
Mutant Revolution Roleplay
why should we hide?
Your different from them, from the humans. they fear you, they try to make you hide your abilities and act "normal". but what you are is nothing to be ashamed of. you are unique. you are special.                                                                                                                                                                                            you can be free

About us
here, we will teach you to  control your powers. AND BECOME ONE WITH YOUR INNER MUTANT, BUT you will be given a choice. do you want to live in peace with the humans or rise up against them?   


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Regret #1
._. This is a complete copy of KMen, just saying.
Chapter 4: Idol: Lee "LJoe" Byunghun
Group: Teen Top
Alias: Rogue Boy
School: Mutant High/Student
Mutant Power: When he touches you, he will borrow your power or worse kill you (Rogue's Power)
ual Orientation: Gay
Background: When Byunghun was younger, he always had to wear gloves on his hands, even when it is hot outside. The reason for these extra clothing is that when someone touches him, something bad happens to that person, like out his life with one touch. Him and his parents had to move from city to city just so they could start anew. One day, though, when he reached high school, a girl that he liked was doing a dare, to kiss him on the cheek, well he became scared that he would hurt her and ran away from her, until one of the guys grabbed him and forced him to stand still, that was a huge mistake: she kissed him on the cheek and her veins started to show, as if her life was being taking and passed out from it. Since then (even in elementary school and middle school), he was called a freak and a murder. One night, he packed up a backpack and small suitcase of clothes and favorite things, he ran away from home and wandered the streets until he stumbled upon a school in the rain and walked towards weakly due to the fact of not having anything to eat nor anything to drink since he ran away.
Password: Rem
Firefly66 #3
Chapter 6: Idol: Joonmyun Kim
Group: EXO
Alias: Jinx
School: Mutant High/Student
Mutant Power: Phasing (can go through solid molecules)
ual Orientation: Gay
Background: He had always wanted a way of escaping from things; he didn't get along with his parents, he was bullied at school and he just didn't enjoy his life as it was. One day when he was being harassed by his bullies, he wanted just for the wall to swallow him up..and that's sort of what happened; he just fell through the wall he was leaning against and into a locked classroom. After that day, he tried to stay away from people and hide what he could do, but everytime he was confronted or scared, his powers would just cause him to fall through the floor or a wall or something so he didn't have to be there. Eventually, he convinced his parents to send him to Xavier's School so he could learn to control his powers before it got out of hand.
Password: Rem
Chapter 1: IDOL : Park Min Ju
GROUP : Ulzzang
SCHOOL: Student, Xavier
MUTANT POWER : Mediumship
BACKGROUND: For as long as her parents could remember Minju would talk to nothing. when she was a child, they assumed like many children she just had imaginary friends. But to her they were real, she never understood they were the spirits of the dead. As she grew older, her family scolded her more and more, telling her to grow up and stop talking to "imaginary friends". For a time she ignored these "imaginary friends" thinking that maybe she was just going crazy, seeing things, and becoming afraid of being locked in some insane asylum. She had only realized exactly what these friends where when she saw the spirit of her friend that had died just hours earlier in a car crash. She knew then that they were real, but dead. She told her parents, though she was in tears and scared, and they sent her to a school they thought she would fit in more, not be "that strange girl who talks to air". (I hope that made sense)
Chapter 2: Idol: Zitao Huang
Group: Exo
Alias: Kong ( meaning empty/hollow ;u; )
School: Rebellion / Student
Mutant Power: Telekinesis
ual Orientation: Gay
Background: Kong grew up alone all his life, he was abandoned by his parents when he was just a baby, having to stay at the orphanage. He found out about his powers at the age of 15 when he was having an anxiety attack , he couldn't control any of his actions, until everything in the room began to levitate, even the people that were in the room, he didn't know what was happening as the adults were terrified, staring at him as if he were some kind of monster. After that day, he ran away and never thought of himself as a human, he began using his powers to make people fear him. ( dun even know TTuTT haha spent an hour typing it ;u; )
Password: Sorry but, I don't get the password ; n ;
Chapter 2: Idol: Kim Soon-kyu. (Sunny)
Group: Girls Generation
Alias: Dephi (De-fee)
School: Mutant High/ Teacher
Mutant Power: Force Fields
Orientation: She's more of a lesbian, but if the right man shows up...
Background: Her name is a different way to say "defy" or "defense", because she's always thought of her power as a defensive one. She discovered her powers when she was fifteen. She was walking home alone when someone tried to take advantage of her. Her powers activated and the attacker bounced off of her field like a ball hits a floor. After she found out about them, she became more reserved. She didn't cut off all contact with people, but she seriously limited it. She got a small handle on her power, enough of a handle to not hurt people with it. She's never wanted to hurt anybody. So when she found a safe place where she could learn to control her power and not hurt anyone with it, she jumped at the chance. Now, she just wants to help people who are like her. People who are happy being a mutant, but don't want to use her powers against people without.
Password: The password format is making me a bit confused, but I promise that I read everything...
Idol: Do Kyungsoo
Alias: Heiwa
School: Rebellion/student
Mutant power: Bone manipulation
ual orientation: Gay
Background: Heiwa's name means peace, he doesn't speak. He discovered his power when his parents were involved in a massacre in their town, he was shivering beside the table and then one of the killers walked near him. At that time, Heiwa was filled with grief and hate as he saw that man killed his parents, and suddenly, little Heiwa shot a look at the man's hand which is going to stab him, it caused the man's bone to be dislocated and he followed it by snapping the man's neck. Even though he startled seeing what he did, he ran and did the same to the other murderers. He reaches his aunt's home and told everything happened. Her aunt went to a close friend who has a superhuman feature and advised her to send Heiwa to the rebellion. Although Heiwa doesn't like to be far away from his relatives.
Password: Bowties are cool <3
Chapter 10: Idol: Zhang Yixing
Mutant power:water manipulation
ual orientation:Gay
Background:Shui was a quiet person who never really stood out much he stayed by himself mostly. Sometimes he would give an opinion for anything but only if asked. He earned a bit about his power when one day he accidentally dropped a glass of water. Ut moved as he wanted. His family sent him to to the rebellion to learn how to control his power as he agreed quietly (sorry if that was bad.. is not good at writing that type of stuff)
Password: Bowties are cool (was that a Dr who reference? Cause if so then omg awesome people)
Idol: Han Jiwon
Group: Underdogg (Topp Dogg sub-unit)
Alias: 阴影 (Yīnyǐng)
School: Mutant High/Student
Mutant Power: Shadow/darkness manipulation
ual Orientation: Gay
Password: Bowties are cool <3