A Fateful Accident

Four Years Later...
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Baekhyun woke up like every other morning and stretched out his muscles, it had been a long night. He slowly stood up and walked into the bathroom and the shower, stripping from his t-shirt and sweats, he stepped in and let the hot water wash over his body.


After a good twenty minute shower, he got out and dried himself off. He wrapped the towel around his waist and walked back into his room and to his closet. After a minute of debating, Baekhyun picked out a simple pair of black slacks, a light blue dress shirt, black jacket, and black tie. He didn’t need to dress in his usual attire since all he had was a couple meetings that day.


Baekhyun quickly got dressed and then went back into the bathroom to fix his hair before he left his room and made his way to MiRae’s room down the hall.


He cracked open the door “Rise and shine baby girl, time to get up.” He said as he walked in and sat on the edge of her bed.


MiRae groaned a little in her sleep before she slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them she sat up and leaned on Baekhyun's arm.


“Mommy, I’m still tired though…” she mumbled making Baekhyun chuckle.


“I know baby girl, but aunty Kyungie is going to be here soon to pick you up, remember?” MiRae looked up at Baekhyun with a smile.


“Aunty Kyungie is taking me to a movie today!!!!” she squealed before she got out of bed and wobbled over to her closet.


“I want to wear a dress today mommy.” MiRae smiled turning back to Baekhyun.


“Brush your teeth and go potty first, remember?” Baekhyun said getting up.


MiRae nodded before running out of her room and going into the bathroom just across the hall from her room. While she was doing what she was told, Baekhyun picked up a couple of her toys that were on the floor and made her bed.


“You’re so spoiled.” He laughed when he looked at all the things his daughter owned.


She had enough books for a library of her own, her dress collection was better than a model’s, she had more shoes than a shoe designer, and of course, she had more toys than a toy store. Kyungsoo still took her to the bookstore every week so she could pick out another book that she wanted, Luhan still took her shopping for clothes with Lay, and Suho loved to cook for her, and thank the heavens she wasn’t a picky eater and ate EVERYTHING.


MiRae came back into her room and walked up to Baekhyun “Let mommy see that you brushed your teeth.” He said kneeling down and she opened so he could see.


“Good girl.” He smiled kissing her forehead. “Okay, what dress do you want to wear today?”


MiRae smiled before running to her closet, she slid her stool over to her dresses and reached up grabbing her purple flower dress that was her favorite. “This one!”


“Okay, come here.” He said and she climbed down and pushed the stool back to where it belonged so she wouldn’t trip over it and hurt herself.


She handed Baekhyun the dress and he laid it down on her bed before helping her get undressed out of her pajamas. After she was out of her pajamas, Baekhyun took the dress off the hanger and ped the back before holding it so she could step into it and he pulled it up and she slid her arms through the arm holes and turned so he could zip it up again. She turned around again and Baekhyun helped her straight her dress and took one final look.


“You’re so cute.” He smiled tickling her a little making her giggle.


“I wanna wear my white flower in my hair too mommy.” MiRae smiled.


Baekhyun nodded as he walked over to her dresser and picked up the flower, a couple hair pins, and a brush. He sat on her bed and she walked over and stood between his knees so he could do her hair.


Baekhyun slowly brushed through her hair, for a four year old she had some long hair, almost to her mid back, he was careful not to pull to hard on her hair as he brushed. He turned her so she was facing the side so Baekhyun could braid the side of her hair and put the flower in. Once he was finished he picked her up so she could see her reflection in the mirror, MiRae smiled the instant she saw her reflection.


She hugged Baekhyun’s neck with all her might “Thank you mommy!” she said happily.


Baekhyun hugged her back “You’re very welcome baby.”


Baekhyun walked out of her room still holding her and down the stairs to the kitchen where he set her down and let her walk while he made them a quick breakfast. He checked the clock in the dinning room as he finished making breakfast, Kyungsoo would be there in about ten minutes or so and then Baekhyun would have to head to work right after.


“Alright baby, aunty Kyunggie will be here soon, eat up.” He said setting a place of scrambled eggs and toast in front of her with her usual morning cup of grape juice.


“Okay mommy.” She said before she started eating.


Not even five minutes later, Baekhyun heard the front door open and footsteps walking down the hall and Kyungsoo then appeared with his jacket still on and a smile on his face “Aunty Kyunggie!!!” MiRae immediately got up from her chair and ran over and hugged him.


“Good morning princess, did you sleep well?” he asked hugging her back.


MiRae nodded “I did! Look aunty Kyunggie! It’s the dress you and mommy got me over the summer!” she smiled happily.


Kyungsoo gasped “You look like a princess out of a fairy tale, you know that?” he asked winking, giving her a kiss on the cheek.


“Are you ready to go?” he then asked and the two of the looked at Baekhyun who was going through some papers in a black folder.


“Baek,” Kyungsoo said catching Baekhyun’s attention “If you’re good, we’ll head out, I’ll see you in a couple hours, don’ enjoy those meetings too much.” Kyungsoo said making Baekhyun laugh.


“Oh you know I will, have fun you two, MiRae give mommy a hug and kiss before you go.” MiRae ran up and gave Baekhyun a hug and a kiss.


“Bye bye mommy, I love you, I’ll see you later.” She said as her and Kyungsoo left the house. Kyungsoo simply gave a wave before disappearing into the hallway.




Baekhyun got out of his car and walked into the hospital and straight into his office, there were a couple of folders sitting on his desk, he walked up and sat down in his chair as he checked through them, one was an overview of the surgery he did two days before, another was a patient’s MRI results, and the last was a simple medication report for his mother that he’d requested a couple days before.


He sighed before checking his watch, his meeting was starting in five minutes, he reluctantly got up from his seat and made his way to the meeting room on the top floor. He sat with the other directors and the head nurses as well, the meeting was about an hour long and covered how the hospital functioned and how they were doing as a whole staff. Baekhyun’s department that dealt with emergencies, as he was the director of the ER, was doing a good job along with Kyungsoo who worked with Baekhyun on surgeries but more on helping them with recovering, checking their stitches and casts and what not.


The meeting ended and Baekhyun remained seated with everyone else as the topic changed to the financial part of the hospital, nothing that was really his concern. No matter, he still had to sit through the next hour meet whether he wanted to or not. The whole thing was making him a little drowsy and he was beyond thankful when the meetings ended and he headed back to his office and slumped back in his chair. He checked his watch again, it was around one in the afternoon now. He let out a breath before closing his eyes for a minute, he let out another breath before getting up and grabbing his white jacket from his coat rack and walking over grabbing one of the black folders again, opening it, he checked thoroughly over the patients MRI results, everything looked good, nothing too out of the ordinary, definitely nothing life threatening.


As he stood in his office, outside his closed office door a young man was walking back and forth almost having an internal war with himself before he finally decided to open the door.


Baekhyun looked up hearing the door open, his eyes landed on a tall young man with deep red hair dressed in an all black business suit and grey coat, the young man was looking directly back at him, almost mesmerized. Baekhyun then took a good look at him and his eyes widened and his breath immediately hitched.


“Chanyeol..” he said softly, barely a whisper.


The man the smiled at him and walked towards him, pulling him into a hug “I’ve finally found you..” he said as he held a beyond shocked Baekhyun.


Suddenly there were sirens and lights flashing and Baekhyun’s office door burst open “Director! There’s a serious emergency! You’re needed right now!” it was his head nurse of the ER and she looked scared.


Baekhyun immediately got out of Chanyeol’s

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Beau1996 1382 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading through my subscriptions - featured story but alas unfinished 😕
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Chapter 10: Only a dream - sigh 😔
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Chapter 1: It to be left alone the next morning...
Silence_soul238 #5
will you ever update this authornim?
Chapter 39: Update again ah....Hunhan!Hunhan!Hunhan! This story is awesome and little MiRae is so cute and bubbly
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 39: Love the fic,update if u can =)
Kkyungxoo #9
Chapter 39: Cant hardly wait to the next chapter. Please finished this story author nim
wallflowerbaek #10
Chapter 38: update soon!!