Chapter 3

Shattered To Pieces


Seohyun was so happy. She would find herself giggling at the most random places, which also earned her a lot of whispers and stares. Every time she thought about what happened two nights ago her face would just instantly flush. Seohyun and Changmin haven’t seen each other for a week now because he was on a business trip. She didn’t care though. She was on cloud nine. Her on happiness blinded her from seeing that Changmin was actually becoming more distant.

It had already been one week and two days now since Seohyun last saw Changmin. Days went by and Seohyun was getting more anxious. She consulted with her best friend Yoona for some advice.

“Ahh my best friend is finally in love! Now I don’t have to pray for your future husband anymore, thank god!”


“Alright fine, how about this. Why don’t you just go visit him?”

‘Visit him?’ Seohyun thought. It had never really occurred to her before. The ideas of her being able to meet Changmin again made her face turn a shade of soft pink.

“Ahh! Seobaby is blushing! Aw how adorable!” Yoona screamed, making Seohyun blush even harder.

The next day Seohyun packed her suitcase and got on the first flight to Japan. She couldn’t hide her happiness anymore. When she finally got to the hotel her face just broke into a smile.

“Room 152. I’m finally here,” Seohyun said feeling relieved. She was about to knock but noticed that the door was unlocked and opened. She heard some noises from the bedroom and assuming it was Changmin she decided to check it out.

“Changmin op-pa?”

Seohyun slowly glanced around the apartment while heading towards the bedroom. Seohyun didn’t know why but deep inside her heart here as this unsettling feeling. But she ignored it and turned the knob on the door. She slowly opened the door and peeked inside the room. Gasp! Suddenly her whole world came crashing down. Seohyun went blank upon seeing Changmin and another girl kissing each other. They were both practically . She stood there unable to move until Changmin, who was wrapped in a towel, spotted her. Blank. That was what her mind was. There was too much shock. Her brain couldn’t comprehend everything that was happening. The only thing she was able to do was utter a few words.

"W-why?........" She stuttered. Even though she witnessed this horrid scene somewhere deep inside her fragile heart she was still holding on to a tiny thread of hope.

“Why you say?” Changmin replied while snickering.

“L-love……………… said you l-loved me,” Seohyun muttered. She stared at the floor in order to hide her teary eyes..

Changmin with a smirk on his face replied, "Why? You think I was actually in love with you? A girl my parents forced me to marry? You are too naive. The only reason I married you was for your wealth. I can't stand the presence of you."

Snap. Seohyun could hear that tiny string of hope she had breaking as Changmin finished his last sentence. Drip. One tear had fallen on Seohyun’s porcelain skin. At that moment Seohyun decided that she had already given too much to him so one tear was all that she was going to let him see.

Seohyun turned her head around and walked away each step getting faster. Before she knew it she was running. She didn’t know where she was running to, she just wanted to get out of there and erase that scene from her memories. Or maybe even erase every memory she shared with Changmin. Seohyun wasn’t looking and she accidentally bumped into someone making their coffee spill all over their clothes.

"Watch where you're going! Aghhh my clothes!" the stranger said.

"Sorry………." Seohyun replied then quickly ran out trying to hide her red puffy eyes. The handsome stranger growled at her but stopped seeing her run with tears flowing down her angelic face. "The heck?" He mumbled. "Kris what happened to you?! Well it doesn’t matter we're going to be late for your photo shoot let's go!" 





Thank you so much for all the support! I'm so happy to hear good feedback! Happy reading! 

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Sorry it seems I won't be updating for a while. I've been working on some other stories and I'm kind of on a hiatus? KKKK forgive me!


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Popopo #1
Chapter 3: Can you update the story authornim?
Changmin is billion better in all aspect but whatever u want to put finally the other dude with her uhg.
Chapter 3: seokris met, I can not wait for the next chapter, is please update soon, I was fascinated by your story
Chapter 3: Gosh! Changmin cheated on Seohyun!
Does he really not love her???
I hope Seohyun can cancel their engagement.
I wonder how Seohyun will meet Kris again after their first 'meeting'.
Chapter 2: Seohyun started to love him too.
But what will happen????
Chapter 1: Changmin loves Seohyun?
But what is the pain he hid?
Chapter 2: I want to see seokris in your story.... update soon , pls!
dingdongdeng #8
Chapter 2: aah, what will happen to them?? *dying to know* ur story seems so interesting.. update soon authornim *fighting*
kimi_jae #9
Chapter 1: Looks like a interesant story, I would like to go Changseo. Please update soon author.
Chapter 1: sound interesting. please update soon^^ i love seokris too. hehe