
I Wish I Was Born a Girl

"Appa, is that what you really thought?"  Wide eyes looked up at me, eagerly awaiting my answer.  

I nodded and tucked the blankets around my son, brushing his hair out of his face and kissing him on his forehead.  

"Silly appa!" he said giggling and smiling.  I looked at him.  He really did resemble Minho.

"Silly appa indeed,"  I said, squeezing his tiny hand.  "Now go to bed, okay?  You have a soccer tournament tomorrow, and you need lots of energy!"

"Yes, appa!" I got up and walked towards the door.

"Goodnight Yoogeun," I said, turning the lights off and closing the door behind me as I left.  I let the door support my weight as I leaned against it, smiling and sighing.  That little boy really didn't know anything.

I made my way to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water.  I downed the liquid in one go and refilled it once more before grabbing a chocolate fudge bar from the freezer and heading to my room.

I put the fudge bar in my mouth, holding the plastic wrapper with my teeth, and opened the squeaky door.  I closed it behind me with my foot and locked myself in the dark room.

I walked over to my bed and set the water and fudge pop on the nightstand.  The cold, crisp sheets greeted me as I fell on the bed and buried my face in them.  I heard the shower turn off and I got rid of the clothing on my body that wasn't my boxers.  

Not a moment later, the bathroom door opened, flooding the dark room with golden light.  In the doorway stood the most perfect being I had ever seen, one towel around his slim waist, another on top of his dripping wet hair.  This perfect person flashed me a perfect smile.

"Hey," he said casually.  My heart thumped in my chest as if this were the first time we had spoken.

"I brought you your fudge sickle." I threw the frozen treat at him.  He had no problem catching it even though my throw was way off.

"Thanks, babe," he said as he sat next to me on the bed.  He removed the plastic wrapper and shoved the slightly melted pop sickle in his mouth, savoring the flavor.  My heart thumped violently when he layed his hand on top of mine and leaned closer to me.  The wooden end of his fudge dessert was only centimeters away from my lips.  

I looked into his warm, loving eyes.  I once again reminded myself how lucky I was that this man chose to be with me, and only me.

"Kiss me," I whispered, not breaking eye contact.  He removed the frozen treat from his mouth and smiled.  He leaned forward and granted my wish.  It was a chaste kiss, but my heart still threatened to explode at the innocent action.

When we parted, I my lips. "You taste like chocolate," I stated obviously.

"Oh, really?" he replied sarcastically while gracing me with another one of his beautiful smiles.  
"Yeah," I whispered quietly back, smiling like an idiot in love, which was too close to the truth.  He brushed a few stray locks out of my face and cupped my cheek.


I answered him with a quiet hum.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Minho."

Then we kissed again.




A/N- this is for those of you who wanted a sequel with a happy ending, so i hope this will suffice. 

and i am actually satisfied with this unlike i am with my other stories, so YAY!

anyway, comments make my day!

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park-minrin #1
love this story so much. do they adopting a child or what?
heme-sanloveminho #2
Awww I love the ending so sweet
aww~~ yayyy happy ending :D
Oooohhh~~~~ I'm glad there's a sequel, although I'm late to discover this. XD
i just read it, and i thought it was really sad but i like the happy ending you stuck in there. altho without the happy ending it fit the theme you were going for.
Waah, I'm so happy ;_;
this was ;____________;<br />
It's heartbreaking =( I officially share the pain with Taemin while readin,good job :)
that was a pretty epic surrender on minho's part XD