Peach Flavor


Peach Flavor
Couple: JongKey
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rated: PG
Summary: 7Eleven is the best friend to all University students. It sells food, drink, peach-flavored snacks and…love?

A/N: Written... lets see... in 2011? I think so. Just reuploading it for any reader's sake.



Kibum tapped his fingernails impatiently against the plastic of his laptop as his unmoving screen showed the same blank word-document in front of him. He continued to stare at it impatiently, as if waiting for it to fill itself automatically if he only waited long enough.

However, the sad part was, he knew that his computer was 100% free of all magical properties, and therefore would not fill his document with the perfect award winning research paper on its own, and he would therefore be forced to do something.

With one glance at the small digital clock at the bottom of his screen, Kibum let out the breath he had been holding in his cheeks and placed his fingers gently over the correct for his keyboard, setting himself into the perfect position to begin typing away at the outline that he knew was due in his history class the next morning.

With a quiet sigh, he re-adjusted his posture and cleared his throat, his fingers falling over each key as he typed carefully and comfortably, knowing exactly what he was saying and what he was doing without having to think twice. Why had he put off this outline until tonight anyway? It didn’t seem hard at all.



20115 20


There, see? Perfect start. Now, just a few more pages, and he should be set and ready to go. He already had a good pace going, now all he had to do was continue on with it…

…Umn…it was just…how was he planning on starting on the thesis for this paper again?

Wait…the thesis first? Isn’t that always the hardest part of writing an essay? Maybe he should start easier. Like the introduction paragraph. Yes, that was a good idea, and a great place to start. That way he could just go ahead and write down all of his thoughts on the subject first, and then go through and explain them all in better detail later.

But…wait…what was his subject again? It was a research essay, wasn’t it? Damn. Well…what was it again that he learned when he researched it yesterday at the library? Oh…right…he spent his entire time chatting with Jinki again on Facebook.

Well, no need to worry now. He could just start researching now, that way he could have all the websites he used to gather his information left open, resulting in making it easier to create his bibliography. Easy enough. Now he just needed a subject to search….

“Subject….subject….subject…what subject?” Kibum muttered to himself quietly, as he began tapping his fingers against his keypad softly, not really noticing the clicking noise it made every time his fingertips would hit against the keys in each strum.

“Hmn, what sounds good? What sounds good….ah! Do you know what sounds good? Peaches. Peaches sound delicious right now. I could totally go for something peach flavored right now!” Kibum sang happily, successfully pulling himself away from the untouched essay in front of him, ignoring his computer completely as his mind immediately made room for peaches instead.

“You know, I haven’t had anything peach flavored in ages. Peach juice sounds delicious right now. So sweet, and yet, not something that’s way too overpowering, like strawberry. Hmn, peach juice…ohhh, I’m totally craving peaches now. I should go get some. How often do I get to try something peach flavored, huh? Where’s my wallet, I should go get something…” Kibum narrated his every thought happily, as he stood up from his place on his bed and left his laptop to fall onto the white bedding, completely ignored as he searched for his wallet.

“Minho! Minho-yah! Do you want peaches? I’m going to the store, do you want something!?” Kibum asked happily, as he found his wallet and dropped it in his pocket, before looking back towards his normally always quiet roommate.

Minho didn’t make any physical signs of recognizing his roommate’s question, simply moved his torso to or fro, leaning accordingly to which direction he was steering in his video game, his back towards Kibum as he continued to be completely involved in the fast action display on the television in front of him.

“Didn’t you have a paper to write tonight?” He finally asked, as he beat yet another level on his game, taking time long enough to speak to his now ready-to-leave roommate.

Kibum tried his best not to gag at the thought of trying to go anywhere near his computer to finish his paper, and therefore simply pulled his demin jacket over his shoulders and fixed his hair in his mirror briefly, before answering the other boy’s questioning.

“It’s almost done,” He lied casually, trying his best to be ignorant to the fact that his paper was indeed nowhere near done. “Besides, I’m hungry, and I can’t work on an essay with an empty stomach.” He added in his defense.

Minho continued to be focused on his video game, but listened to his roommate’s excuses nonetheless. “You just ate dinner an hour ago. How are you hungry?” He asked bluntly, as he switched his game to the next level and repositioned his thumbs on the controller.

Kibum looked away from his roommate quickly, before holding his breath stubbornly in his cheeks, thankful that Minho wasn’t looking at him, and therefore couldn’t see the guilty expression on his face.

“I started craving peaches really badly you see, and you know I can’t focus on a paper when I crave something. Who can? We’ve been partners in research projects before, haven’t we? You should know.” He said quickly and quietly, as he continued to stare down at the floor guiltily.

Minho simply sniggered at this, but didn’t turn his gaze back towards Kibum. He didn’t need to. He already knew that the older boy was desperately looking for excuses not to do his work as he should be doing.

“When you have a paper to write, you suddenly start getting more cravings than a pregnant woman…” Minho commented bluntly, not turning his gaze from his video games once.

Kibum held his breath furiously in his cheeks as he glared at Minho with a stubborn pout before crossing his arms across his chest, annoyed with his stubborn roommate’s behavior.

“I thought you had a paper to write as well! Actually, I know you do; we’re in the same class! What about you? Shouldn’tyou be doing yours too!?” He snapped quickly and stubbornly, not caring at all that at the current moment that he looked quite like a child.

Minho laughed quietly at Kibum’s behavior, but soon went back to ignoring his childish roommate and began leaning to either side along with his video game again.

“I did mine last week, a few days after we were given the assignment. Remember, I told you you should do yours too, but you suddenly decided you were craving chocolate last time.” He said bluntly, causing for Kibum to pout again.

“You know what!? I really am craving peaches! I can’t help it! There’s no way I can honestly focus until I get my peaches, so if you would please excuse me—I’m going to 7Elven to get something. Last time I offer anything to you. Goodnight, Minho.” Kibum snapped stubbornly, grabbing his school bag off of the hanger and quickly opening the door to their small dorm stubbornly.

Minho chuckled again, but didn’t look away from his television screen once, as his annoyed roommate scoffed and slipped out of the dorm on his way to 7Eleven.  




“Stupid Minho, trying to make me feel like the bad guy here. It’s not my fault! It’s all my tummy’s doing! If it wouldn’t crave peaches so much, I would be able to focus on my stupid paper and get it finished already…” Kibum grumbled quietly, as he made his way down the busy night’s street, making his way towards the nearest 7Eleven he could locate.

“Ah, 7Eleven…University student’s best friend. Cheap food, cheap drinks, delicious candy…you never know what you might find there…” Kibum thought endearingly, as he made his way to the story’s entrance, blinking under the bright white lights that shined down into the convenient store’s vast selection of items. It was funny how happy he was to be doing anything but his paper at the moment.

“Okay, peaches.” Kibum reminded himself, as he began strolling leisurely down the aisles. “Peaches, peaches, peaches. What should I get with peaches? Dried peaches? Fresh peaches? Peace juice!” He thought happily, as he smiled up at the vast selection of drinks kept in glass refrigerators in the back.

“Do they even have any peach juice?” Kibum thought to himself, as he walked over to the juice section and stood back a bit, as there was another man standing in his view, taking his sweet time to look over each and every drink offered three times over and then once more just for good measure. This was the kind of behavior that normally would have annoyed Kibum beyond your greatest imagination, but tonight, Kibum was calm. At least he wasn’t doing his paper. He couldn’t help it if the guy in front of him was taking too long in line. Minho couldn’t blame him.

After about a minute of waiting, however, the normally short-tempered side of Kibum slowly began to leak through, as the blonde began peeking around the brunette guy in front of him impatiently, looking to see if he could get past him just so he could grab his peach juice and go. Seriously, what was taking this guy so long?

“Ah…I see it.” Kibum thought to himself as he looked over the brunette’s shoulder (luckily that slow guy was a bit shorter than him and he was able to see past him easily), and finally managed to locate the only product in the entire store that he could see had peaches in it. “Only one left…I better hurry.” He noted in his head, looking around to see if there was a way he could sneak around the other guy in front of him.

Suddenly, however, before Kibum even had to try to sneak past him, the brunette moved, and both were able to walk forwards, Kibum trying his best not to notice that they were going in exactly the same direction until the very moment that they both reached for the last packet of peach juice, hands falling over each other’s as they both grabbed at the packet.

Kibum gasped quickly as he noticed he had grabbed the stranger’s hand, instead of the juice packet, but was left surprisingly wordless as he looked up to meet the big eyes and friendly smile of the other.

"Yah! That was totally my juice, you jack--" Kibum began to snap, but suddenly fell completely silent.

“Woah, someone sure is mighty aggressive when it comes to peach juice.” The guy in front of Kibum commented happily, bright smile wide as he spoke, and voice so rich and soft that Kibum couldn’t help himself from suddenly wanting to hear the stranger sing as he spoke.

Kibum at first didn’t move his hand from the other guy’s hand as he continued staring at him with big eyes, wondering why he found himself flushing so drastically as he stared at his bright and happy smile.

The brunette in front of him laughed softly at this before leaning down, a little more into Kibum’s view (as Kibum had frozen in a half crouched state over the juice) after a moment, and waved his free hand in front of the taller boy’s face playfully.

“Hello? The lights are on, but is anybody home? I was going to offer it to you…but you kind of have to let go of my hand in order for me to do that for you." He bounced his brows once and nodded towards their hands. "Not that I’m really complaining about having my hand held by you though…” He joked happily, the large smile never leaving his face once as he spoke, making Kibum wonder if he was always such a happy person.

Suddenly, however, the reality of the fact that he was in a way, pinning a stranger’s hand down to a packet of peach juice and holding it there, snapped back into Kibum’s head, and he jumped immediately, moving his hand away from the brunette’s quickly, instantly using it to scratch the back of his neck nervously-- espcially as his eyes shamelessly evaluated the other man's short but beautifully defined body. Suddenly peach juice wasn't the most delicious thing he could think of....

“A-ah! No! I don't want to do that to you!” He started quickly and nervously, mentally kicking himself for suddenly stuttering in front of the other guy. Why was it that he hadn’t noticed before how hot this guy really was? He was uncommonly gorgeous.

The brunette raised his brow again before laughing n a full and rich laugh, once again bragging his beautiful vocals, as he looked at Kibum’s nervous face, and slowly picked up the packet of peach juice they had both been reaching for.

“I don't know what you were, or weren't, wanting to do to me but..." He chuckled again. "Did you want this? You can have it. I don’t mind.” He asked friendlily after a slight moment, holding the packet out for Kibum to take as he spoke.

Kibum forced himself to snap back into reality and stop staring at how incredibly large and charming the other guy’s eyes were, and look up at him with, once again, a completely flushed face and distracted mind.

“A-ah? I…ugh…no! It’s okay! You can have it! I was just wasting time and craving peaches anyways….I don’t mind if you take it.” He stuttered out quickly and nervously, honestly and truthfully not being able to help noticing how nicely the brunette’s strong facial features complimented his soft eyes and perfectly shaped, plump, damp lips. He couldn’t help it; he swore. Honestly….

“Wasting time?” The brunette’s voice suddenly cut into Kibum’s thoughts after a moment, as the shorter guy smiled happily again. “Small world, I’m doing the same. What are you avoiding at this time of night?” He asked friendlily, noticing that it was already well past ten at night, and quite honestly, not wanting to go home at all.

Kibum glanced up quickly, absolutely hating himself for being nervous in front of the undoubtedly attractive other man, but not being able to help his lips as he caught a glimpse of the tan skin stretched over well defined muscles when his loose Rolling Stones tee rolled up a little.

“Huh? Wha? Killing time…I…ugh…have a paper due tomorrow. I didn’t want to do it, and craved peaches so…ugh…wh-what are you waiting for?” Kibum started quietly, still quite out of it, even though he begged himself to pull himself together.

The brunette laughed quietly at Kibum’s air-head response before glancing back down at the peach juice for a short moment. “Waiting? I’m not really waiting for anything really…I just don’t want to go home.” He started honestly, looking down as he spoke, until something suddenly caught his interest and he looked back up at Kibum with big and shiny eyes. “Hey, I know this is going to sound really weird 'cuz we just met and all, but….do you want to hang out with me? Just since we’re both bored and don’t want to go home right away. I won’t try anything on you, I promise. Otherwise you can call the police on me. Just…want to talk for a while?” He asked excitedly at first, then came back to reality, before suddenly looking excited again and looking up at Kibum with the world’s most irresistible puppy-eyes the latter had ever before seen.

"Won't try any..." Kibum repeated under his breath as he barely processed the request-- but once he had, he looked up rather excitedly as well. “I…hang…hang out with you? R-reallly?” He asked oh-so-coolly (something he ended up kicking himself over later), barely able to believe that this freaking beautiful guy had suddenly and randomly asked him to spend time with him, seriously moments after first meeting.

The brunette glanced down again and laughed slightly nervously at his own question, before looking up at Kibum with innocent and friendly eyes. “Y-yeah. I mean, just to spend time with each other. I don’t mean to sound creepy, honestly. Don’t be afraid to say no.” He clarified after a moment, obviously catching himself with how out-of-place he had asked the other to spend with him.

“Oh God, yes!” Kibum suddenly gasped out quickly (far too quickly), causing for the brunette to look up at him quickly with surprised but pleased eyes, and for himself to have to pull his eyes down slowly from the incredible pair that stared at him. "I-I mean... just because I don't want to do that paper."




It didn’t take long—on the small stone wall in the back of 7Eleven, staring at the stars—before the two strangers were already acquainted with each other, talking easily and sharing small sips between the two of them of the last peach juice package. Within the twenty minutes he had been talking with the other (or he thought it was twenty minutes, it seemed so leisurely fast to Kibum), Kibum had already learned quite a few things about the attractive brunette. Like the fact that his name was Kim Jonghyun, he was currently 21 years old, attended the same college Kibum went to, lived at home with his mother and sister, studied art, played the bass, and dreamed of some day becoming the world’s best singer ever. He was loud, and funny, and not a moment was spent between of them where Kibum did not have a smile on his face. Even as Jonghyun learned everything there was to know about him as well.

Kibum felt slightly inferior, as he sat back against the stone wall, listening to Jonghyun singing in the most breath-taking singing voice he had ever even dreamed of. Jonghyun had so much going for him. His voice was enough to ensure his entire future, and yet, nothing about him seemed stuck-up or cocky. He was friendly, and seemed to magically have good feelings towards everyone. He was good looking and popular, and yet, he was still spending his entire night drinking peach juice with this air-headed kid who didn’t even know what he wanted to major in yet. Just within the first quarter-hour he had known him, Kibum had already decided that he was the most amazing person he had ever come in contact with.

And, then, came the time that Kibum liked considerably less. The part where Jonghyun had called it a cutting point of how much he was going to talk about himself, and stopped everything to listen intently to everything that Kibum was willing to share with him about himself. Telling Jonghyun the little about him he found good enough to inform the other of—that he was into fashion, tried singing a few times himself, loved waterskiing—was nerve wracking and slightly unpleasant for Kibum…all until he looked at his side and saw Jonghyun’s large and friendly eyes completely and intently focused on only him. He smiled at everything Kibum told him about himself, and commented positively and complimented Kibum only when it was appropriate for compliments to be given (he wasn’t trying to kiss his in anyway, and each compliment sounded honest enough to make Kibum’s heart flutter). And—within the second hour of knowing each other—Jonghyun had already told Kibum that he was one of the most interesting people he had ever talked to.




Finishing the last few sips in the peach juice package between the two of them (Kibum laughed quietly as Jonghyun insisted on giving him the last sip, even though if they took equal sips between the two, it was rightfully Jonghyun’s), Kibum sighed softly and stared up at the sky happily, stretching his arms as he barely noticed that his head had comfortably fallen onto Jonghyun’s shoulder easily. That was just how comfortable Jonghyun made Kibum feel.

Jonghyun didn’t hide the soft smile that came to his face as he glanced down at Kibum’s head rested on his shoulder. “Why are you smiling so much? You must really like peach juice.” He joked, laughing quietly as Kibum chuckled against his shoulder, but kept his gaze on the stars above him.

“That’s not it,” Kibum corrected after a long minute, his nervousness lost with the older boy completely. “I’m…happy. Just so happy right now. I don’t remember the last time I’ve felt this way about anything….about anyone…” He started, slowly daring himself to glance back towards the soft puppy eyes that fell from his uneasily as they made contact again.

“Wh-what’s wrong?” Kibum asked as he noticed Jonghyun was looking away from him, the smile, for the first time since he had met him, off of his face, as the older boy looked at his hands hesitantly.

Jonghyun swallowed nervously as he felt Kibum’s concerned gaze on him, before letting out a breath and risking it, glancing back up at Kibum slowly. “Key…” He started, using the nickname he had already made up for the younger. “…if I…tried something…would you still call the police on me?” He found himself asking hesitantly, his cheeks flushing slightly, puppy eyes looking nervous but innocent as he searched Kibum’s face for any indication of his true feelings.

Kibum stopped completely, his breath leaving him, his face being eaten up by blush as he continued to stare at Jonghyun with big eyes, trying not to notice how his heart thudded against his rib-cage, trying to escape the attack from the butterflies in his stomach. He wouldn't lie, with how damn attractive the young bass player was, he had fantasized about what a tried something was multiple times, but now it seemed so real. Enoguh to make the proud diva blush like a girl.

“I…it’d depend on if I liked it….” Kibum found himself murmuring distractedly, joking with the other guy, as he had been for the last two hours, though his heart told him this was no laughing matter.

Jonghyun seemed to swallow nervously as he heard Kibum’s reply, but shifted in his position on the wall, moving just slightly towards Kibum leaning his head closer and closer to the younger’s nervously. He set his palm against the crumbly stone wall behind Kibum's shoulders and leaned closer to him, eyes scanning all over Kibum's face, obviously stalling on his slightly bitten lips for much longer than they should.

“If…if I were to…” He started, but before he could explain any more, Kibum had him by the collar of this Rolling Stone's tee and tugged him forwards, forcing their lips together in a rather needy but passionated kiss. Yeah. Those lips tasted as good as they looked. Kibum had quite nearly lost himself before Jonghyun pulled away quickly again, afraid of having to fulfill his earlier promise (“If I try anything on you, you can call the police”…yeah, smooth wording, Jonghyun).

Suddenly, however, the moment Jonghyun’s lips left Kibum’s, Kibum closed his eyes a bit tightly, hands somehow finding Jonghyun’s hair, fingers entwining with his fluffy brown mop, pulling him closer until their lips met properly this time. His lips were soft and somehow natural feeling under his own, and…

                                                      …had a slight peach flavor.

A/N: So...I had this history paper to write. Yes, a 5 paged research paper. And I REALLY didn't want to do it last night. So I kept coming up with excuses as to why I couldn't do my paper, and lo and behold, I started craving peaches again. 
The sad news is, I don't live in walking distance to 7Eleven, I don't have Minho as a roommate, and no, I did not meet a charming Jonghyun to kiss. I stayed at home and finished this fanfiction, and then, my essay. 


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