Kang YunMi





Tired was written all over my face. My feet got heavier while walking to the white door, the door that led to my wonderful bed. Every thought that came to mind, I would careless. It just didn’t seem to be important to me at the moment. School really does drains you until all you got is nothing. 
“YunMi, I’m going on the computer first!” My little sister SunAe shouted before disappearing inside. I never wanted to go on the computer anyway. Today felt really lazy. Clouds covered every inch of the sky and it rained most of the time. When it turned 2 O’ clock it finally looked like it was morning. Strange I’ll say. 
So, today was a lazy day. Nothing weird happened or anything. Wait I think something did happen. I’m too tired to think about it. I’m going to bed. 
***( 9:45pm at Kang YunMi’s house)***
“YunMi, come here!” SunAe yelled again. I sat up from my bed. She’s been doing that for a while and it’s bugging me. Why is she yelling in the first place. She probably wants to show me something stupid again. Resisting not to move, my curiosity over took me. I’m just too curious!
“What?” I asked. 
“Come here!” Was he only response. She always gets me curious but when I get there, there’s nothing good. Well, she does show me some funny you tube videos from time to time. 
I got up and made my way to the computer room. (Living room) She had a interesting site open. AbsoluteKpop? Must be something about kpop. I laughed at the thought. Of course it has something to do with kpop but what? What is that site?
“it’s a virus.” I pointed with a plain boring voice. The young girl shock her head making her bangs out of place. 
“NO, it’s like that drama we watched.” SunAe protested. I went closer to the screen and blinked a few times. I made sure I wasn’t seeing things. Was it really not a virus? “You have to fill it out.”
“What?” I cocked an eyebrow. 
“Because that’s what it said. It said Kang YunMi please fill out the application.” SunAe said sternly. Laughing, I sat on one of the chairs near the computer.
“Where?” I said with a smirk.
“Your face book, MSN, and AFF.” She said pointing to the messages. 
“Why are you on those?” I asked flatly. That’s when I remembered. I rushed to my backpack and pulled out a card. On the card it said www.AbsoluteKpop.com
Today at school this weird guy came up to me giving me this card. He said he’s been watching me and said I looked alone. What a weird guy. I thought he was some kind of ert. A handsome ert. Wait!! He’s not handsome. I’m going crazy because of lack of sleep. 
“Yamamoto Hayate,” I whispered. So if I do this weird thing I get a boyfriend? A robot boyfriend. I don’t think I should do this. What would I do if I had a boyfriend? Do I really need one? 
SunAe got up and pushed me toward her seat. She smiled and walked away. That was weird. SunAe always wants to go on the computer and she’s letting me on the computer to do this damn thing? I narrowed my eyes toward the direction she went.
“When your done I’m going back on!” She sang. 
I was nearly done the application or whatever it was. This information holds my perfect boyfriend. I sighed. That’s when I had to pick how my boyfriend should look like. Every single kpop star was there. And I mean everyone of them. It’s so hard to pick one. Okay, think deeply about this. 
He should be around my age or older. Jonghyun! No, he’s way too old. People might mistake him for my Dad or something. If my Mom or Dad found out I was dating someone that age, they would freak. It just doesn’t seem normal in my family. I accept it but yeah. Age doesn’t matter. 
I might not be able to pick Jonghyun. U-Kiss, I put into the search bar. That’s when I saw Dongho. I clicked his name and it was done. 
When I finished it said,” Well be arriving in 20 hours. Have a nice day!” It was done. Suddenly I felt nervous and stupid. Why would I do that stupid thing! This is killing me! My computer is going to get a virus now! 
When school started and finished I got my mind off of that thing. The thing that was supposed to arrive at my house. Oh god! What is my parents going to think? The bus stopped but I felt like staying. 
I just gave up and convinced myself that ‘thing’ wont come. Like that thing would come. I just hope my computer isn’t broken by now. It should be safe right? That guy Hayate said it was. 
As soon as I got inside my house. Hayate was inside talking to my parents. They both had a big smile on their faces while Hayate smiled to. What’s going on? I asked myself. Hayate looked at me for a second and turned back to my parents. My Mom soon noticed me. With a bright smile on her face she waved me over.
“YunMi," She practically sang. I walked toward the ert and my parents. “Were going on vacation for a week.” 
“It’s amazing. We get first class and everything,” My Dad grinned. 
“I only got three tickets,” Hayate said looked at my parents seriously. Their expressions dropped. 
“That means one of us has to stay home? I’ll stay,” My Dad said sternly. 
“No, I will. You guys and SunAe should go on vacation. Have fun. I’ll be okay. I’m the oldest so I can take care of myself,” I said feeling bad that I might ruin the good happy vibe in the air. Take care of myself? How am I going to do that? I can’t even cook. My Dad always tells me I’m going to make a lousy wife. Guess what Dad I don’t plan on having a husband. When I know what I want to do with my career I will never give it up. 
“Awe, YunMi. Are you sure?” My Mother asked.
“Yes, I’m sure!” I asked as I punched the air. “I can do it!”
With my ‘sure’ words they started packing. Why did I do that? I should go on vacation to. I pouted at the thought. I’m going to be alone and no one telling me anything for a week! I could have been dancing like crazy but I kept my cool. 
“Hayate, when is that thing coming?” I asked as I looked at the tall man. He looked down. I feel sad when he does that. Am I really that short? 
“Soon. Why do you ask?” The black haired guy said. 
“Do I have to kiss that thing just to make it work?” I whispered feeling nervous. 
“No.” He said and looked up a head. A wall? He should look at something different then a wall. Like that fly that’s been buzzing around. Damn you bug! 
“Really?” I asked with excitement.
“No. You watched the drama right? Or the manga,” He laughed. So, it really is going to happen like that. “I also registered him in school. So, he can keep care of you. You parents would go crazy if anything happened to you.” 
“Are you serious?” I asked looking down. “Am I the only one that has a thing like him?”
“There is seven other girls,” Hayate counted his fingers. I widened my eyes. Seven!
“Wouldn’t it seem weird for eight girls to out of no where to  get a boyfriend that looks like a kpop star?” I asked making my point. 
“That’s why you change the name,” He said lowly. Like that would make a difference. Well, maybe a little. 
“Like a puppy,” I laughed. 
“YunMi, were leaving now! Be careful and be well. Make sure you eat and keep the house clean,” My Mom kissed my cheek before going outside to the a long black car. Soon my family was gone. They said their goodbyes. Hayate also left when I got ‘him’. The package was in the living room. Oh no! Now what am I going to do? Maybe I’ll just leave him in there when the week is over. Good plan. 
I went on as everyday after school until I got hungry. I don’t know how to cook and I’m scared I might burn down the house. I’m hungry though. In that thing I said he had to be a good cook. I also listed all the favourite foods he had to be good at cooking.
Slowly going toward the living room, I stopped to stare at the big box. I opened the box. When I looked at the boy laying inside he was . Oh god! I jumped back covering my eyes. How am I going to kiss him now? I’m so hungry though! YES! I’ll just get a blanket and throw it at him and he will be covered up. 
He’s covered up now and I still can’t get myself to kiss him. My cheeks went bright red. This is embarrassing. I just need to lean in and slightly press my lips against his and he will wake up and make me food. Okay I can do it! I can’t do it. It’s just too weird. 
Closing my eyes and leaning in, my lips touched his. I tried to pull away but he kissed me back. My eyes opened quickly. I was so shocked. He was holding my face in his hands. His eyes were closed but then opened to meet mine. Finally he let go of me. I moved away from him as fast as I could. 
That thing’s a ert, I don’t remember putting ert on that thing. The Dongho thing looked at me with a sweet smile. He got up from the box he was in and the blanket fell down. I covered my eyes as fast when I saw it slightly fall. 
“You’re my girlfriend, right?” I heard his voice come closer. I didn’t bother to nod my head for a yes. I felt too freaked out. “Hello girlfriend?”
“Hi,” I managed to say with my eyes still covered. 
“Aren’t you going to name me?” He asked. He sounded just like Dongho and he certainly looks like Dongho. 
I opened my eyes looking at ‘Dongho’. He was close to me again. I kept my eyes at his face. 
“You should cover up," I said he just looked down. Dongho then grabbed the blanket and put it over me. I took the blanket off and shoved it toward him. “No! Cover your body with this.”
“I like you, girlfriend.” He smiled holding the blanket against him. 
“My name isn’t girlfriend. It’s Kang YunMi,” I said in a matter of fact tone. 
“Kang YunMi. My girlfriend.” He said slowly. “What’s my name?” He pointed toward himself. 
“Darren Smith,” I smiled. It’s a cool name. 
Hello!~ There. :3 So, now you should have a better idea of the story. Not really but yeah. So I was the Author before then I decided just to be co author. I already have a lot of stories. 
People unsubscribed. If they didn’t unsubscribe they were still going to be in the story. Their loss. So we have two minor characters. And I have something you guys have to fill out. 
Everyone must fill this out


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cool chappie!!!nice one!!!
awesome chapter :3 !
Well.. I did the other one too xDD<br />
Me likey the first chapter~ Dongho <33<br />
Update soon!~~
I sent the form~ ^^ And I totally love the first chapter! :D It'll be so cool to see 'Dongho' robot cooking! xD Congrats to the other chosen ones~
yay i am minor character >D XD
Sent the form! :D<br />
And OMG, the 1st chappie was so funny. xDD HAHA<br />
and kissing...o.o LOLS
KikaLee #7
Unni, I think I filled out the sheet but I had to show my ahjusshi the picture on the form so I pressed 'back'...<br />
If I didn't do it, I like... I will do it again. :P<br />
OMG I am the oldest... FOR ONCE. LOL<br />
I will be your unni in this story! FOR BOTH OF YOU! >:D<br />
BAHAHAHA YunMi's funny... I like her way of thinking. It reminds me of a certain someone. ;) <br />
ANYWAYS good update. :P
cherryblossom- #8
I filled out the new form~<br />
I was suppose to, ne? (Mianhae, just a little slow today~ TT_TT)
cherryblossom- #9
Ahhh~ Thank you for choosing me~!<br />
I smiled sooo big seeing my name here... <br />
gamsahabnida! ^-^
Yay! I have my very own place up there :D<br />
Thank you for picking me <3<br />
I love you~ xDD