How we met.

Winter night

I know I said I would never write anything else in this language but well... When the muse kicks you... She/He does it very hard. Ouch. So here it is something like another drabble on the same universe. I think that i will writing this once in a while when I feel in the mood. Wathever. Enjoy... 

I warn you. This may be messier that the last one.


He was sixteen years old when his master took him from the streets. 

He was born as a servant but his body was weak and he couldn't fulfill any task without falling sick. His last master got tired of him and decided to sell him. 

He was about to be sold to an old et man but Siwon noticed him. He wasn't sure what could have he done to attract his attention. But he was glad it was him.

"What are you thinking?" He blinked twice before looking at Siwon. Both were sitting under the shade of a tree. Kyuhyun between Siwon's legs, resting his back on the toned chest. 

"I remembered the day I met you" The bushy brows rose up. Siwon smiled tenderly. "I was thinking what made you buy me that day" he said shyly. Hiding his eyes under his fringe.

Siwon held his chin gently, lifting his face. "Your eyes, definitely." Kyuhyun blushed a sweet shade of pink. "They were expressive, bright and innocent. Drew me to you instantly that I wanted them to be mine along with you."

Siwon smile got wider showing his dimples. He loved when Kyuhyun turn into a shy and adorable boy. Leaning over Kyu's shoulder, he kissed the plump lips, savoring the sweetness that got him addicted the first time he tasted them.

When they parted, Siwon took his time to admire how his boy looked. Rosy cheeks, half lided eyes and swollen redish lips. 

Kyuhyun blinked a couple of times before hiding his embarrassed expression. He felt Siwon's arms snaking around his waist to take the book resting on his lap. 

"Shall we resume our reading?" Asked Siwon. He nodded eagerly. This was his favorite book after all.

Soon they got inmersed on the book, on each other. Everything around loosing meaning. Both were all that mattered.

So... How was it? Was it good or bad? Should I stop or continue?  Hope you can leave your opiniones here. I'll apreciate them <3 kissu~

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Chapter 3: huhhuhuhu dun cry baby... I believe god will protect ur mom so well. So don't worry. Please be happy with siwon...........
Chapter 2: choi siwon is like hero for helping kyu from the dark life. So gently choi~~ then cheesy won as always . Hahahha yeah kyu eyes absorb u to afely him so well. So sweet
Chapter 1: nice story even snowing falling down at the night... Romantic.
Angela17 #4
Chapter 2: Wow... This is so lovely... WonKyu love... So liking it..
Chapter 3: Awwww~~~ kyuhyun saved by master choi...not only...siwon manage to show him love and kindeness....sweeeeeeet much <3
There's nothing wrong with ur english from what i can read...although the chapters are short...but they are really warming and fluffy...very nuce wonkyu fic ^_^
heartbabykyu #6
Chapter 3: With every update I am glad that Siwon was the one who bought Kyu
dbbyaelf #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh.sounds good. I'll be waiting!! :)
Chapter 3: yeahhh long story sounds great ...hwaiting!
Chapter 2: This is very cute and sweet. I like it! :D