Pretty Boy

Pretty Boy

***Please read the author's note at the end of the story! It is important!

The person who gets most attention is me. Girls are after me and guys out there envying me. I am known as the obvious pretty boy. With just this amazingly handsome face, I can take any girls to dates. No one can compare and dare to challenge me for anything. I did forgot to mention how talented and skills I am right? Well, let me warn you, don’t mess with me. Better served me than be my enemy.

“I don’t want to marry her!” I said for the 100th times as my parent seems not to get my words. It is already the year of 2014, who still marry their daughter/son for business matters? There are so many great people in this world that can help our company and their company!

“Young man, you better control your anger or I won’t hesitate to make you regret. And as a matter of fact, you don’t have a choice.” My mother pointed her index finger directly at me with her serious look.
“What if I-” “The seconds you do anything to ruin the engagement, your credit cards, car, house, apartment and everything will be taken away from you. So you listen and quietly keep your money which is from your parents or open your mouth and walk away from this place with nothing. Don’t even think that I will spare you a cent.”

My mother interrupted my sentence and warn me like she never had before. This time, she is dead serious about wanting me to marry the other side’s daughter and help with business.

I angrily grab my car keys and storm out of the mansion. The longer I stayed, the more I will probably just ruin my future. I angrily drove out of the place to where one of my close friend’s club and drink. Drinking will solve everything for me as usual.

I signal one of the waitress to bring me one of my regular drink which is vodka and study the room where I can only released my anger and emotions. “Yo Mark!” Hearing the elder’s voice, I roll my eyes and sigh. Not now hyung.

“What are you doing here?” JB ask, putting his hand over my shoulder and grin.
“Another argument, obviously.” I pull his hand away and gulped down on one of my vodka drink that the waitress have just bring.

“I want to see how good looking she is, yo! If she’s a beauty, better keep her.” JB tries to tease but it didn’t work. I rarely pay attention to him and look around the room. If there are any specific hot girls tonight, I wouldn’t mind taking them in bed. As a man, who doesn’t need that kind of reliever.
My eyes search through almost half of the room and still I find no one interesting.

“I know you would be interested in one girl.”Jackson appear from nowhere and give me mischievous grin.

“Like you have any good type of girls.” I scoff and roll my eyes at the ridiculous Jackson, but wrong! The moment when Jackson pointed one girl and my eyes follow, I swear I feel as if I was frozen in my spot. “Thought so.” Jackson chuckle softly and high five with JB.

Cup 36 C, slim waist, curvy, dark make-up and y long legs, she totally kill every chicks in the room.“Nice one for the first time.” I give Jackson a smirk before I grab a vodka from my table and make my way toward her.

Swaying to left and right, moving that of her, she doesn’t need to work on at all. I put my drink on her table and walk behind her. Slowly, I trace my fingers down her back until it reaches her skirt. “You do know that you’re the hottest chick in this room right?” I whisper close to her ear huskily from behind and gain attention from every women that wants me for the night and probably for the rest of their lives.
Running her pretty fingers through her soft looking hair, she turn back and give me a grin. She’s even more beautiful up close. “And do you know that you’re the ugliest here?” She raised her brows, giving me a dirty look as I can careless. Honestly, she has hurt my pride more than anyone have, this y chick.
“Baby, why are you acting hard to get?” I laugh it off and put my arms around her curvy waist. Pulling her close to me, I was able to smell the scent of beautiful flowers. Does she have a man?
“Who says I am, little boy.” She give me a killer smirk and flip her hair in my face. No, she did not just do that. I grip on her tight and pull her to once face me fully. Seeing how close we were, I took advantage of her and cupped her small beautiful face. This is it. I kiss her deep and lustfully.

She probably have never been kiss like this in her life. I better be the first. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts once she put her arms around my neck and kiss back. Our tongues dancing, our hearts beating twice faster and our breath harden. She was not exactly like any other girl that I have ever spend with. One of her hand caress my chest and goes down until it met with my crotch and changes everything. “Feeling something?” She finally pull away and give me another smirk.

“Why wouldn’t I? You’re ing y and hot!”
“Well baby too bad, I have an owner already.” She give me a small laugh and shakes her head.
“Are you married?” I asked the important question.
“No but will be engaged soon.” She responds back with a small smile.

“Then I can careless. Being in a relationship doesn’t mean any s like being married.”
“Not even in a relationship dude.” She laugh, slightly pushing me out of her way.
“How would you freaking call you as someone who has an owner?” I follow her back to her table where she has to grab her long coat.
“Because I just wanted to? Is there a problem?” I grab my vodka drink and grab her hand. “For you,”
“Thank you, uh..” “Mark”

I proudly tell her my name and receive a not so bad look. She gulp the drink in one shot and place the cup on the table. Why is she leaving so soon?
“Give me a night?” I ask her as I follow her out of the club to her fancy red car.
“Excuse me but-” “I mean talk, like spending. Jeez, why are you thinking so negative?”

She chuckle at my response and give me words.

“Your name?” I ask, staring at the beauty beside me. Although the coat cover her whole body and no one can see how y it is, her beauty from her face is already attracting everyone. Where has she been hiding in my whole life? I have to make her mine. Wait..Mark, get your straight.

“Jaehee. How old are you little boy?” Jaehee curiously ask me. She needs to take her word back from calling me a little boy.
“21, not such a little boy anymore.” My lips curve into a smirk. Her eyes widened and her jaw drop. This is why you shouldn’t judge by it’s book cover.

“I thought that you’re 17/18?” She quickly shake off her surprisingly reaction.
“I know I look young and handsome but please, stop flattering my heart with all of those young credits.” My comment make her roll her eyes and clucked her tongue.
“Do you seriously think you’re handsome? You’re not at all, pretty boy.”

“Well then, pretty boy is good enough.”
“You’re so pretty like a girl.” She said in awe and pinch my one of my cheeks.
“Just for tonight, I’ll take everything from you. You shouldn’t take advantage though my Jaehee.” I put my arm around her waist and pull her close to me.

“You know, during my high school year, one of my biggest wish was for someone to call me beautiful.” Jaehee softly said, changing the subject.
“I have a secret crush on this one boy since first grade. When I attended high school I eventually find out that the two of us are in the same campus. One day, thinking that he feel the same way as me, I gather all of my courage and confess.I mean why not? He ask me to dates, buy me roses for valentine, eat lunch with me everyday, study with me and protected me from troubles. Oh, let’s not also forget the the thing that he stole my first kiss and secretly kiss me from time to time.
But , he told  me that he doesn’t feel the same way as me. Not just to me but in front of everyone. He called me names and then bullies start every where. I was trauma, scared of every human beings except for my parents. I lock myself in my room for almost 3 months until my parent finally decided to give up and send me to the states to erase every of my bad memories.

When I got to the states, I slowly help myself get over the trauma and studies. I work out and start changing myself to someone whom the guy will later regret. Here I am now, the girl who you are calling beautiful.” She proudly announce her beauty and end her beautiful story. She must went through a lot. Well Mark, you can’t treat her like any other women. Why not? Part of me question myself.

“If I was there, I would have beat him and everyone up for you. Hearts and kindness matter, you know?”

“Don’t lie, Mark. What part of me attracts you first?” She backfire me and I ended up with no words.

“I will be engaged soon. Isn’t that bad?” I frowned, thinking of my freedom that will be taken away from me.
“Not just you,” she sigh and kick little rocks from the ground.
“Want to run away together?” I grab her hand and stare into her beautiful eyes.

Jaehee look at me as if I was insane and shakes her head. Chuckling at me, she pinch the tip of my nose. “You’re 22 but think and act like a little boy.”

Is that bad? I question myself before I ask her.

“No dummy. That makes you cute.” She said with a yawned, stretching her arms and look at the beautiful Han River in front of us.

“Mark, I have fun and a blast tonight. I guess I’ll have to go now.” She check her time before she tell me that times is up.

“See you whenever” Jaehee pull away from me and enter her car. No special farewell at all? My heart shatters until she call me over to her care window.
“I’ll remember you for as long as I can,” She whispered and planted me a kiss on the cheek.

I guess today wasn’t bad at all?

You owed me something now, Mark Tuan!


“Mark Tuan!” A loud pressuring voice call me as I hear like someone is pounding on something.
“MARK TUAN!” It came louder which awaked me from my dreamland. What’s going on? I even tend to ask myself the most stupidest question.

Was my mother calling me? I sat up quickly and look at my door. Why does my mother sound like a witch trying to enter my room? I hurriedly ran to the door and the door. “I’m awake.” I sheepishly smile at my angry mother.
“It took you that long? Get your ready in half of an hour. Your fiance is coming over soon.” “But mom-”
“Unless you want to walk out of here with no cents, don’t go ‘but mom’.”  She warn, giving me her killer look.

“I’ll be down in time.” I frowned as I was defeated and close the door. Damn these business matter.

I walk to my own bathroom in my room and smile as soon as I see me cheek, the one where Jaehee planted a kiss on.

Trying to be as handsome as I can for my fiance who will soon be my future wife, I fix my hair for the last time and smile. Mark Tuan was never born to be ugly. No matter in what situation, he will always be the pretty boy and the most handsome.

I make my way down to the guest dining room and spotted a very flat girl. At least she should have . I upsetly complain in the inside with my fake smile covering everything. My fiance wore a long white floral lace dress to her ankle with a high heel and have her back face me. Her black hair was straighten very well and she isn’t very bad looking from the back.

Before I ignore her and make an action to sit, my annoying fiance ask to go to the bathroom.

“Mark, will gladly show and you to the bathroom sweetie.” My mom volunteer for me excitingly as I wanted to gawked. ? Please why would I need to her?

“My pleasure.” I try to sound as pleasure as I can and turn.
“Thank you,” The familiar voice said softly and follow me from behind.
Walking in silence, I pull out my phone and busily search for news update from the friends.
“I hope you wouldn’t think that I’m desperate for you,” Her soft voice from earlier turn to a cold tone and kill my mood. What guts does she have to tell me that? Shouldn’t I be the one? With this handsome face, why would I be desperate for someone if they aren’t Jaehee.
“Before you open that mouth of your, look at yourself first.” I roll my eyes with a scoff and turn away from her.

“Shouldn’t you be the one? You’re even uglier than a dead rotten rat.” Oh no. She didn’t just said that.
“If I’m a rat then you’re the ugly caterpillar.”
“At least I’ll be a beautiful butterfly. Unlike you who’s a dead rotten rat.”

If she is a guy, I swore to god that I fight that little small .

“Anyways, thank you small one” She clucked her tongue, going straight to the bathroom without looking at me. I shall just leave her and I did.
I came back to the parent with an excuse that she refuse to let me wait by the door. She said she can find her way back and I should join the elders. And they all bought that lie.

“Mark since you guys take forever, we already finish half of the food.” Mom, don’t you dare to come up with your little dirty tricks. I hold back and put on a smile.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” I said, pulling the chair back.

“The food is a little bit cold. Why don’t you and my daughter come back when the maids prepare new food?” Mrs. Ahn, my future mother-in law said with a smile that remind me of someone.

“We didn’t went that long. Pretty sure that won’t be very cold.” Her voice came from behind. Annoying. Irritating.

“Can’t do that sweetie.” Mrs. Ahn shakes her head.

“Why don’t you two kids go spend time together and come back?” Dad finally spoke and look at me with a small.

“Oh yeah! Baby, take your beautiful fiance to our garden. For sure she’ll love it,” Mom added in and then suddenly everyone agrees to the idea. The mom and dad of the Tuan’s family.

“Sure, why not?” Her voice from behind said in a soft tone. Oh what happened to her cold self? I secretly roll my eyes.

Turning toward the way out, my fiance look at the wall beside her and waited for me. I wonder how she look so bad. Why is she not showing her face to me? Is she that ugly to be ashame of it?

I try to lose the girl but she was smart enough to follow me in a good pace. Why can’t she just lose me so I’ll wait and find her then go to the elders? I wanted to yell at her so bad but I couldn’t. A man should at least respect a woman by not yelling at her.

“This is our garden.” I move out of the way and pull my phone back out.

“This is beautiful,” she gape at the beautiful garden that belongs to the Tuan family and softly chuckle at the flowers. Great, not just a flat , cold, annoying, irritating but also a weird and crazy fiance.

“Honestly do you want to marry me because of money? Are you that desperate for money?” I interrupt her happy mood.
“Excuse me?” She stop what she was looking at and turn to me. I can feel it.
“Money, is money what you want?” I rephrase incase she doesn’t my words.

“And what makes you think that I need money?” She ask, feeling offended.
“Because you wanted to marry me so much.”
“You actually think that I wanted to marry a paralyze dead rotten rat?”

“If it’s not money then why are you marrying me for? My look?” I ask, not caring to look at her.
“Are you seriously, saying this to me? A guy who doesn’t work, doesn’t know how to do a single s?”
“I have enough of your trash, ugly girl.” I irritatingly said with the little patient inside of me.
“Don’t you dare to call me ugly!” She angrily said and take my phone from my own hands.

“Give it back, ugly!” I easily notice her weakness and used it against her.
“Don’t you dare paralyze dead rotten rat!” I swear if she wanted me to do like in dramas where the guy kiss the girl every time she opens then I will do it. No matter what, I’ll destroy her.
“Go get it yourself!” She threw my phone over a pile of flowers and increase my anger, taking all my patient.

I grab her hand and pull her to face me with a kiss. Kissing her like there’s no tomorrow, I wouldn’t let go of her until I started to run out of breath. “You jerk!” I wasn’t aware and by the time I know, I was already slapped by her. Who does she think she is to lay her hand on me? My own parent have never even touch me. I turn to fully face her this time and caught her hand.

Slowly searching for her eyes, I finally met hers.

Who is she? Why do I have a feeling that I have seen her before?
Then at the same time, she pull her hand back and I let go of her, we pointed at each other in surprise and shouted, “YOU?!”...


*Author's note: Turning this one shot to a story or not depend on you readers and subscribers. If you WORLDS really want a sequel or anything, please comment down. You can comment as many times as you want. Every comment will count as a point, doesn't matter if it is from the same person. Some cases, reader and subscribers would just leave it alone and that is okay too. Enjoy your reading and rest of your day! Love you all WORLDS!

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AhnXion #1
Chapter 2: Make it as a story please ;A;
Chapter 2: i love my readers, but i love to troll them more. Is that bad? (Lolz) anyway! Back to the story! Interesting plot, good start, slightly cliche but i love cliche. Ok let's do this!

100 chapters please (Or i will sob in the corner)!!
Chapter 2: thanks author i totally agree! since i'm a writer and a reader :)
Chapter 1: i think it would be a nice story! :D story story story there hopefully that's some points lol
Arabshawol #5
Chapter 1: I LOVE it <3 , plz :-| make a sequel with a loooot of chapterS :-D
Chapter 1: OMG need this oneshot to turn into a story
cynthiaaxo #7
Chapter 1: yess make a full story w chapters pls!!
Chapter 1: Yes omg a sequel!
Vtae84 #9
Chapter 1: Please..please make a sequel..its like hanging tho..