Let’s end it here

Mr. Black Sequel (EXO Kai Fanfiction - Oneshot Collection)
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At the law firm office

A fifty-year-old-something man came into Jongin’s office. Though he had gray hair and wore an old-fashioned reading glasses, he still looked very good in his black suit as his body was tall and well-built. Once you saw him, you might think he was a general of an army or something. He looked strong and intimidating.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Kim.” The man greeted while showing Jongin a smile – the enigmatic one.

“Oh, it’s an honor to have you here, Mr. Kang. Please have a seat.” Fully knew who he was dealing with, Jongin returned the gesture with a great hospitality. He got up from his seat and smiled back at his guest.

“Thank you.”

Right after Mr. Kang took his seat, Jongin threw him a question.

“So, what brings a successful businessman to a commoner like me?”

“Oh trust me, you’re not a commoner. Respectable lawyer it is.”

Jongin chuckled, “I’m not sure. But, is that the reason why you want to see me, sir?”

“You must have known. It is not.” Mr. Kang showed Jongin another mysterious smile. But surely, it was not as mysterious to Jongin. He knew better what that meant. And so, he looked at Mr. Kang straight in the eyes, to clearly declare his refusal.

“My bad, I have to disappoint you then.”

“You won’t. I’ll make you receive my honor, Kai.” At the mention of ‘Kai’, Mr. Kang emphasized what he really expected from Jongin. He wanted him to be back on the field. That was for sure.  

“I don’t think I can do what you want me to do, sir. You’re no longer a leader. And I’m no longer an agent.” Jongin made his point.

“Please don’t make me use some delicate methods, son.” Mr. Kang showed a smirk afterwards.

“Excuse me?”

“What time is it? Will college students go back home at this hour? You know, I’ve heard that your wife is also a college student. I wonder what time she will go back home.”

Listening to every single word rolled out of Mr. Kang’s tongue made Jongin’s muscles tensed up. Such a filthy threat. It was quite unpleasing, indeed. Well, who wouldn’t be mad knowing his wife was about to be abducted? Jongin was not an exception. She loved Hana and would never let anything bad happen to her. But seriously, this time, he had to suppress his anger if he wanted everything to be alright. So, staying cool and composed was the only way he could do at the moment.

“Well, she should be dismissed from class, at this hour exactly.” Jongin informed.

“Should I help you to pick her up?”

“I believe I can’t prevent you from doing so.”

“So, what can I do to return your kindness?”

“It would be an easy job, son. Playing shadow, your favorite game.”

Just when Jongin was about to retort, his phone vibrated. It was Hana calling. And so, Jongin picked the phone up while glaring at the old man sitting before him. Jongin was not going to give the old man any mercy if Hana was in a total danger.

“Go with them.” That was what Jongin said.

“What? Are you kidding me?” Unbelievable, Hana widened her eyes at the remark of her husband.

“I’m not. Relax Hana, they will definitely take you to see me. This mister sitting before me has promised so.” Jongin’s glare at Kang Jaehyuk was getting intense, demanding the approval of what he had said to Hana. Fortunately, Jaehyuk nodded afterwards.

“You’d better not fool me, oppa.”

“I’ll explain everything to you later.” Jongin hung up and talked to Mr. Kang immediately.

“Mister Kang, please let my wife out of this business. I may not be motivated to complete the deal.”

“Sorry, but that’s not my way in doing business. I’ll have your wife stay with me instead. That way, you’ll definitely be doing the best.”

“I think you fail to understand me, sir. But let me tell you. I’ll be doing the best when I and my wife work together. We were once a partner.”

“That’s unexpected. I’ve never got any record about her.”

Jongin shrugged his shoulders. Back then, Hana was just a temporary agent under his supervision. So, she barely had any high-rated record. But Jongin was not going to tell Jaehyuk about that.

“So, what’s her specialty?”

“Technical stuffs.”

“I see. Then, let her in.”

“Sure, in one condition.”

“And what is that?”

“Nobody is allowed to touch her.”

“The consequence?”

“You have no idea what I’m capable of.”

“That’s why you want me.”

“Secretary Hong. Come in!”

A girl in her thirty walked into the room, thereafter. She bowed at Kang Jaehyuk, then handed Jongin a document. There, Jongin finally understood what he had to do. And as expected, it was not going to be easy. Anyway, how was it going to be easy when he had to break into a huge mansion with super tight security system and fetch something from there all alone? Then again, this mansion belonged to one of the elites in today’s political world. It was a bad thing if he was caught in the act. His good reputation as a lawyer was seriously in jeopardy.

“That’s the protocol. Make sure you stick to it, son.”

“I will. No worries.”

While Jongin was analyzing the document to check what kind of rules he had to obey in order to do this mission, someone called him out.  

“Oppa!” It was Hana. She had arrived at Jongin’s office.

“You can’t go inside miss!”

“Stop aiming the gun at me! You make me upset, polar bear dude!” Hana mocked the guard who was about ten times bigger than her size. She was seriously annoyed with the kidnapping scenario plotted by this polar bear dude. She had been hancuffed all the way to Jongin’s office, and that was not pleasing at all.

“I forgive you for calling me bear, miss. So back off!”

“Oh! I don’t ask you to forgive me anyway. And just so you know, this is my husband’s office. Why in the world you ban me from going in?”

“Put the gun down.” Jaehyuk said as he smiled in amusement seeing the angry Hana fought with his guard.

The polar bear dude, as Hana referred him, obeyed Kang Jaehyuk. He and his squad bowed then retreated, letting Hana rushing her steps to finally came to Jongin’s embrace.

“She’s such a lovely girl. No wonder you want me to get my hands off her.”

“I’m pleased you understand.”

“Keep the deal in mind, son. I want to hear a good news from you soon.”

“As you wish.”

After showing his infamous smile, the old man and his secretary walked out of the room, leaving Hana and Jongin alone eventually.

“So, they are just leaving like that? What about this handcuff? They seriously have some issues with their idiotic mind!”

“Now, now, baby. Let me take it off for you.”

While Jongin was trying to take off the handcuff with his personal equipments, Hana sat on his chair while silently reading the document placed on the desk.

“What’s this?”

“Just a document.”

“Don’t try to fool me. Are we going to have a dirty mission, or what?”

“Exactly like you say.”

“And why do you think I should be involved in it?”

“Because that way, it’s easier for me to protect you.”

“But we are in danger. I’ve heard from those idiot men that he was a corrupt leader of our government’s police force. Have you lost your mind for complying to his order?”

“I’ve got no better choice. You’ll get some lessons tonight.”

“What lessons?”

“Some cool technical jobs. You know, like tracking down bad guys and hacking some electronic devices. I’ll be your tutor. Be honored for that, darling.”

“Geez...” Hana shook her head then massaged her temple.

“Please don’t be mad, Hana. I know it is crazy but....”

“Hush!” Hana put her index finger forcefully on Jongin’s lips.

“I’ve totally understood about this kind of terrible situation. It’s not something new.”

“So, are you in?”

“Guess so. Let’s go home for now. Train me and get ready to be impressed.”

“Love the confidence.”

“Correct that. You love everything about me.”

“Sure thing, my pretty lady.”




In front of the college building

“You are too late, oppa!”

“I’m sorry, I met my college friend on the way here.”

A woman suddenly got off from the front door of the car. It was obvious that the girl had taken the front seat next to Jongin, and that was the reserved seat which had never been taken by anyone else, but Hana. Terrible! Hana was pissed off to know the fact.

“Hello, are you Hana?” The woman came approaching Hana and offered her a handshake confidently. She did not even bother to call Hana Miss. Kim or the like just to respect her at some point. She just adressed her as Hana.

“I am. And, who are you?” Holding the upset feeling building up inside, Hana showed her best fake smile and gripped the woman’s hand rather firmly.

“I’m Yoon Chohee, Jongin’s best friend since we were in college.” She handed Hana her business card, obviously to inform Hana who she really was.

“Divorce lawyer.” Hana read the paper she was holding.

“Yes, I am. You can save my card, in case you need my service in the future.”

“Oh, thanks! How thoughtful you are.” Hana chuckled bitterly.

“I’m fluttered.” While the woman, she widened her smile intentionally. Hana could tell what the woman’s motive was. But again, she tried to play cool. She would not be ing.

“So, shall we go, oppa?” Hana headed for the back door of the car.

“Wait, but why are you going there?” Jongin was slightly confused looking at Hana’s behavior.

“I’m taking the backseat. Miss. Yoon can have the front one. She is the guest afterall.”

“Thanks again, Hana.”

“No problem.”

Along the way, Jongin and Chohee talked almost all the time about many cases in the court, their lives after college, and many more. They enjoyed the conversation so much that never once in a while the two of them made a chance for Hana to be involved in it. More than feeling annoyed, Hana just pretended to sleep while listening to the music using her earphone, all alone in the backseat. It was too damn bothersome for her to listen to those lovebirds talking nonsense. She’d better leave them alone, even if her heart could never allow it.   

“Hana, we’re here.” Jongin turned back to tell Hana after pulling a break in front of their home.

“Right, so?” Hana opened her eyes and stared at Yoon Chohee from the rear view mirror. And as expected, the woman stared at her back.

“You can go home first. I’ll join you later after taking Chohee home. Are you okay with that?” Jongin asked Hana who didn’t bother looking at him even just a glance.

“It’s not like you give me a choice.”

“Hana, I didn’t mean that.”

“I’m leaving, then. See you again, Miss. Yoon. Have a fun ride with my husband.” Hana maintained her stiff smile, and then open the car door. She was ready to get off.

“See you Hana. I’m borrowing Jongin for now. Please do take a good rest. You look tired. I don’t want your dark circles to get worse.” Hana knew it. Yoon Chohee was trying to provoke her. She wanted Hana to throw a fit at her. But, of course, Hana wouldn’t give it to her. If she did, she was lost in the battlefield.

“Thanks. You really are thoughtful, Miss. Yoon."




At home

“I need a release!” Hana shouted as soon as she entered her home. She then walked to the living room, threw her bag on sofa, took off her denim jacket, leaving her only with black tank top and jeans. Thereafter, she stormed into the exercise room, took a pair of red boxing gloves and beat the hell out of the puching bag while screaming out loud with no bits of hesitation in its every decible.

“Apple! Melon! Bananaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Every after dozens of punches, Hana also didn’t miss the chance to flood her emotion out through her deadly flying kicks on the hanging bag. Remembering every bits of the previous scenes before she came home made her whole body hot, so much hot like it was burning in a huge fire. If you were a fan of Dragon Ball, you might as well imagine Hana was in the famous Goku’s Super Seiyan mode.


The bell rang, indicating someone was coming.

“Just who the hell is coming? You’re so disturbing! Don’t you know that? You rotten Bananaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Hana cried out loud, once again. But this time, she managed to stop destructing the punching bag. She stormed out of the exercise room until she eventually slammed the front door open.

“Hana, what were you doing? I thought I heard you screaming.” It was Jongin. Of course, it was him.

“Exercising.” Hana shoved her fist which was covered by the boxing glove, right on Jongin’s face.

“Lawyer Yoon. She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

“She is.”

“You have such a good pair of eyes.” Hana patted Jongin lightly on the cheek, again by using her big gloves.

“Why asking me that?”

“Nope. Just checking if your senses are working well. I’m afraid you were halucinating when you heard me screaming. Because I was not. And now, I want to make sure your eyes are fine too.”

“Don’t you think you’re being weird, now?” Jongin frowned after listening to what Hana said.

“I’ve never been better. Look at me here, I’m sweating and currently very energetic that I swear my muscles are very active and are not hesitant to maybe punch you in the face if you let me to.”

“Hana, don’t tell me. Are you....” Jongin narrowed his eyes as he was reading his wife’s expression.

“Whatever you are thinking, it’s not what I’m thinking.” Being aware of Jongin’s annoying speculation, Hana was fast to dodge it by immediately turning around and walked away from him. But well, the escape couldn’t be that smooth. With his natural agility, Jongin was faster to throw his hand around Hana’s shoulder and pulled her back till she landed on his chest.

“Come with me. I got something to teach you.” Soon after, Jongin dragged Hana with him to head for their bedroom upstairs.

“Not now. I need a me time!” Hana resisted firmly.

“Owh, come on. We’re running out of time, Hana.”

“Then, let me punch your !”

“What? Ouch! Stop it!” Without asking further permission, Hana released herself from Jongin then stood behind him just to give punches on him right on the .

“No! If you want me to come with you, give up your !”

“Fine! Fine! Just do as you like!”





At the mission location

“You know what? My ’s still burning. You shouldn’t have attacked me there.”

“Well, that’s not my fault. I’ve already requested for a me time, but you forced me t

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Chapter 17: Sifjjfo a babyyyy :D
Chapter 16: That's really funny ^o^. Who's plan this? Kai? Daebak
Kailipseu #3
Chapter 14: jongin is back!! i can't wait for next chapter~~~~
Kailipseu #4
Chapter 12: omg i've been waiting for your update cries finally!! I can't wait for next chapter, I want to see hana & jongin tgt. keep it up dear. really like your stories.
Kailipseu #5
Chapter 11: can't wait for next chapter!!! so curious to know what will hana do sobs
Kailipseu #6
Chapter 10: omg hahaha that last part tho sehun is so funny. i love this chapter. can't wait for your next update <33333
Kailipseu #7
Chapter 9: omg can't wait for your next update ^^
Chapter 7: What happened here?! I'm lost and confused and angry and worried! >.<
Why author nim? T^T
Chapter 6: Omg they are soooo cute. Haha.
Mini balloons and baby's food source.
Thanks for the update author-nim~ ❤
Chapter 6: Hahahahaaha this is great! Mini balloons! I would be so embarrassed >.<
Thanks for the update! I love it!