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Nova(Star)Viator(Traveler) (ˈnōvəviātor').  
Latin for "One who travels and navigates through the stars". Individuals who swear commitment to the exploration of galaxies.
base theme by: CERULEAN TM

 N o v a viator 
"Space; the final frontier. These are the voyages of all intergalactic starships, and their missions to to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before."                                                                                                                                                     Novaviators are young men and women of the 22nd century that devote their lives to the exploration and discovery of new galaxies and extraterrestrial life forms. Sign on today, join a crew and open the stars up for your exploration. 
  Rewrite of "Final Frontier" Credit to Gene Roddenberry's "Star Trek: original Series"
What is Novaviator?

Novaviator is a story-telling intensive, Star Trek / Doctor Who inspired facebook roleplay set on International Space Station IC1011 and the surrounding galaxies. Characters can be played as a variety of life-forms, including humans, alien races, cyborgs and more.  

Novaviator 2014


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illusionary_abyss #1
Name : zhang Yixing
Race : human
Planet : earth
Desire position : waiter
Biography : zhang Yixing is the son of one of the most influential men of China. But he wanted to make his own way. He had learned to save most of his childhood. His father gave him everything he had ever wanted except for his freedom. Yixing was in his third year of medicine when his mother past away leaving more money then he can ever dream of. But he knew he had to get out of the family when he saw how ruthless his father was. He had killed someone who had gone against him. It didn't help that it was yixing's favorite uncle. That night he left and never turned back. He knew he had to work cause he needed to keep his money in tact if he would try and take his father down one day. Yixing is very nice, quiet and observant. He is very caring and understand to those he loves and considers family. Mostly a shy and introverted guy, he keeps to himself and stays loyal to his friends till they break his trust. He is not quick to anger but if he does he says good bye even to the deepest friendship..

Password : Galaxy _ funfun
Whooorse #2
Name: Kim Jongin, Kai (EXO)
Race: Human
Planet: Earth
Desired Position: Scout
Starfleet: Starship Nebula, Earth
Biography: Like every sad sob story there was out there, Jongin's began in a very beat up and run down neighborhood on the outskirts of LA. There he lived with his three younger siblings, two sisters and a brother, and his mother. Their father had abandoned them when he was fifteen; that would mean that three years had passed since his so called 'departure'. With a crack head for a mother Jongin had taken it upon himself to care and tend for his family, but feeding four kids and a bipolar mother was not the easiest thing in the world to achieve, especially with their living conditions. He had to be tough more mentally than anything; he wasn't big on muscle or even size for that matter, but Jongin was lean and fast making it easy to gain status in that banged up area and their living just that little bit easier.
[ Background will continue in a note, it doesn't fit into the 2000 character limitation on comments ]
Password: galaxy_funfun
Whooorse #3
Noobs would like to reserve Kai. Danke.
oh my god i forgot my email
can you add me on this account im sosososo sorry
its chanyeol btw ; - ;
Tao is here
LaxyYehet_Poster #6
Chapter 6: Chapter 11: Name: Oh Thehun (EXO)
Race: Cyborg
Type: ual
Planet: IC1011
Desired Position: e at IC1011
Starfleet: N/A
Biography: Sehun stared straight at the plain wall ahead of him. Every inch of the room was crammed with bright lights shining down on him. Upon opening his eyes just a few minutes ago, he still could not adjust to the intense beams. A man, probably a mechanic was still inspecting every nook and cranny of his body for any need of further modifications. He glanced back curiously when he felt ghostly touches on his shin, an air brush was finishing up the last touches to his milky white skin complexion. A proud grin spread on the mechanic's face as he stepped back and nodded his head in satisfactory at his end product. Knowing how puzzled Sehun must be, his mechanic spent the next few hours explaining everything. It took him a while to process everything although some information were already stored in his system, like how he already knew that he was a cyborg designed mainly for other's ual desires. He felt real but he still couldn't help it. Occasionally , he'd always be reminded that he's existence was to please others, not having his own opinion. No wonder why he'd look like an emotionless freak, but that was just what defined him. Probably the only feelings ever experienced are confusion and arousal. Sometimes however, he wonders for hours how it would feel to have emotions and a mind of his own; not one that has been systemically thought through and produced by mechanics. But alas, this was already his fate and as time goes by, he has learnt to accept the fact and live everyday to please everyone else. Perhaps this would be his purpose as a e at IC1001.
Password: galaxy_funfun
Key's here : https://m.facebook.com/home.php?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fhome.php%3Fref%3Dm_notif&refid=8&ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_comment_reply&_rdr
Chapter 13: Name : Kim "Key"Bum, SHINee
Race : Anim Lucem Adficio
Planet : IC1011
Desired Position : e stationed on IC1011
Starfleet : N/A
Bio : Key was abandoned by his parents at a young age for a reason he was never certain of. He never knew who his parents were nor does he know where they are now. Fortunately, during his college years, he managed to find "friends" whom he thought were loving, caring and trustworthy. And from then on, he wasn't as lonely as he was. His new found friends are always by his side and they constantly trained together. Soon enough, Key became the most powerful one amongst his circle of friends. He gained popularity for being so skilled at controlling his powers and people started to realize his unique beauty and perfection. As time goes by, he noticed how people got close to him just for the sake of boosting their popularity level. He was that well known throughout the planet to the extent whereby being known as his friends is an honour. Having neither parents nor actual friends, he wanders desperately in search of love, care and appreciation for who he really is on the inside rather than just his popularity. In search of this, he heard stories from his friends about the space station, IC1011. He began his own research on this space station and found out about the ion service. Key figured that being a e would allow him to feel special and to be useful to others who are oblivious to his popularity in his home planet.
Password : galaxy_funfun
laurelannee #9
Chapter 8: Name: Jin Mei Xin
Race: Arch Optis (unknown: half human)
Planet: Acies
Desired Position: Independent Warrior
Starfleet: N/A
Bio: Growing up, Mei was the odd one out, the fish out of water, the innocent victim everyone picked on. Didn’t look the same, didn’t act the same, didn’t work the same. An independent girl her whole life, Mei only strived towards one thing: proving everyone wrong. Throughout her school life, she watched as all the other aliens developed their powers and learned to control their abilities, and Mei could never accomplish such a feat. With her alien mother being a high ranking scout, there was a huge shadow for the young girl to fill, and she couldn’t even levitate a feather with her supposed telekinetic powers. However, nothing deterred the young girl from defying everyone to achieve her goals. She stayed up late practicing, and slowly but surely grew into a powerful young woman, capable of many things – except control. Now, having dropped out of school to overpower her mother’s shadow and become a known and feared warrior, Mei is beginning a journey to stabilize her mysteriously unstable powers, capture and defeat dangerous invaders so she can be well known throughout the galaxy as a hero, and ultimately put everyone who put her down to shame.
Password: galaxy_funfun