Omo... Go My Love!


Who's Lee Min Jie? Min Jie was every guy sweetheart when she was at college. She's a princess to most of the young guy in her neighbourhood area. She's pretty with beautiful smiled and adorable laugh. Every boy in the college called her goddess and they always tried to get a chance to ask her for a date. But Min Jie never accepts any date for herself. Why? Because one guy will never feel happy for that. And he is Jung Ji Hoon aka Rain.

She's everything for him. Their father was a best friend. They grown up together and Min Jie was his first crush. And he really want to punch the face of every guy who always give flowers, sweets, chocolate even sometimes doll to her. But one thing for sure. They never make their relationship official as lovers. They didn't talk about their feeling to each other but they know even without any word they were happy together.

"Oppa...," Softly Min Jie shook Rain wrist and his smiled widen when his eyes gazed at her. "You can help her right?"
"Min Jie... I can't help Su Ki. It's not my fault if that crazy guy likes to disturb her."
"Oppa... help her. Pleaseee...," Min Jie was blinking her eyes meanwhile Rain shook his head and Min Jie can hear he sighed.

"Alright. I'll help her. But only for this time."
Min Jie nodded and her smiled widen.

Su Ki is only her best friend. Su Ki's mother is Japanese and her father is Korean. They know each other since high school. They always spend time together and share the same interest. Dancing and painting. If Rain really likes Min Jie but they never knows Su Ki hiding her own feeling about Rain. His a perfect guy in her eyes. Rain appearances totally attracted her since the first day she saw him. Adorable smiled and Su Ki can't help her eyes from staring at him everytime he laughed. Seductive and attractive.

"Su Ki... faster...," Rain stopped from walking while he took holds Su Ki's fingers. Her smiled widen as they walked side by side to the fast food restaurant not far from their neighbourhood area. As they entered the restaurant, every girl eyes on that restaurant were rolling at them. They started to whisper at each other and obviously jealousy fulfilled that area.

"Here...," Rain dragged her to the table at the left corner. Su Ki just followed him without saying anything. "Su Ki... are you sure he will come today?"
She nodded. "Oppa... what will you tell him?"

"Is that true that crazy guy send...," Rain paused as he approached his face near to her and whispered. "His underwear?" His eyes widen meanwhile Su Ki forehead totally crumpled when she heard that word. "He really did that?" Rain raised his eyebrow and Su Ki nodded. "Aigoo... beautiful princess. I'll help you." Spontaneous Rain touched her cheek and Su Ki heart thumping like no end! D*mn Jung Ji Hoon! What he did to my heart?! She almost shouted but that word stuck in her brain.

"Su Ki aahhh...," Both of them turned when suddenly they heard someone called her name.
"Oppa...," Su Ki looked at Rain. She shook her head while stood up from her sat.
Like a flash Rain get up and approached to that guy. "So, that's you. Yaaa... stop disturbing her. What do you think you doing?" Rain eyes widen as his staring at him.
"I like her. You got a problem with that?"

"Of course." Rain voice tone high. He went to the guy and suddenly he whispered something to his ear. "I heard you send your underwear to her. What if I send my underwear to you? You want it?" Rain laughed while looking at him. "You want it huh?" He grabbed that guy shoulder and he squeeze it.

"Crazy...," That guy pushed his hand and approached to Su Ki. She back off and she almost screamed when roughly that guy grabbed her hand but her eyes widen when suddenly Rain pulled that guy shirt and slumped him on the wall. The sound of cracking fulfilled the restaurant and Su Ki can't think anything. All eyes in that restaurant were looking at them but it can't stop Rain from punching that guy face. He collapsed on the floor and Rain bent down while slapping his face a couple of time.

"Yaaa... look at me. I'll teach you how to be a real man." He squeezed that guy face with his fingers before he stood up. Su Ki was looking at that guy when suddenly Rain grabbed her shoulders and in a blink of eyes, Rain pushed his lips to her lips. Su Ki stunned and at the same time she feels her heart stopped from beating. She closed her eyes as Rain fingers caress her shoulder. Everything around her moved in a slow motion as her arms wrapping around his waist.

And that guy eyes widen. Still can't believe what was happening in front of him!

"Su Ki...," She heard Rain called her name but she totally nervous. She keeps walking without turned back. "Su Ki...wait...," She stopped from walking when she realized Rain grabbed her wrist.
"Oppa...," Su Ki looked at him.

"Yaaa... trust me. That guy won't disturb you again." She nodded but she doesn't have any strength to look at his eyes. Rain smiled and messed up her hair. "By the way, I'm sorry for what happened just now. You won't angry at me right?" Su Ki shook her head. "I'm happy to hear that. But I hope that wasn't your first kiss." He .

Su Ki raised her head and her eyes were staring at him. "That's my first time actually."
Rain eyes widen and he forced smiled. "Su Ki...,"
"But it's okay. I know you like Min Jie. Thanks for helping me."

Rain nodded but he really feels guilty for what he did to her. First kiss? D*mn! He can't believe this! Min Jie will kill him if she knows what happened between him and Su Ki!

"Oppa...," He shocked when his ears caught Su Ki called him. "Next time, don't beat other people in front of me. Can you do that?"
Rain forced smiled and nodded. "Sure. I won't do that again."

"Omma... I have to go." Min Jie grabbed her bag and walked to the main door.
"Min Jie... where are you going?" Omma went near to her and hold her hand.
"Class. I'll be back around four." She told her Omma.

"Min Jie... I need to talk to you." Omma grabbed her hand and both of them sat on the couch. Omma took a deep breath and looked at her. "Min Jie... can you help your stepfather? They come to our house yesterday. They threatened me."

"Omma...," Min Jie shook her head. "What can I do for him? It's not my fault if his addicted with gambling. Why I should I help him?"
"Min Jie... we have to do this for Joon. I don't want him to know what exactly happened in our family. Min Jie...," Omma rubbed her shoulder and her eyes were gazing at Min Jie.

"Omma... the only thing you can do in your life is being that man slaved. I know his your husband but should you ask me to help him?" Min Jie's eyes were staring at Omma. "The debt is his own problem. I don't want to know everything." Min Jie shook her head. "And Omma... I know you started to drink again. Do you want to be alcoholic like before? You have to be strong for Joon. He will be sad if he knows what happened to you." She stood up and walked out from the house.

Her father dies when she was young. Nothing can be better for her except having Omma and Joon as her family. Omma life was miserable after her father death. Omma always drank and she was alcoholic. But everything change five years after that. Omma meet her stepfather and they decided to get married. She really thought her family life will change but she was wrong. Her stepfather was an addicted gambler. Everynight he will spend his time with gambling. Debt everywhere but one thing for sure, Omma never leave that man no matter what happened!

She stopped from walking when suddenly she saw three men were standing at her family house courtyard. She turned when she saw Omma was standing at the main door while looking at her. Her face crumpled while Omma shook her head.

"Min Jie aaahhh... they threatened me. They want to kill us if your stepfather can't pay his debt. I can die but I can't let that happened to you and Joon." Omma was crying while looking at her.
"Omma...," Her eyes widen.
"Min Jie... I'm sorry. I was forced to do this."
"Omma...," She shook her head.
"They want you Min Jie. They won't ask anything from us after this."

She screamed when suddenly that three men grabbed her shoulders and pushed her body into the car. She struggle but one of the man pulled her body and slammed her on the back seat. He covered with his palm while Min Jie legs were kicking everything in the car. She started to cry but violently that man slapped her face while her breathing goes up and down like leaving her own body.

She crawled on the floor even she saw her own blood between her legs. She tried to grab her clothes and jeans but she collapsed before she reached there. She started to cry while the pain on her stomach totally killed her. She moved her body and lean it on the wall. With a little strength leaved, she tried to crawl again.

She grabbed her shirt, trying to kneel down and wear it. She pushed her palm on the wall and tried to stand up. Slowly she went to the door but before she reached there she collapsed again. Everything turned to black and she can't remember anything until she feels someone touched her cheek and she realized she's not at the same place anymore.

"Min Jie aaahh... just sleep okay?" Rain eyes were staring at her and she nodded. She closed her eyes while Rain stood up and walked out from the room. He took a deep breath when he saw Su Ki approached to him.

"She's fine right?" Su Ki asked.
"I'm not sure. She's in a weak condition." Rain pushed his palm on the chair and sat. He rubbed his hair and he looked at Su Ki when she touched his fingers. "What should I tell Joon? He really thought I can take care of her sister."

They looked at the doctor room when they saw Dr. Shin walked out. Rain stood up from the chair while Su Ki followed him from behind. "What exactly happened to her doctor? Don't tell me...," Rain paused while shook his head.

Dr. Shin took a deep breath while looking at him. "I'm sorry Rain. But she was ."
Rain stunned meanwhile Su Ki started to cry.

"Based on her wound, I believe there's more than one man. Maybe three." Rain scratched his hair while lean his body on the wall. His totally shocked but at the same he ran to Su Ki when suddenly she collapsed on the floor.

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hielooo #1
Princ3ss_BubbLee #2
great story loved it!
loving_eida #3
@r0ckst34dy .. thank you so much ..i will post this story at ABM .. but have to update my other two fanfics first .. :) .. wait yaaa...
r0ckst34dy #4
i like your story ^___^ reminds me of myself & my dad coz he hates seeing me cry. He always says that tears are only for a weak person. I think you should post this on ABM ^____^
aaww. thats almost sweet.<br />
<br />
butterfly555 #6
damn they are so mean to her pout
loving_eida #7
@static ... hihihi .. thanks :)
o.o how exciting
loving_eida #9
thanks .. glad that you like it ! :)
Anda-Maria #10
love your story update soon :)