

Shin Hyesung had it quite though these days, especially the past week. Of course he had been working hard; releasing a new album was something but easy even if it’s a remake. He had quite a lot of work to do, being a musician was not a children’s play.

And for this he was tired these days, more tired than usual.

You might ask ‘but he is a pro, how is that possible to be tired of album recording after so many years?’ and your question is legitimate except for the fact this work is always tiring. But yes, if you smell something suspicious your nose is good, because the reason of Shin Hyesung’s dreadful tiredness is not really the work, but a certain somebody whom actually always had this magical talent to push the singer to his edges.

Actually, ever since Eric’s drama teaser for Discovery of Romance came out the leader had been harassing him constantly from morning until evening, sometimes even during the night when Eric could not sleep, which was quite surprising, because Eric was a bear who could fall asleep anytime and anywhere.

Hyesung actually regretted taking a look on those teasers, he should have known what it would bring with itself – suffering. Not only because while watching it his chest for some reason had painfully tightened and it did not go back to its original condition since then, but the leader became even more annoying as usual.

In the morning Hyesung is being woken up with a text message from Eric asking:

“Are you jealous?”

During his morning coffee his phone suddenly starts to ring and when he brings the phone to his ear he hears Eric’s voice asking:

“Hyesung-ah, are you jealous now?”

He steps out of his home and he sees Eric’s so-annoying loved-by-everyone-smile and asks:

“I’m sure you are jealous now, are you?”

When Hyesung is in the studio working on his album Eric constantly sends him pictures about the filming saying:

“I’m having a great time~ Don’t be jealous Hyesung-ah~”

When he is out on meeting and talk about work or he is simply seeing his friends Eric bombs him with messages:

“You don’t want to see me because you are jealous, right?”

“Hyesung-ah, we are members, don’t be like this~”

“Hyesungie, jealousy is no good~”

When he goes home slightly drunk and after taking a bath and preparing to go to bed he actually receives a call from Eric saying:

“It’s just a drama Hyesung-ah, sleep well~”

And Hyesung is lucky if he doesn’t receive messages during the night like:

“I bet you can’t sleep~ Aigoo~ You are so bad~”

Annoying. Shin Hyesung had been irritated these days like never in his whole life. He did not even take a look at his messages anymore, however he had to take the calls or else Eric would call him until he went mad. He could not even block him, after all he was a member, he just could not do that so easily… and even he was a human being, too, just how could he block someone just like that… even if it was the most annoying man on earth… and of course he could not block him for other certain reasons, because he was his Eric for example…

However everyone has that limit they cannot go beyond. Everyone has that one point if they reach it they explode and it was not otherwise for Shin Hyesung either. He was already ready to murder the leader, to catch him and just kick his arse so he will be satisfied, because his harassment went too far this time even if the members’ had already been used to Eric’s weird, 4D behaviour.

Shin Hyesung’s murderous self had been and he was unstoppable.

After a long day he had arrived home and as he looked at the screen of his phone he was surprised for not receiving weird messages and calls from Eric that day. He must have been awfully busy with his drama and Hyesung had mourned a prayer of gratefulness for having a calm day without any kind of negative feelings caused by the leader.

Also, with closed eyes he was hoping he will be left alone for the rest of the day, mourning ‘just let me have a normal night, please’.

He took a bath, even almost had fallen asleep causing him a heart attack because he had woken up under the water, still, he was in an awfully good mood – a feeling he could not even approach for days now.

He stood before the mirror already in his sleeping clothes preparing to sleep but before that he decided to put on some lotion, because the work and Eric-caused-annoyance had some effect on his skin showing his stress perfectly.

So he had been preparing to put it on when he had heard the voice he kind of came to hate in the previous days and his until now calm heartbeat had fastened in an instant.

“I’m sorry Hyesung-ah for not texting the whole day, I’ve been busy ;_; Please don’t be mad ;_; I’ve been kissing so much today my mouth hurts, Hyesung-ah, what to do… ;_;”

Hyesung felt like something in his brain had gone out, like the electric fuse goes off and the darkness takes over. Or when the guitar strings suddenly breaks with a loud snap and the lullaby turns into silence.

As he looked into the mirror he had seen his mouth quivering and at this moment Shin Hyesung knew he can’t bear this anymore. He really can’t, he knew he would surely go crazy if he had to bear with this for more days, even for another hour.

He took a deep breath, put the lotion down and turned his back to the mirror and left the bathroom, left the living room ad actually left his home only to visit the neighbouring apartment where Eric had been living. He did not care about his clothing – simple shorts and a sleeveless shirt -, he had to deal with Eric right at that moment or he would just have a nervous breakdown.

When he had arrived there he did not even rang the doorbell, but knocked on the door. Of course not this elegant kind of knocking, but kind of… kicking it with all his strength.

Eric had a surprised expression when he opened the door, but he did not have the time to say anything, because as soon as Eric had appeared in front of Hyesung he had grabbed him by his arms, pushed him into his home and pressed his lips on Eric’s for about a one minute long kiss.

Then he let go of him and with a piercing glare pointing at his chest with his finger he said in a threatening voice:

“I’m kissing so much better than that woman and you perfectly know just why the hell should I be jealous, huh?! And why are you telling me all that all the time drooling about it like some starving wolf?

So you have been together in a drama years ago and now reunited, wow, amazing, I don’t care, okay? I don’t care if you have kissed her X times, and if you are in good terms with her, for god’s sake, stop reminding me nonstop of this matter, will you?!

Wow, you are spending a lot of time with her and we don’t see much each other, fantastic really, you are doing so well, what should I say, huh?!  Are you so happy for this? You can leave anytime, I’ll clap for you if you want!
I’m very happy you finally have something to be busy about, how about dealing with it alone and stop harassing me with sending selcas about you and that woman?! I’m seeing this stuff enough online, I’m hearing enough about it from everyone, how about you shutting up about it, huh?!

Because I’m totally not jealous, but I’m going to report you if you don’t stop finally!”

Hyesung finally finished his speech. In the silence only Hyesung’s panting could be heard and as he slowly calmed down he realized what a stupid thing he did, because his outburst proved anything but the fact he was not jealous.

He bit his lips wishing he could take back everything, wishing to stop this weird feeling in his heart, the feeling of being caught.

He did not look at Eric for long minutes, but after he finally convinced himself to do, he only saw Eric grinning, his annoying loved-by-everyone grin, slowly he reached out to Hyesung and pulled him to his chest hugging him tight.

“My poor Hyesungie, so you really are jealous.”

Again, as if the guitar strings had broken with a loud snap… his mouth quivered and his eyebrows rose cynically.

Shin Hyesung was ready for murder.


It was early afternoon, not long after dinner time. Hyesung, as usual these days, was sitting in the recording studio trying to figure out a few problems about his songs when he heard the familiar lullaby. He sighed as he took his phone out of his pocket and saw he received a message.

“You are so strong, Hyesung-ah, you won’t believe it, but the place you slapped me had turned purple O.O I’m sending you a picture about it. O.O
Though it worth it… nice night…kekeke… >///<
The staff asked me just what have I done to my face to look like this, because they had a hard time to cover it…
I’ve just said a special someone got jealous all of a sudden…”

Hyesung could only shake his head reading this message, he thought the leader was completely helpless. He had taken a look at the picture and he was surprised because he really did not intend to hit him that hard. Well, he deserved it. He was the one who provoked him.

However when he read the last message he could not help himself but blush and a small embarrassed smile had appeared on his face, the face he tried to hide by bringing his phone to it touching the screen with his forehead.

He could only reply with one word:


In the end he admitted he really was jealous… so jealous he could die.

But Eric doesn’t need to know everything…

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SoulDragon #1
Chapter 1: LOL i love annoying Eric!
aora1234 #2
Chapter 1: Hyesung knows how to play the card right. That is why I love him the most in the group haha...
Another version of Hyesung's jealousy over the female lead that I like.
Thank you...
Am waiting for Hello & Goodbye update ^^.
Don't worry, take your time...
feelgyo #3
Chapter 1: Muahahahhaaha...yes! Admit it Hyesung ah, you're jealous XDD
Annoying-Eric manseee \o/
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha

Suddenly I remember the pict I found in my twitter timeline ㅋㅋㅋ

"Because we are RicSyung?"

Ahahaha... Eric has quite excellent speciality to made Hyesung change into berserk mode *evilgrin*

Good job, Aya! ^^
hyuu_hikari #5
Chapter 1: kyaaaaah~
bad....bad Eric XXDDD
thanks Aya ^3^
Chapter 1: omg.

This was so cute and Hyesung was being all sassy and I'm exploding with happiness.