A Little Storm

Once Upon a Storybook

A/N: thank you to the people who are reading these fluffs, i no it is lacking but thx u for enjoying it.



It had been a long exhausting day, by the time they got home, it was 2am, yet it was typical for them. But if there was one thing to be grateful for due to the lateness of the hour, it was that it was less likely for anyone to have followed them, so they were able to come to Yunho’s apartment without notice.

So there they were, on his bed, cuddling up in each other’s warmth, soundly asleep.

Hyoyeon was the first to wake, stirring in the embrace of his arms she blinked several times before smiling and wiggling up slightly to kiss the tip of his nose. She stayed like this for a while before peeking at the alarm clock which read 7:23am, she frown, realizing she was late, it would be tough to sneak out of his building in broad daylight. She scolded herself for allowing him to tempt her into coming.

She sat up abruptly then, causing him to wake before hitting him on the arm and frowning.

“Ow!” He whined, his other hand quickly came to rub the sore spot of his other arm. “Woman that hurt! This is not how a wife wake her husband in the morning.”

“Not funny.” She pouted. “And I am not your wife.”

“Don’t you want to be?” He winked.

“Not the time and place for it!” She replied hotly. “And if you really think of proposing, this is lame.”

He frowned and sat up, stretching and yawning. “Alright, what’s wrong now?”

“It’s morning.” She said grimly.

“My girlfriend is a genius.” Yunho said sarcastically, giving her a cheeky grin.

“Not funny.”  She warned. “It’s morning, which mean it would be really hard for me to leave without being seen.”

“So that’s it?”

“What do you mean that’s it?”

“Well, you don’t have any activities today right? Not until later tonight?”

“Yeah, so?”

“So, you could stay here,” He began kissing her neck, tracing up her jaw and ear. “I know a few things we can do to pass the time.” He whispered.

“Not a chance .” She smirk and pushed a frowning Yunho aside. “There’s more to do than to be shut in here acting like rabbits with you oppa.” 

“So you’re going to leave anyways?” There was a hint of disappointment in his voice, and she could hear it, it was one of the many things she adore about him, his desire to be with her was intoxicating.

“Yes.” So she got up, went into the washroom, and several minutes later, she emerged dressed and ready to leave. Yunho was still in bed, sitting there frowning like a child.

She gave him a slight shake of the head and smiled before leaning in to kiss him. “I’ll see you later oppa.”

Yunho sigh and laid back down in bed once she was out of the door, she definitely have too much power over him, she wasn’t even out the building yet and he misses her already.

He shut his eyes for several minutes before the sound of thunder brought him back, he smiled wickedly and sat up.

It took no less than 5 minutes later for Hyoyeon to show up in the bedroom again. At 24 years old, she was still afraid of thunder, it was one of those things he could use against her, that and loud explosions, and God was definitely on his side this morning.

“What’s the matter?” He asked lazily, as if he doesn’t know what was really bothering her.

“I’ve decided to stay after all.” She said. “Since you were so broken about it.”

“Ah huh.” He nodded. “So this is about you being a selfless girlfriend, thinking of my needs.”

“Yes. Of course, why else?”

“Well, I dunno, I mean, I was just about to play some videogames and relax, so you really don’t have to be here if you don’t want to~” He raised an eyebrow at her as she stood crossed arm against the doorframe. “Unless~ there was something else that sent you flying back up the elevator into this room…”

“I don’t know what you’re talking abou-“But before she could finished, another loud thunder rumbled followed by lighting, sending her shrieking into his waiting arms. He grinned widely, he had cracked open the window slightly behind the curtains to make sure it was just loud enough.

Her gripped around him was tight and her eyes squeeze shut. He her hair gently with one hand while the other held tight around her waist.

“It’s alright.”

It took several minutes before she let go of him and pout.

“So I guess you’re staying after all huh?” He said, grinning at her.

“I guess I am.” She smiled back.

“You’re such a baby.” He chuckled as she climbed back into bed with him, the faint sound of the storm rumbling in the background as he turn the T.V up.

“Shut up.” She whined.

He chuckled again as he kissed her forehead while she snuggled cloth to him with her attention on the TV.

The paired stayed like that for a while, watching the TV as the storm turn in to faint rainfall, before their stomach growl and they made their way into the kitchen for breakfast.


Please read.

If you haven't noticed, the story flows in the same timeline, it's like different episodes of a tv show but can work on its own. Does that even make sense? XD so again, same char, except the short stories are from different time in their life, while it is connecting and continuing, u dont have to read the preview story to have the next chapter make sense. Please reply that u get it!...XD


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minyul24 #1
Update please
Please update soon
hyohyok #3
Chapter 2: i get it
i enjoy your story :)
Chapter 2: So cute moment
KimHyeJoo #5
Chapter 2: update soon, please~
so cute story...
myangelhyo #6
Chapter 2: Hahahaaaaa so cute yunhyo hyo scared thunder so cute
Chapter 2: I loved it*-*

Please update soon♥
kim_032 #8
Chapter 2: So cute.. it's just because of thunder :D
please update soon
penny0922 #9
Chapter 2: Hahaha..... even the thunder is helping yunho.. that's very cute.
I get what u mean.
Looking forward the next update. Thanks!
one-shot ~~ hyo choding and hyo lady huhuhu