VIXX Oneshots


a new beginning
Leo acts out of his character as he surprises his girlfriend during a dinner party.

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I felt my stomach clench in excitement as I answered the door. Taekwoon was leaning against the wall across from my apartment, staring down as he kicked a spot with his shoe lightly. He looked up when the door opened but said nothing, his expression the usual blank slate, face void of emotion, but I could see the real him. The small upper turn of his lips and affection in his eyes, the way his eyes lingered on certain areas of my body. I could feel my cheeks getting warm under his gaze and I couldn't help but notice he looked divine in his simple black tux, hands tucked into his pants pockets. He pulled them free as I stepped into the hall and locked the door behind me.

I gave him a small wave, his reply a smile as he stepped away from the wall and held out his hand. His eyes still held the same intensity from before and the way his suit tugged in all the right places made me shiver. I slipped my hand into his easily, our fingers linking as we walked down the hall together.

"Where are we going?" I spoke as he led me to the elevator and we waited for the doors to open.

"A dinner party." He answered smoothly, pushing the button for the garage level one once we'd stepped inside.

I frowned. I wasn't sure I liked that we were going to a dinner party for our date but I trusted Taekwoon. I knew he wouldn't bring us somewhere ridiculous a few days before our one year anniversary, not in these outfits, for no reason.

"Is that why you told me to wear this?" I asked and he nodded, falling silent once more. I chewed on my bottom lip, unable to keep the disappointed feeling swirling in my gut as the elevator doors opened.

"You look really pretty." Taekwoon murmured, eyes going over my black dress. The front of my dress was simple with jewels lining under my s, hugging my curves while the back dipped low to the small of my back. Taekwoon's hand slid free of mine and moved to rest on the small of my back, the heat of his hand and where he'd placed it making me tremble.

"Why are we going to this?" I asked as we made our way to the waiting car. I stopped us before we could make it completely there. "This doesn't seem very special so close to our anniversary." I pouted.

Taekwoon stared at me briefly before he cupped my face in his hands and planted a kiss to my lips. I felt my knees go weak as he deepened it and I curled my arms around his waist. I loved when he showed affection first.

"Trust me." He murmured, pulling away slowly as he took my hand again.

He let me in first and then got in himself, instructing the driver to where we needed to go before closing us off with the barrier. He pulled me close, brushing his lips against my ear and neck. My cheeks flushed red and I pushed him away gently.

"The driver might see." I whispered and he smiled softly, pulling me back in for a kiss but doing nothing more.

"Then we’ll just wait until we get back home." He spoke and I felt myself blush even more. He chuckled softly, my arm but saying nothing else. I hid my face against his chest, trying to calm my sudden hormones at the thoughts bombarding me.

Our car drove us thirty minutes away to a rather nice hotel situated in the heart of Gangnam. The driver helped us out of the car and I took Taekwoon’s arm as we followed after the other guests, filing into the main lobby before we were directed to the hall where the event was being held.

I felt nervous, my palms a bit sweaty as I held my clutch. I was happy to see people I knew though. Maeri and Kira were here with Hyuk and Hongbin, a few of my coworkers, the other members of Vixx. I briefly wondered what this was all about as Taekwoon handed me a flute of champagne. I downed it quickly, my nerves growing. Taekwoon leaned near me and I shivered as his breath hit my ear.

"I need to go say hello to some people." He pressed a kiss to my temple and squeezed my hand before he left me to greet others. Maeri and Kira, along with Jaehwan's girlfriend who had just shown up also, swarmed me, pulling me further into the throng of people.

"Do you know what's going on?" Maeri asked, glancing over her shoulder at the boys who'd also huddled in a group with their respected peers.

"Not a clue." I answered, chewing on my lower lip.

"Jaehwan didn't even give me a head’s up. He just said we should go out tonight and what to wear." Chaemi grumbled, arms crossing over her chest, glaring over at the group where her boyfriend was.

"Taekwoon also." I sighed, "and our anniversary is a few days away so I was expecting something special. No offense."

They all smiled and waved me off. "Its fine." Kira answered, "We would be too if it was ours. Except maybe Maeri and Yunha, who are engaged and, in Maeri’s case, four months pregnant." She laughed and Maeri swatted at her, the slight roundness of her belly showing through in her dress.

I was glad to have them. We were all busy in our lives and relationships but these three -five, now that Yunha, Wonshik's girlfriend and the newest Sooyoung, Hakyeon's girlfriend, joined us- made me feel much better about the situation. We'd learned to support each other over the past few years and grew friendships of our own, excluding Maeri and Kira who'd already been friends before they started dating the boys, Hyuk and Hongbin.

I peeked over Maeri's shoulder to Taekwoon and the boys, huddled together also. I bit my lip, ringing my hands on my clutch. I was a bit upset this wasn't the date I'd imagined it to be, but with the others with me it made up for that fact some. Yes, this was beautiful and extravagant but I didn't want that. I wanted just a simple date with me and Taekwoon.

"Why don't you go talk to him." Chaemi spoke and I jumped lightly at her touch on my arm. I hadn't realized I'd spaced out. I sighed softly but nodded while Kira filled the other two on what was up. I squeezed through them and made my way over to the boys. Hyuk was the first to greet me with a wide smile and a hug.

"Congratulations again on the baby." I whispered and he laughed softly, pulling away.

"Thanks." he spoke, glancing over his shoulder. "You here to see hyung?" he asked and I nodded while the others greeted me.

"We'll give you some alone time." Hakyeon smiled as he patted my shoulder.

I watched them as they went to their significant others happily before I turned back to Taekwoon. He stared at me, his face unreadable as always. I'll admit sometimes it frustrated me that I never knew what was going on behind that poker face of his. Now was one of those times.

"Taekwoon-ah, what's going on? Why are we here? I thought we were going to do something different for our three year anniversary."

"I'm sorry it’s not what you expected in retrospect but I hope to make it up to you." He spoke, taking my hands in his. He pressed a kiss to my skin and let his intense gaze land on me. "I know our anniversary is a few days away and I wanted to do something special for you. I've been planning this for a while now. I-"

"Wait." I blurted out, my face getting hot, my gaze moving to look out at the crowd. Everyone was focused on us and in that moment, something clicked in my head with the way he was talking. I swallowed and glanced back at him. He was watching me quietly, patiently waiting to continue.

"Oh god..." I whispered.

"I was so happy when I spotted you in that coffee shop, even if the circumstances weren't the best. Taking you out of there was the happiest day for me. It had given me the courage to stand up and say I liked you and I'm hoping today will be another happy one." He spoke, giving me a slightly unreadable look on his face before he bent down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Oh god..." I whispered, my mouth falling open slightly. I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Kim Minah, will you marry me?" He spoke softly.

I stared at him, hundreds of thoughts flying through my head as I made him wait. Of course I wanted to marry him. I felt my stomach clench and release in nervous excitement. My hands trembling as I reached out for him. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I nodded, my hand touching the box with the ring in it; a simple princess cut diamond set it in a plain white gold band. I watched as the largest smile I'd ever seen from Taekwoon spread over his face. He stood and engulfed me in a hug, crushing me against his chest.

"You made me nervous when you didn't say anything." He whispered in my ear.

I gave a light chuckle as I cried against him. "Pabo. Why wouldn’t I want to marry you?"

He pulled away as the crowd gave off their excited cheers. He lifted my hand and slid the ring into place before he kissed me. His thumbs brushed my tears away as he planted another kiss on my forehead and then another to my cheeks before placing one more on my lips.

The girls and the rest of the members were quick to embrace us in hugs, their excitement and happiness for the two of us contagious. The boys all clapped Taekwoon on the back, joking how he was normally such a reserved person and never one for such public displays. Maeri and Yunha joked that with three of us engaged, the rest should be quick to follow, glancing at the last few members who remained unhitched and laughing as they gave off looks of embarrassment.

When I got a moment to myself I couldn't help but stare at the ring. Its simplicity was gorgeous and I was happy Taekwoon knew me well enough to know I didn't like things too flashy.

"Minah." He spoke softly and I glanced at him as he took my hand. "Thank you for coming out of the coffee shop with me."

I pressed a kiss to his lips, my arms going around his neck. I didn't care who saw. I was happy nothing could ruin this moment. "No, thank you." I whispered before I kissed him again.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this you! I wrote it as part of the Happy Holiday's AU, a while ago and finally got around to actually posting it. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed it! <3

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i seem to only be writing hyuk oneshots...whoops. let's try to change that.


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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 11: WOW this is so sweet!!!
_uniquelynghi #2
Chapter 10: ermagerd, that's me. ( o u o)
i loved it, thank you very much!
Your poster is available. Kindly pick it up at my thread.
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Good luck!
Chapter 9: omg thanks for this story ; u ; asdfghjkjeicne hyukkkk~
Musicislife1295 #5
Bless your soul for writing GOOD Hyuk/OC! You're a life giver <3
BunnyBree96 #6
Chapter 7: MORE PLEASE <3
hiiii~ could you write more hyuk stories with angst, or just any hyuk stories? :-) I really like your stories hehe ^^
Chapter 3: wow this is so good and emotional~
Chapter 4: So cute x3 and kitty OMG I'm gonna deyh xDD I Sarang You Author nim xD
mysoulisstarving #10
Chapter 4: I love cats!! omg., *smiling throughout reading this* Ah~ Can't stop smiling :D