Chapter 22

Its you

Jae Young POV

This is boring ! My bestfriends cant hangout with me today , I was bored like really bored , I even tried calling Jinyoung but he didnt even answered =,='

I walk over to the kitchen to drink water when my maid suddenly came into the kitchen "Young Miss , I was cleaning your room and I heard your phone ringed so I picked it up , you dont mind if I pick up the call for you?" The maid said .

"Oh , thank you , no I dont mind" I smiled and took my phone from her and answered it .

"Hello ?"

"Hello Jae Young-ah its Jiyoung unnie here"

"Oh unnie what is it?"

"Jae Young-ah can you help me?"

"Help what ?"

"Help me take care of ... Jinyoung ? I got a call from him just now saying that he is not feeling well so I told him that you will be there , im not home now since im at my in-laws house , so can you help?"

Since im bored why not?

"Ahh... arraso i'll be there snce I dont know what to do"

"Thank you so much ! The key is in the mailbox , I keep an extra key in the mail box in case of an emergency though"

"Your welcome , ahhh okay okay , bye unnie ! Say hi to Hae Jun and your husband"

"Okay I will , bye"

She hunged up . I told Mr Lee to send me to Jinyoung's house . I went upstairs and change my clothes . 

I arrived at Jinyoung's house and went to the mailbox and took the key . I unlock the door and took off my shoes and went in . "Jinyoung? Jinyoung-ah?" I shouted . He is probably in his room . I close the door and lock it and went upstairs to his room .

I slowly open the door and peek inside and saw Jinyoung sleeping , he was breathing heavily . I walk closer to him and touch his forehead then his neck . "Holy your burning" I mumbled . I quickly put my bag down and took a damp towel and put it on his forehead and test his temperature , it was 40 . I waited for 10 minutes and check the thermometer and his temperature and cool down . I sighed in realief . 

I saw he opened his eyes . "Oh Jae Young-ah" He said weakly . He tried to stood up but I stop him . "Rest , do you want porridge? I could make you one" I ask him while touching his neck . He nodded weakly and said "The ingredients are in the fridge" . I nodded and went down to cook him porridge .

Jinyoung POV

Jiyoung noona really send her here =,=' Its troubling her aigoo noona . Noona could just send a doctor here or something . So just now she touched my neck . EHEM . That really sent shivers to me . Looking at her face really makes me want to kiss her . God what have you done to me Park Jae Young . I sighed and ruffle my hair . I rubbed my eyes and lay down and soon went to sleep . 

Jae Young POV

I've done cooking and put the bowl in a tray , I also put medicine on the tray . I bring the tray up to Jinyoung's room . I saw him sleeping and I smile to myself . How can someone be so handsome while they are sick ? I felt my heart beating . I place the tray on the table . "Jinyoung-ah wake up" I shook him lightly . He open his eyes and I help him stood up . "Eat then eat this medicine" I said , he finished eating and eat the medicine . I brought the tray downstairs and wash the bowl and went back to his room .

It was already 8 pm and Jiyoung unnie haven't come back yet . Me and Jinyoung chat and laugh together . I even dance 'Gee' to him since I lost when we were playing games . Soon I fell asleep on the chair next to his bed .

Jinyoung POV

Where are you Jiyoung noona? Aigooo its 10 already . Jae Young already fell asleep . I carresed her cheek and kissed her forehead . She must be tired . "Jae Young-ah , Jae Young-ah" I called her softly . She stood up and rubbed her eyes . "Yeah ? You want water ?" She ask . "Sleep with me here you seem tired" I said tapping the space next to me on the bed . "Eh?" She said tlting her head . "Aigo haha come you seem tired I wont do anything to you" I said sticking out my tounge . 

She got on the bed and lay down . We share blankets together , I dont know what makes me say that to her but im not regretting what I said . We both sleep peacefully




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sahl-li #1
i love those cute person
aw, such a cute story. Thanks for shearing.
LOLOLLOOLLLLL Chapter 12, Myungsoo and Krystal. My story had Myungsoo and Krystal. I put Krystal as the girlfriend of Myungsoo LOL i didn't know they would be in here XD anyway i like the story :D
shinee4ever2012 #5 fast..heehee its okay....CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL?????.........PLEASE~~
MapleDumplings #6
I would probably do the same thing if I was the older sister, kekeke.
aerokinesis #7
Oh boy, confess to her already! ♥
shinee4ever2012 #8
awwww...i was waiting..anw when will you start updating??
MapleDumplings #9
Gotta love his older sister ^_^