Chapter 2

A Devil Beside You

Yesun twirled her pencil while she watched Woohyun chat with a few girls who are giggling in a girly way. He flashed his million dollar smile at them making each and every girl in the room including Yesun herself melt.

*Why can't I have the courage to talk to him like normal girls do? I am seriously blowing all my chances.* Dongwoo popped next to his cousin and sat at the empty chair next to her.

"I know you have a BIG crush on him, but why can't you just talk to him?" Dongwoo asked. Yesun gave him a glare. "I would love to, but I just get so nervous."

Dongwoo shook his head. "Do I need to set up some blind date?" He flashed an innocent smile.

Yesun perked up. "Will you?? But what if he says no? What will we talk about?"

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he says yes. Woohyun never runs out of things to say so don't worry about that." Dongwoo patted her back.

The room suddenly became silent when the professor marched in with his thick pile of papers to assign to the class.

"Okay, class. Today we will be discussing the topics on humanities........." The professor began.

Students started to busy themselves with jotting notes and listening to the lectures given.


"Excuse me. Is this seat taken?" A girl dressed like she was about to hit the clubs asked.

The emotionless boy dressed in full black gazed into the girl's eyes. "So I'm guessing no." She gave him a flirty smile and took the seat next to him.

She batted her eyelashes and leaned in closer towards the boy until there was barely space left in between. "So......what's your name cutie." She trailed her long red painted nails on his chest.

It seems as if her seductive behavior had no effect on him. "Shouldn't you be paying attention in class?" He kept his eyes fixed on Yesun.

The girl noticed and looked over at Yesun. "You like her huh? But she's not even pretty." She spatted.

The mysterious boy couldn not stand the girl trying to seduce him turned to look at her. She had on a satifying smirk.

She was about to lean in and kiss the boy, but when they exchanged gazes, his eyes suddenly turned red.

The girl became scared and was about to leave, but he kept his grip on her arm and stared at her with his dangerous red eyes. His slightly red lips curled into a smirk.

The girl's adrenaline over took her body as she kicked the boy, making him vanishing into thin air. After a few seconds, she felt relieved, but confused and scared at the same time. *What just happened?*


Yesun and Dongwoo headed home together after their classes.

When Yesun unlocked her door she called for her brother and checked every door in the house.

"Hyunseung Hyung not home?" Dongwoo came out of the kitchen and plopped himself on the couch.

Yesun shook her head in disappointment and sat next to Dongwoo with a sigh. He patted her head gently and the TV.

After about an hour of watching TV, Yesun could hear keys jingling from the doorway. Immediately, she rushed towards the door and hugged her brother tightly.

"Thanks goodness. Hyunseung Oppa, you're okay." She hugged him tighter, but filled with worry. Dongwoo bounced off the couch and greeted his Hyung.

"Hyung, you should really consider quit being a gangster. Our little Yesun here is always worried about you everyday." He ruffled her hair as she flinched back and giggled.

"Oppa, please. I don't want you to be a gangster anymore. I'm going to graduate college soon and I'm on a scholarship. We don't have much expenses to worry about. Please?" She looked at him with her puppy eyes.

Hyunseung sigh. "It's not as easy as you think. Just give me some time Araso?" He patted her head and headed towards the kitchen. "What do you two want to eat for dinner?? I'll make it real quick then I have to head back to the club with Beast."

"That fast? Oppa can't you stay for dinner too??"

"Yeah, come on hyung. It's always me and Yesun. It gets kind of boring." He pouted.

Yesun glared at him. "Yah! Am I that boring???"

"Don't look at me like that or I won't set you up on a date with Woohyun." He frowned.

At the mention of the word 'date' Hyunseung perked up. "Date? What is this date about??" He turned around and glared icily towards the two who are now nervous.

Yesun nudged Dongwoo, but he nudged her back. "Pabo! Say something! You mentioned it first."

"No! You say it. It's your date. Hyunseung hyung is going to kill me." He nudged back.

"I'm waiting." Hyunseung tapped his foot. "Do I have to find out who this Woohyun guy is the hard way or will you two tell me."

"Fine. Oppa, it's just a date with Dongwoo Oppa's best friend. Please?"

Hyunseung furrowed his eyebrows. "The guy that's popular with girls? NO!" He barked.

"Oppa~ Why?? He won't do anything to me. Dongwoo Oppa and him are good friends."

"I said no. He is bad news and will only break your heart."

Yesun went over and hugged him while trying some aegyo. "Please? Just one date?" She pursed her lower lip. 

He placed his knife down. "Okay, but on one condition. Dongwoo goes with you to keep an eye on you and you must come home by curfew."

"That's two, but I'll gladly accept." Yesun jumped for joy and hugged Dongwoo and her brother.

Yesun skipped up to her room to do her homework while humming on a happy tune. *A date with Woohyun Oppa with Hyunseung Oppa's approval? Life is going great!!* She happily thought to herself while taking out her laptop.

A shadow appeared behind her with his red eyes glaring intesnely at Yesun's jumpy movements. *The clock is ticking.* He smirked and vanished into thin air.

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Chapter 23: yayy happy ending!! Good job author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿)
Chapter 16: I thought dongwoo is in the same class with yesun but how come he didn't notice hoya before? I mean the time when hoya was introduced to their class
Chapter 23: Aww i love this ahh reminds me of the movie mourning grave except thag it did not have a haply ending hahah
bine84 #4
Chapter 23: Cool story
great job!
EvelynEve #6
Chapter 23: cute and amazing story!
i love it author-nim! ^^
candyface #7
Chapter 23: loved it an amazing story line :) hoya is just too adorable.
nabi_devi #8
Chapter 23: awe this was so cute! love the plot!
Chapter 23: Omgosh amazing fic
I laughed my ___ off when hoya was Luke 'L? Death note?' XDD
I wish things like this really happened...or maybe they do /shot
Chapter 23: i have re read this for the 10th time and it still hasnt got old