Chapter 05: Friday

A Week With Mi


“Oy Taecyeon the money. Take the money.” Junsu motioned me from behind as I snapped out of my thoughts.


“That would be $3.49 please.” I said halfheartedly. The woman eyed me as Junsu pushed me aside lightly to take the money and to give her the drink.


“Here’s your drink ma’am come again.” He waves as he turns to look at me once she was gone. “Yah what’s gotten into you and why is Mi not here again?”


“Just leave me alone hyung.” I mutter out my words heading towards the kitchen counter. He grabbed me by the shoulder gripping me in place until I turn to look at him. He had on an intense face as he continues to glare at me. “Yah I don’t tolerate working with people who’s all sad and all. So I’ll handle your last early shift again. You go and fix what ever problems you have right now and then come back to work. You hear me?”


“But-” I tried to say when he cut me off.


“Tisk just go Taecyeon.” He replied back as I took off my apron and headed to my locker. Moments later I was leaving the coffee shop wearing my backpack not knowing what to do.


Is Mi really content to live in such loneliness? Can she ever give me a try to make her happy?


Without knowing where I was walking to I happen to walk straight towards Mi’s house. Standing in front of her house now I was debating if I should knock or not. I ended up knocking on her door anyways hoping that she’ll answer her door. She did though and when she saw me she was startled.


“Taecyeon I thought I told you to leave and never come back.” She spoke as I stared at her.


“Just once can you spend this weekend with me?” I asks as she looks away from me hugging her body.


“I can’t Taec-”


“Please just once.” I begged. I was desperate, desperate to bring her out of her misery. Maybe it was my face or my voice but in the end she agreed to it.


That night as I layed in my bed I was determined to have Mi change her mind. It’s okay if she never actually likes me back. All I wanted most was to see Mi smile again, I could imagine her smiling as her face would form some wrinkles around her eyes. Closing my eyes to sleep that night this image was my driving force and determination.

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Only4Twinkle #1
Chapter 2: Love your story :)
Update soon.
Chapter 2: Were you expecting me? ^^

I love this story as always, I really look forward to the next chapter <3