Mandy-Lee - "Who wouldn't want him as there boyfriend?!"




who wouldn't want him as there boyfriend!?


"What do you mean? You're leaving me.." one single tear fell down my cheek. "Why? What did I do?"  I thought of all the things we said, what we did. 

Did the 'I love you' mean nothing to him?

 They meant everything to me.

"You did nothing. It’s not you, it’s me" was his finale goodbye before he walked out with me standing in the middle of the street, heartbroken.

"I hate Valentine’s day." I mumbled with a passion of hate in my voice. I hated everything now days. My friend Derek was getting pretty sick of it. Honestly, I didn't really care. "It’s just a lame excuse for boyfriends to be nice to their girlfriend for a day. But they should be nice for every single day. It’s so stupid." I babbled at Derek.

He pretended to nod his head in agreement, but he was on his iPod looking at stuff. "Yeah, I totally agree. Boyfriends nice, every day. Yeah, okay." He lied to me. "You know what I was thinking?" He put his iPod away. That usually was a sign that he was going to make a big lecture to me. "I think you need a hobby or something. You're turned...dark...Ever since, you know..." He dragged off.

"I don't know. I don't really have a hobby, I never that of that." I noted to him. I did, when I was like was finger painting, such a hobby. He grabbed my hand and forced me to get up. "Come one, we're going to look in the Office and asking what they have as clubs are here. Maybe you can...quilt or something." 

I laughed a hard laugh. "Me? Quilting? Yeah, right." I mumbled. I forced my feet down. He was going to have to drag me all the way to the office, which included 3 flights of stairs. 

"I will carry you up to the office." He looked at me with a hard stare. You never underestimate Derek. He may look cute and innocent. But, he’s not...

 I pouted, and rolled my eyes... "Fine, but we're going after school."  

*after school*

After a painful 20 minutes, of flipping through pamphlets and more pamphlets. We still didn't find a club for me. "You know..Maybe this is a sign.." I mumbled as I put my last pamphlet down. Derek lifted up his eyebrow. "That maybe I wasn't supposed to find a club."

Derek laughed, "Yeah, right. Okay, I got the perfect one. You like dancing, right?" I slowly nodded my head. He handed me the pamphlet. I groaned, no way. No freaking way.

"As if, I'm not going to join the cheerleading team."  I snapped at him, I hated cheerleaders. They hurt my ears, from there squealing. 

"You'd be perfect. You love dancing, and music. You are good at dancing~" He encouraged me. 

"You are supposed to be positive to me; I'm your best friend!" I blamed him; I covered my face with my eyes. 

"You can't join art; you have zero art skills whatsoever. You won't join sports, because you hate sports. You won't go in Drama because you hate it. Is there anything you don't hate?!" Derek asked me. I thought about that...I hated school...I hated people in it...

"I don't hate you!" I smiled at him. 

"I'd like to think so." he smiled at me. "But, you are going to sign up whether you like it or not." He stood up and started walking towards the secretary in the office. I shook my head, nope. I wasn’t. Over my dead body. He smiled mysteriously at me. "Let’s bet something..." 

I narrowed my eyes at him. He knew how much I liked betting him, since...I always won. I arched my eyebrow at him. "100 bucks you can’t last 4 months with cheerleading."

I scoffed. "100 bucks I can last 4 months." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're on."

*4 months later.*

"HA! How long has it been!? Oh yeah, that’s right. 4 months!" I grinned at Derek after my cheerleading practice. "Hm, what should I get with my hundred bucks?" I bragged to him, he rolled his eyes.  "LALALALALALA I WON! LALALALALA! I WON!" I yelled going down the halls.

“Yeah, okay…You won. I knew you’d win, though. You always do.” I giggled. “But you got to admit, you have been a lot happier since you started cheerleading.”

I thought about it, I have been a lot happier. I didn’t think about him, I felt happy. “Yeah, you are right. I should have just listened to you.” I grinned at him. “For making me happy, you can get 15 dollars off of your 100 bucks.”

“LAST ONE TO THE LOCKER IS A ROOTTEN EGG!” he yelled before he ran around the corner, I heard him laughing ahead of me. I rolled my eyes.

“HEY THAT’S NOT FAIR!” I yelled as I took off after him. Our locker was on the very top of our school, on the 4th floor. “OH! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to run into you.” I bowed at the man; it was thing I picked up when I visited my grandma in Korea in the summer.

“Oh, here. Have this card.” He gave me a card, and smiled at me. I looked at the card. ‘ – have a boyfriend in 24 hours or less!’ wow, what a line. “Check it out.”

“Thank you?” I asked him. He laughed at me, before walking away from me, and going down the stairs. “Well, that’s a bit weird.” I mumbled to myself before turning around to find Derek and tell him the weird man that stopped me.

The man was kind of handsome, in a way. In a strange way, he was kind of old. But, still handsome, I thought.I guess I’ll just have to see the website when I go home.

*at home*

I logged on my laptop, and typed in the website. It honestly looked like a scam but you know. I was nosey. I read the site a bit. Wait, how did the guy know I liked k-pop? I wondered to myself. That’s even creepier.

It told me to fill in your perfect boyfriend. “Meh, my as well do it.” I mumbled before filling out the quiz.

‘Thank you~! He will be there in 15 hours or less!’I laughed, at that. Yeah, right. It was probably just a scam.

I woke up with my doorbell ringing. What do you want? Why are here so early? I opened my eyes, they were blurry. I looked at my alarm clock. Its only 7…and it’s a Saturday! I cursed at the person who kept on ringing the stupid doorbell.

I went to the door in my pj’s, my hair a mess, and my eyes still blurry. “Hi..” I smiled, not really all there. “What can I do for you?” The more I looked at the guy standing there, smiling. “HEY! You are the guy that gave me the card!” I accused him.

He laughed. “So you did listen to me. Sorry to wake you up but it’s been 15 hours-“he got interrupted

“It was real!?!” I yelled at him, my eyes bulging out. “I thought it was joke...” he shook his eyed, and pointed to the box beside him. “…It’s in there..?” I asked him.

He nodded his head. “Can I drop him off in your living room?” He asked me. I nodded my head.

“Well, I hope you know how to activate him.” I shook my head. “Oh, well…you have to kiss him on the lips. Okay, alright. I’m done here. Have fun, with your boyfriend.” He smiled at turned around and walked out the door.

“So, I guess it’s just you and me, buddy.” I mumbled at the box. Thank god my mom and dad worked a lot, or else this would be a tad odd.

I cooked myself some breakfast before sitting on my couch and faced the box. Should I do it? I stared at the box. “Oh, what the hell.” I mustered before I stood up and grabbed a pair of scissors. I ripped the box open.

I poked my head in the box, there stood a very tall Kan. I felt my cheeks heat up. He looked so real. I decided to poke him in the cheeks to actually see if he was real. My eyes were huge, it felt like real skin. I ran my fingers in his hair. “Whoa. This is so weird.” I then realized he had no clothes on. “AH! What the hell!” I covered my eyes up with my fists. I didn’t want to see this.

“That’s so not cool. Why don’t they put clothes on this thing!” I yelled at the box. I walked upstairs and got some of my dad’s clothes. I grabbed the coolest pairs of clothes he has, but it was limited since he was a lawyer.

Okay, it was time to activate him. I look up at Kan lips. He was so tall. I had to go on my tippy toes and kiss him, at first it just felt like I was kissing a wall. I thought this stupid robot was broken or something.

I felt him lightly kiss me back. My cheeks were instantly going red. He put his hands on each side of my face, and pulled me closer towards him. I pulled my head away from his. My eyes instantly going big.

“Wh-wh-wh-what are you doing?” I asked him, scared. He smiled at me.

“Hi..I’m…I don’t know my name…What’s my name?” Kan, well not-so-real Kan looked at me, a blank look on his face.

“They didn't give you a name?” Ah crap, how could I think with a Kan in front of me? Kan... that had abs...That had the perfect hair..That.. Who wouldn't want him as a boyfriend?! “AH~ Put clothes on first!” I closed my eyes tight. I threw the clothes at him, and turned around.

“You are my girlfriend?” I thought about it. Was I his girlfriend? Not technically. But why not? Again, Who wouldn’t want Kan has there boyfriend?

“Uh. I think I am.” I mumbled, he tapped my shoulder. I jumped at him doing that.

“I’m done. What’s your name? What’s my name, girlfriend?” Kan voice was deep, it was really deep. It was hard listening to it, without my mouth drooling. I smiled.

“My names Mandy-Lee and your name is Kevin Jo.” I said with a grin. I liked the name, now I can call him Jo-Jo as nickname.

He gave a kiss again, before smiling. Maybe after all, this whole “absolute boyfriend” was a good thing. 




HELLO! its kjeanseymour..and  you probably hate me. im slow. really slow. im not like KMLZee who can write for hours, and not get sidetracked...I don't know how she does it. Its  3.00 am ..don't blame me if it . I know, it probably does. but you probably get the general idea of Mandy. (: have fun readingg. niiiighty night. or..g'morning~! :)

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cool chappie!!!nice one!!!
awesome chapter :3 !
Well.. I did the other one too xDD<br />
Me likey the first chapter~ Dongho <33<br />
Update soon!~~
I sent the form~ ^^ And I totally love the first chapter! :D It'll be so cool to see 'Dongho' robot cooking! xD Congrats to the other chosen ones~
yay i am minor character >D XD
Sent the form! :D<br />
And OMG, the 1st chappie was so funny. xDD HAHA<br />
and kissing...o.o LOLS
KikaLee #7
Unni, I think I filled out the sheet but I had to show my ahjusshi the picture on the form so I pressed 'back'...<br />
If I didn't do it, I like... I will do it again. :P<br />
OMG I am the oldest... FOR ONCE. LOL<br />
I will be your unni in this story! FOR BOTH OF YOU! >:D<br />
BAHAHAHA YunMi's funny... I like her way of thinking. It reminds me of a certain someone. ;) <br />
ANYWAYS good update. :P
cherryblossom- #8
I filled out the new form~<br />
I was suppose to, ne? (Mianhae, just a little slow today~ TT_TT)
cherryblossom- #9
Ahhh~ Thank you for choosing me~!<br />
I smiled sooo big seeing my name here... <br />
gamsahabnida! ^-^
Yay! I have my very own place up there :D<br />
Thank you for picking me <3<br />
I love you~ xDD