So close, but still so far


Luhan has been avoiding Xiumin, and Xiumin wants to know why.


Hello there guys!


Yes, I am here to deliver you another one-shot. I know I should be using my writing-energy to update my other stories, but sometimes you just want to write a fluffly little one-shot right?


Anyway! I hope you'll enjoy it! 


Please leave a comment down below, it'd make me really really happy ^^ 

And if you want to, you can check out my other xiuhan stories.


Bye bye! <3


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Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : That feels!!!! The sweetest words on the last part!!!
Pinkunicornsrainbows #2
Chapter 1: "I was never out of your reach Luhan. You had me from the start" omo omo my poor fangirl heart :):) it was so cute and romantic :)
Chapter 1: holy my deer heart with bunny inside. i need more.
Chapter 1: Aflndilfnknskandfkljanal help!!! Send help!!!! Send it ASAP!!! Please!!! I'm trying not to scream from this cuteness and ughhhhhhhh
shihara #5
Chapter 1: aaahhhh.. i want to scream!! its like i shower a very cold water.. gggrrrr... i want to puke butterflies rainbows and unicorn.. so so sweet..
Chapter 1: how i wish this story can bit longer to read
I love it ;)
jambydsy #8
Ohbgaawd my heart .... I criee ...cuz I wish this could be true !!
Chapter 1: Aawwwww this is so cute! And perfect timing because of those TLP kisses!!! :) i love you! Please write more :)