The Following Weeks After His Disappearance

Four Years Later...
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Baekhyun decided to wait for a couple hours in Chanyeol’s apartment in case the giant decided to return, but almost as if expected, the giant never showed. After waiting all day like a puppy waiting for it’s master to return, Baekhyun left Chanyeol’s apartment. After taking some time to figure out just where the hell he was, he managed to find his way home to a raging mother and not so pleased father. The moment he walked through the front door of his house he was hounded with question upon question of his whereabouts by his mother, Baekhyun simply answered that he decided to stay the night at a friends in celebration for graduating and then walked up to his room.


About a week later, Baekhyun visited Chanyeol's apartment, it was the same as it was when he woke up there last week. The door unlocked and the house completely left unattended, dust collecting everywhere. It was clear that Chanyeol hadn’t been there since that night and wasn’t coming back anytime soon. As he walked slowly through the empty apartment he felt a hot tear leave his eye, he scoffed at himself.

“I need to forget…” he told himself as he left the apartment for the last time.


“Baek~!” a bubbly and giggly boy with bright red hair and big eyes shouted happily as he jogged up to Baekhyun.

“Luhan.” Baekhyun smiled as Luhan gave Baekhyun a big hug.

“I’ve missed you, it’s been three months since I last saw you, how have you been?” Luhan asked excitedly.

Baekhyun smiled “I’ve been pretty good.” He said.

“So, are you ready to go apartment hunting?” Baekhyun nodded.

Now that he was out of high school and applied at Seoul national university studying to become a doctor, he needed a place to stay instead of the dorms which he thought would be just a little too crowded seeing how he REALLY liked his own space. Luhan, a close friend of Baekhyun’s since primary school called him a couple days ago asking if he would be applying for college this year or waiting a year. Luhan was happy with Baekhyun's answer of starting college this year, and ironically, at the same university. Luhan made the brilliant suggestion that they both look for an apartment right off campus, and so, that was their current mission.


The two found a cozy yet roomy apartment just a couple blocks from school with reasonable rent and nice neighbors, they were currently walking around the place checking it out.

“I like it, what do you think Baek?” Luhan asked as he walked into the small kitchen where Baekhyun was standing.

“It’s nice, I like it-“ suddenly Baekhyun felt something very wrong in his stomach and ran at the speed of light to the bathroom where he threw up both his breakfast and previously eaten lunch.

Luhan raced after him worried as hell “Baek?! What’s wrong, are you okay?” he asked kneeling down next to Baekhyun as he tried to catch his lost breath.

Right as he was about to speak, he threw up again, this time hardly anything came out, as there was nothing in him to throw up, so instead, Baekhyun got gut wrenching pains as his stomach and abdomen deliberately tried to get rid of everything inside him. Baekhyun coughed hard as he gripped the toilet seat, Luhan rubbing his back to try and calm him down.

“Baek, I think you need to see a doctor.” Luhan said once Baekhyun had calmed down and could breath again.

“No,” Baekhyun insisted “I’m fine, I probably just ate something wrong, I’ll be fine once I get some rest and drink some water.” Luhan wasn’t convinced of Baekhyun’s words at all, no matter what Baekhyun said, whether it be he was just tired, it was food poisoning, anything, it didn’t convince him.

A couple minutes later the boys came out of the bathroom and headed out, they told the landlord that there was no problem with the place and that they wanted it as soon as possible. On the way home, Baekhyun sat quietly in the passenger seat while Luhan drove, Luhan glanced at Baekhyun often as he laid his head against the window watching the passing cars and buildings of Seoul.

“Baek, are you sure you’re okay? You don’t look good at all.” Baekhyun didn't answer.

Silence and glances filled the ride back to Baekhyun’s house, once they arrived, Luhan gave Baekhyun a soft but firm hug, telling him to call whenever he

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Beau1996 1382 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading through my subscriptions - featured story but alas unfinished 😕
Beau1996 1382 streak #2
Chapter 10: Only a dream - sigh 😔
Beau1996 1382 streak #3
Chapter 5: I'm undecided on sulay -
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 1: It to be left alone the next morning...
Silence_soul238 #5
will you ever update this authornim?
Chapter 39: Update again ah....Hunhan!Hunhan!Hunhan! This story is awesome and little MiRae is so cute and bubbly
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 39: Love the fic,update if u can =)
Kkyungxoo #9
Chapter 39: Cant hardly wait to the next chapter. Please finished this story author nim
wallflowerbaek #10
Chapter 38: update soon!!