Baekhyun and held him close as Baekhyun also wrapped his arms around Chanyeol. Yeolie came running down the stairs barking and MiRae looked down at him “No Yeolie, no barking.” She said and Yeolie stopped barking and whined a little.

Chanyeol smiled to his daughter “You named him Yeolie?” he asked.

MiRae nodded now a little shy, she wasn’t used to this situation. Uncle Yeolie was her daddy, she was supposed to call him daddy right?

“What wrong baby, do you not feel good?” Baekhyun asked rubbing her back.

MiRae wiped her tears and shook her head “I feel good mommy,” she then looked at Chanyeol “Can I call you daddy?” she asked shyly.

Chanyeol kissed her forehead “I wouldn’t want it any other way.” He said making her smile.

Baekhyun smiled and got on his tip toes kissing Chanyeol’s cheek which surprised Chanyeol, he let MiRae down and she immediately went into the living room in front of the Christmas tree to play with Yeolie.

Chanyeol faced Baekhyun and gave him a smile, Baekhyun reached up and took Chanyeol’s purple fuzzy hat off and decided to kiss Chanyeol softly while he was at it. Pulling away Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol who was surprised and held up his hat “Purple isn’t really your color.” He smirked and tossed the hat on the kitchen table and Chanyeol in a swift motion wrapped his arms around Baekhyun’s waist and cocked an eyebrow.

“Oh really now?” he asked softly “If not purple, then what is?”

Baekhyun smile and wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s neck “Me.” He replied before Chanyeol connected their lips.

Chanyeol softly moved his lips against Baekhyun’s, the kiss was nothing serious, just a simple gesture of love. The two were completely lost in themselves, that is until something dropped, clattering against the hardwood floor of the kitchen and dinning room. Baekhyun and Chanyeol broke away hastily and turned to see Kyungsoo and Kai standing there, jaws dropped, and the food Kyungsoo had brought was now on the floor.

“What. The. Hell?” Kyungsoo asked slowly.

“Ah…” Baekhyun started not really sure what to say so Chanyeol took over.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you formally like this Dr. Do, I’m Park Chanyeol, Baekhyun’s boyfriend.” Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol, he never did reply to his question so Chanyeol clearly winged it, he was right of course, but that was about all that was going through his head.

Kyungsoo turned to Baekhyun who bit his bottom lip with a smile and raised his hands in the air “Heh, sorry Kyung.” He said.

Kyungsoo just smiled and rolled his eyes and bent down to pick up the bowl and food while Kai stood awkwardly, he looked over to see MiRae playing with Yeolie in front of the Christmas tree like nothing else in the world mattered. He then turned to Chanyeol who was also watching her with a smile.

“Ah! That’s right!” Chanyeol suddenly said “I’ll be right back.” He said before dismissing himself and grabbing Kai in the process.

Chanyeol dragged Kai outside and to his car that was parked next to Baekhyun’s “Boyfriend? Since when does THE Park Chanyeol have a god damn boyfriend?” Kai asked exasperated.

“Since that man is the mother of my daughter.” Chanyeol answered simply as he opened the trunk of his car revealing quite a few Christmas presents.

Kai’s eyes widened and his draw dropped “WHAT THE DO YOU MEAN DAUGHTER!?!?!?!?!?! YAH! PARK CHANYEOL!”

Chanyeol looked at Kai “You heard me.”

Kai laughed “So what, you mean to tell me that Baekhyun is the reason you refuse to marry the girl your dad picked out for you two years ago and he’s the reason you don’t date, the reason you don’t even spare a glance at someone else?”

Chanyeol nodded “I met him one night, I fell for him, I wanted him, we ended up doing it and then my dad and uncle got involved, remember when I had to leave for like half a year?” Kai nodded “Well I left the next morning and I just now found him again and I just now realized that I have a daughter that I’m going to do everything in my power to support and give her the life she deserves to have. A life that I can finally be apart of.” He said as he grabbed the two boxes of presents handing one to Kai and closing his trunk making his way back inside.

“So boyfriend?” Kyungsoo asked sitting at the dinning counter just outside the kitchen as Baekhyun leaned against the counter.

“Boyfriend.” Baekhyun confirmed.

“Is he nice?”

Baekhyun nodded with a smile “Very.”

“How does MiRae feel about him?” he asked and Baekhyun looked over at MiRae who was playing with Yeolie.

“She loves him.” Baekhyun answered.

Yeolie suddenly came running into the kitchen happily with MiRae following right behind him “Where did you get the puppy RaeRae?” he asked.

MiRae smiled “Daddy gave him to me.” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he looked at Baekhyun who nodded.

Kai and Chanyeol came back in right at that moment and walked over to the Christmas tree and started putting Christmas presents under it, MiRae happily looked over at Chanyeol and then started running towards him jumping on his back “I got you!” she shouted happily.

Chanyeol collapsed on the ground “Ah! You got me!” he said and MiRae started laughing.

MiRae then started running for the stairs “You can’t catch me!” she shouted as she quickly ran up the stairs and disappeared down the hall.

Chanyeol was up at the speed of lightning ready to chase after her “I’m gonna get you!” he shouted after her already halfway up the stairs.

Baekhyun was laughing in the kitchen ‘So she really must get all of her energy from him.’ He said to himself.

“What is wrong with him? He’s twenty one, not twelve!” Kai said walking over to sit next to Kyungsoo making him laugh.

“He’s enjoying himself.” Baekhyun smiled. “And besides, MiRae doesn’t have really anyone to play with her to that extent.”

There was tons of running around and laughing going on upstairs making Baekhyun smile, the doorbell suddenly rang and then the door opened and Luhan came walking in with Lay and Suho not far behind.

“Hey guys!” Baekhyun smiled walking up giving each and one of them a hug.

“Baek! I missed you!” Luhan smiled as he ran up to Baekhyun in a hug.

“Kyung! You’re already here.” Suho smiled coming up and giving Kyungsoo a hug.

Lay looked at Kai and then to Kyungsoo “A friend?” he asked.

Kyungsoo smiled a nodded “Yeah, this is my friend Jongin.”

“Jongin, these are my closest friends Luhan, Lay, and Suho.”

Kai smiled “Nice to meet you guys.”

MiRae suddenly screamed and came running down the stairs and over to Baekhyun “Mommy help me! Daddy’s going to get me!” she shouted.

Suho, Lay, and Luhan looked at Baekhyun “Uh-uh, mommy’s not going to help you, you started it, you get to finish it.” He said and walked into the kitchen with a smile as MiRae ran to the other side of the table and Chanyeol then appeared out of no where at the other end of the table.

“I see you little girl, you’re not getting away from me this time!” he said and MiRae screamed with giggle.

The two pulled the hilarious maneuver of dancing with each other from opposite sides of the table with MiRae trying to get out of it “I told you I’m going to get you.” Chanyeol said and MiRae stuck out her tongue.

Chanyeol then stood up and looked at Baekhyun “Yeah, she got that from you, not me.” He said and Baekhyun started laughing and MiRae took that chance to run around the table and was unfortunately caught by Chanyeol who lifted her high up in the air and she giggled.

“Daddy got you!” He laughed with her.

Everyone looked at Chanyeol surprised, Lay, Suho, and Luhan in particular. This guy was MiRae’s dad?

“Yah hyung! Let the poor girl down, your being mean.” Kai then said.

Chanyeol then turned and stuck his tongue out at him “She’s my daughter, go get your own.”

Baekhyun then appeared “Yeah, she didn’t get that from me smart one, she got it from you.” He said and walked past his boyfriend and daughter.

Chanyeol then saw Baekhyun’s friends and put MiRae down “Ah, pleasure to meet you, I’m Park Chanyeol.” he bowed.

“Honey, is he your daddy?” Lay asked kneeling down looking at MiRae.

MiRae nodded “Mmhmm, he’s my daddy.” She answered with complete confidence.

Lay and Suho smiled and motioned for MiRae to come and give them a hug, they were happy that she finally had her daddy and happy that he daddy was that excited about being with her.

“Uh, hey Baek, I hope you don’t mind, but I invited a friend of mine from work, he wasn’t doing anything for Christmas and we had the day off so I invited him to come with me.” Luhan said.

Baekhyun smiled “That’s fine, the more the merrier.” 

“Oh! Hey, Kai, we should invite Sehun and Kris!” Chanyeol smiled.

“No! Are you even sane right now? No, those two are like hell in a package!” Kai said throwing his hands up in the air.

Chanyeol did a half turn “Baby, can I please invite them?” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow and glanced at Kai who was vigorously shaking his head no.

“If that’s what you want, then go for it.” Chanyeol smiled happily and ran over attacking Baekhyun in a hug.

“Thank you baby!” he said happily before pulling his phone out and calling Kris.

The doorbell then rang again and Baekhyun went to go answer it, in front of him stood a tall blonde guy who looked rather scary. “Ah! Tao, you’re here!” Luhan said happily as he jogged to the door and gave Tao a hug and gestured for him to come in.

Tao smiled and followed Luhan inside “Guys, this is my friend Tao from work, he just transferred here from China a couple months ago.”

“Please to meet you all, my name it Huang, ZiTao, but you can call me Tao.” He said with a bow.

“Welcome Tao, I’m Baekhyun, this is my daughter MiRae, Kyungsoo, Lay, Suho, and Jongin, just make yourself at home.” Baekhyun gave a quick introduction of everyone.

“Okay so, Kris and Sehun are on their way apparently they were at a bar with one of their friends from Sehun’s high school, I don’t know, but yeah, they’re on their way.” Chanyeol said walking back into the living room.

Kai groaned “Hyung, I hate you so much right now.” MiRae then walked up to Kai and tapped his leg catching his attention.

“Uncle Jongin, you should be nicer to daddy.” She said sternly.

“Yeah Kai, be nice to me.” Chanyeol said earning a smack on the arm from Baekhyun.

Kai smiled and let out a chuckle “Are you sure MiRae? Your daddy is mean to me some times too though.” He said.

“Lies, MiRae he lying to you, don’t believe crazy uncle Jongin.” Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo exchanged glances before laughing, “Come on pretty lady, let’s help mommy bring the food out to the table.” Kyungsoo said laughing.

MiRae nodded and followed Kyungsoo into the kitchen to help Baekhyun finish dinner. Everyone was sitting comfortably around Baekhyun’s house and Yeolie was loving the attention he was getting from Lay and Suho who absolutely loved him. “Hey Baek, when did you get a puppy?” Suho asked.

“He’s MiRae’s, his name is Yeolie, Chanyeol gave it to her for Christmas.”  Baekhyun answered from the kitchen.

Chanyeol and Kai stood by the stairs laughing about something while Luhan and Tao were sitting on the love seat talking, in mandarin of course so literally no one except Lay had the slightest idea as to what they were talking about.

The doorbell rang again and Chanyeol went to go answer and MiRae then came out of the kitchen and Chanyeol picked her up and they went to answer the door, opening the door, Kris, Sehun and another guy stood there. Sehun was holding a plate of cookies as well and Chanyeol looked at him like what the hell?

“Come on in guys.” Chanyeol said and that’s when they noticed the little girl sitting on his hip.

“Uh, dude, there’s a kid sitting on your hip.” Kris said pointing to MiRae.

Chanyeol looked at him like he was stupid “You don’t say.” He said sarcastically and turned the let them in.

“Oh yeah, this is my friend Chen from high school.” Sehun said gesturing to the other man.

Chen nodded with a smile “Heyo.” He said.

“What’s up, I’m Chanyeol.”

Chen shut the door and followed the guys into the house to the living room where they saw quiet a few other people already there. “Hey dude, by the way, whose house is this even?” Kris asked.

“It’s mine.” Baekhyun said walking out of the kitchen.

“Oh , you’re the doctor that saved Kai.” He said.

“Mommy and aunty Kyungie are the best doctors ever!” MiRae smiled.

Kyungsoo came out of the kitchen and nodded his head “Nice to see you again.” He said with a smile.

“Well, there’s more people here I see.” Luhan laughed as he walked down the stairs.

Sehun looked towards the voice and his breath stopped, damn. Was all he could think.

“Ah, well it’s nice to meet you all, I’m uh, Chanyeol’s friend and coworker Kris Wu.” Kris introduced himself rather awkwardly.

“I’m Oh Sehun, I went to junior high and college with Chanyeol.” Sehun bowed.

“I’m Kim Jongdae, but call me Chen, I’m Sehun’s friend.” Chen bowed.

Lay’s phone then started ringing “Minseok? Are you okay, what happened?” he asked worried as he left the room quickly.

“Of course I can, where are you, I’ll be right there.” Lay said as he stood in the hallway.

“Don’t thank me, I’m just glad your okay, I’m leaving now, I’ll be there soon.” He said and hung up and quickly walked into the living room and grabbed the keys to Suho’s car and filled him in on the situation before kissing him goodbye and leaving.

“Everything okay?” Baekhyun asked.

Suho nodded “Apparently one of the teachers at the kindergarten that works with Lay got into a car accident and the guy totaled his car and he doesn’t have any way home, I think Lay might bring him here for a couple hours, from what Lay said the guy was really shaken up.”

“Text Lay and tell him it’s fine if he brings him over, there’s already so many people here anyway.” Baekhyun laughed.

“Okay, so question.” Kris turned to Chanyeol who was still holding MiRae and she was watching him play on his phone “Chanyeol, I’m talking to you.” He said.

Chanyeol looked up from his phone “What?” he said.

“Who is this child that you seem to love holding, I have never in my ENTIRE life seen you even like kids, why the sudden change?”

“Take a wild guess.” Chanyeol said.

“She’s your dad’s bastard kid.” He said.

Baekhyun walked out of the kitchen beyond pissed and slapped Kris across the face leaving a nice bright red hand mark on his cheek “What the !” he shouted at Baekhyun.

Chanyeol held Baekhyun with his free arm so he wouldn’t beat the out of Kris “Talk about our daughter like that again you stupid piece of , I dare you.” Baekhyun seethed his voice pure venom.

“Our? OUR! Chanyeol is she yours?!?!?!?!” Kris shouted.

MiRae became scared and hugged Chanyeol’s neck “Daddy he’s scaring me.” She said softly.

“Kris, you need to calm down okay?” Chanyeol said “Yes, she’s mine and your scaring the crap out of her by yelling so knock it off before I kick your .” He said.

“Dude, your twenty one, how the can you have a kid, how old is she anyway, do your parents even know about her?!”

Chanyeol took a breath “I may be young, but I can support both her and Baek just fine and yes they do know, almost half of those Christmas presents over there are for her from my crazy mother who so desperately wants to meet her.” Chanyeol said.

Kris sighed and sat down at the table “Woo, that was intense.” Luhan said softly as he and Tao sat in the living room.

“Kris, you over react to everything your told, calm the hell down, she’s an amazing little girl, quite making a fit.” Kai said as he sat next to Kyungsoo on the couch.

“Hyung’s right.” Sehun agreed as he and Chen also sat on the couch.

Kris simply sighed in defeat.

“Daddy,” MiRae then said “I want to meet grandma and grandpa too.” She said and Chanyeol smiled.

“Just invite them, I don’t care, there’s so many people in my house right now I don’t even care anymore.” Baekhyun said waving his hand and Chanyeol smiled and kissed his cheek.

“Baby, go play with Yeolie.” Chanyeol said setting MiRae back down.

“Okay daddy.” She said and went into the living room where Yeolie was still playing with Suho.

“Uncle Joonie.” MiRae smiled and he smiled back picking her up and sitting her on his lap as they both played with Yeolie who could not get enough of the attention.

“He’s going to be worn out by bedtime.” Kyungsoo laughed.

“He and MiRae slept on the couch for almost three hours this afternoon, they we

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading through my subscriptions - featured story but alas unfinished 😕
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Only a dream - sigh 😔
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Chapter 1: It to be left alone the next morning...
Silence_soul238 #5
will you ever update this authornim?
Chapter 39: Update again ah....Hunhan!Hunhan!Hunhan! This story is awesome and little MiRae is so cute and bubbly
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 39: Love the fic,update if u can =)
Kkyungxoo #9
Chapter 39: Cant hardly wait to the next chapter. Please finished this story author nim
wallflowerbaek #10
Chapter 38: update soon!!