Bed or Breakfast?


Pairing: Jongin/Kyungsoo; protective!Chanyeol/Kyungsoo; bff!Baekhyun/Joonmyun/Kyungsoo; not so bff!Luhan/Tao; eventual bff!Sehun/Jongin
Genre: Teen, Romance, attempted!Comedy
Rating: T, for the most part.
Notes: I was intensely intensely inspired to write this fic after I stayed at a bed and breakfast in Russia. 
Disclaimer: I do not own any non-fiction elements found in this story; (actual places or people).
Summary: Jongin's going to a dance workshop alone in Gyeonggido for a month. He's not sure how he's going to cope with going for so long without his family, but he's hoping the staff of the Bed and Breakfast he's staying at and their friends will ease the loneliness; especially Kyungsoo, most especially Kyungsoo.
Warning: I seriously have nothing planned for this story except maybe for a chapter in the middle and the ending, so if things seem random and unorganized, that's why.






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