Omo... Go My Love!


"Jeong Rin aaahhhh!!!"

I completely shocked when suddenly I heard Seungho screamed my name from his bedroom. I jumped from the couch and ran to his room. I burst into the room when I saw he was standing next to his study table. His eyes glared at me when he realized I walked near to him.

"Seungho, what's wrong?" I asked when he still frozen at the place he was standing.
"Did you enter my room today?"
I nodded.
"What are you doing at my room?"
"I took your clothes to do some laundry. Is everything alright?"

He sighed and went near to me. I back off a little when I realize his eyes were staring at me. "I put a small box on the table. You open it right?" He asked and his voice tone quite high. I shook my head even I know I already make a mistake. Why am I so fool?! "Kim Jeong Rin...answers me."

"I didn't mean it." I admitted. "I know it's all my faults. But that box...,"
"Totally attract your attention?" I nodded even I didn't know what will he think about my answer. I looked at him when he went to the table and took the box. He opened it and I saw he took one photo from there. He went near to me and he showed that photo to me. "You know her?" I shook my head. "Are you sure?" He asked me again. I looked at him and his eyes gazed at me. "You already saw her picture earlier but you still don't recognize her?"

"Why do you expect for me to know her? I have to go." I turned and leave his bedroom. I walked so quickly and entered my room. I closed the door and lean my body on the wall. Suddenly my tears were falling down. Oh My God! Why he has my mother's photo? What did he know about her?!

"Jeong the door." I heard Seungho knocked from outside. "I need to talk to you."
"Go away! I don't know what you want from me!" I shouted while my fingers wiped my tears. No! I have to be strong! No tears anymore!
"Jeong make me angry. Open the door!"

I took a deep breath and let it go. I pulled the door handle and Seungho was standing in front me. I tried to talk but I completely shocked when suddenly he pushed my shoulder. My eyes widen when he went into my bedroom while his right hand closed the door. I back off when he approached near to me. "I know she's your mother."I shocked and I can't stop myself from staring at him. "Why you denied it when I asked you?"

"I'm not her, Seungho." I shook my head. "I don't want to be like her. I can't be like her." My voice tone high. "I don't want to remember her. My mother never gave me a sweet memory. Everytime I think about her, it just hurt me! She betrayed me and my father!" My eyes started too teary. I tried to walk out from the room but I stopped when Seungho grabbed my wrist and pushed me on the wall. He stared at me meanwhile I tried so hard to escape from my own room!

I almost shouted when suddenly Seungho wrapped his arm around my waist. I tried to push his shoulders but my heart stopped me from doing that. I stunned when he hugged me so warm and lovely. Gently, he touched my hair, my cheek, my neck even my lips before he let me go. "Don't cry for her. I believe you will be better without her."He walked but I pulled his arm. He turned and his eyes gazed at me.

"Are you trying to give some hope to someone like me?" I asked but no answer from him. "Tell me Seungho. Why?" My eyes were staring at him.

"Do you love G.O?" Out of nowhere he asked me that question. I stunned because that completely shocked me. What kind of feeling that I have for G.O? Did I really hate him? No! Even he hurts me I really hope he did that because he cares about me. How should I give an answer to my own heart?! "Jeong Rin. I need your answer."

I looked at him and our eyes meet. I took a deep breath and slowly I nodded. I love G.O! I give my heart to him even it hurts me! What am I doing? I'm crazy!

"I can't allow that. You're not for him." I stunned with his words. Seungho eyes were staring at me. I almost said something when suddenly I feel a warm kiss went to my lips. He pulled my body as my fingers touched his wrist. He hugged me while both my arms moving to his waist and I kissed him back. He kissed me deeper as I pushed my lips into his lips. I tried to stop my own reaction but totally failed! We drown for a moment until my ears caught someone knocked my bedroom door. Seungho let me go and his eyes were staring at me. I looked at him and he nodded his head.

"Who's that?" I asked even Seungho still hugging me tightly. "It's me. Can I talk to you for a while?" I sighed as I buried my face into Seungho chest. He rubbed my hair and then he grabbed both my shoulder. "Seungho...," I looked at him.

"I will talk to him." He whispered to my ear. I shook my head but he nodded. He pushed my shoulder and I walked into the door. I saw Seungho walked to the bed and he sat there. I pulled the door and my heart was pounding like crazy when I saw G.O was staring at me. Without saying anything he went into my room. I saw he glared at Seungho meanwhile Seungho still not moving from my bed.

"Close the door, Jeong Rin." G.O glanced at me but I shook my head. "Are you deaf?" His voice tones a little high as I did what he told me. I looked at both of them and I completely confused to tell what will happen between him. G.O took a deep breath as he walked near to Seungho. "Do you think I can't kill you now Seungho?"

I completely shocked when suddenly G.O said that to him. I looked at Seungho but no response from him. They were staring at each other while my heart beats totally killed me. What should I do if something bad happened between them?! "Seungho...," G.O called his name. He stood up and walked out from my room. I tried to follow him but G.O grabbed my hand and glared at me. "Stay away! You know how much trouble you will bring to him?" He asked while my head totally blank to even remember that nobody likes me in this house!

"Are you mad?!" G.O walked into the bedroom and slammed the door. Seungho pulled a chair and sat. He looked at G.O. G.O took a deep breath and shook his head. "I can't believe this. I will kill you if I got a chance."

Seungho smiled while his hand was scratching his hair. "I know you can't do that. Will you kill me because of woman?" He stood up and walked near to G.O. "I don't think so."
" can say whatever you want." G.O was staring at him. "Don't you dare to do something beyond my expectation. It's just a kiss right?"

"It should be more. But you came and ruined everything. So I just got a chance to kiss her." Seungho teased and smiled at him. "Well G.O... don't tell me you're expecting more than that." He patted G.O's shoulder while he walked near to the study table. He took a small box there and gave it to him. "Next time, don't forget about your stuff. If she asks me why I have her mother's photo, maybe I will tell her." Seungho looked at him.
G.O smirked while his eyes were staring at Seungho. "I don't care. But make sure she doesn't hurt you." He reminded him.

"G.O, she's not her mother." Seungho shook his head. "She doesn't want to remember her own mother. I think...she hates her."
"How did you know about that? Maybe she's just pretending to be someone who looks...,"
"Innocent?" Seungho interrupted and smiled. "Don't you think she's a nice girl?" He asked him.
His eyes widen while Seungho keeps smiling at him. "I can't believe this. Now she's an angel and I'm an evil. Did you forget all the words that you said to her before? Do you think you have a right to love her? Just one kiss and you already think you can get her right?"

"G.O...," Seungho eyes were staring at him.
"I still hate her and I don't want to deny it. If you really like her, make sure you give full protection to her. Make sure nobody know about this. Don't you think you will make her suffer with a decision you make?" G.O went to the door and pulled the handle.

"G.O...," He heard Seungho called his name. He took a deep breath and turned. "I know you care about her. You should know the real reason I kissed her today. I tried so hard to make her stop from falling in love with you. Did you know that she loves you?"

"I won't let that happened."
"What make you so sure about that? With all your action towards her? The way you show her how much you hate her? Did I say anything wrong here?" Seungho voice a little high. "Don't you think all that can be a reason for her to love you? The more you hate her the more he will think about you. Can you stop doing that to Jeong Rin?!"

"Shut up, Seungho! I hate my mother and her father! It will never change the fact!" G.O yelled while his eyes were staring at him. "I hate Jeong Rin too and I won't let myself to like her even a single minute of my life!"
"G.O!" Seungho eyes widen. "Stop hating her!"

"It hurt me! I really hope I never had a sister like her!"

At the same time, he heard something was falling on the floor. He stunned when he saw Jeong Rin was standing at the door. A glass which falling on the floor broken into pieces. Jeong Rin moved backwards and she shook her head. She almost collapsed when Seungho ran to her and hugged her shoulders. She was looking at G.O but he just walked and leaves her there with Seungho.

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hielooo #1
Princ3ss_BubbLee #2
great story loved it!
loving_eida #3
@r0ckst34dy .. thank you so much ..i will post this story at ABM .. but have to update my other two fanfics first .. :) .. wait yaaa...
r0ckst34dy #4
i like your story ^___^ reminds me of myself & my dad coz he hates seeing me cry. He always says that tears are only for a weak person. I think you should post this on ABM ^____^
aaww. thats almost sweet.<br />
<br />
butterfly555 #6
damn they are so mean to her pout
loving_eida #7
@static ... hihihi .. thanks :)
o.o how exciting
loving_eida #9
thanks .. glad that you like it ! :)
Anda-Maria #10
love your story update soon :)