5-Public Market

When i met my BIAS.

I was lying in our coach when my phone suddenly rang.. AGAIN. I dont read who is the caller but just answer it.

"Hello?" You said.

"Oh, Hi alex. It's kwangmin." He answered.

"Hello kwangmin! How are you?" I try to hide what happen earlier. You know, for being late.

"Im okay. Anyway, Im sorry."

"Sorry? For what?"

"For letting you wait for me even i left the building earlier.."

After what he say, Silence.

"No. I will be the one to say sorry kwangmin-ah!"

"Tss, Nope. I will be."

"Shh, Im sorry if im late this morning. Maybe because i dont noticed the time.."

"It's okay."

Silence again.

"Btw, Why did you leave?" I asked.

"Oh,  because i have rehearsal for M!Countdown."

I feel weird. M!Countdown in Sundays? Uh-oh.

"In sundays? I know it's only for thursday?"

"That what i feel earlier too. It's weird.."

"Oh yes? But what are you doing right now? Why are you not practicing?"

"Well, Im alone here. Idk."

"Alone?"I furrowed my eyebrows" Why?" 

"Maybe im to early.. Yes, Maybe.."

"O-okay?" I dont know but i feel SOMETHING weird here.

I was waiting for his answer. I think he hang up. I was about to end the call when i hear someone's voice.

"Kwangmin-ah~" It's from a girls voice.


"Your manager is not here now so.. Mind telling me what we will gonna do?" Her voice is seductive. No doubt, She's flirting. So irritating!

"W-what? Im here for my manager. Excuse me young lady?"

"Why? Dont you find me y?"

"Shut up. Let go off me!"


"Alex! I need to go bye!"

Gosh, What's happening to kwangmin? Who's that flirty girl? I must help him. But where? Uh, Nevermind. I left my phone at the coach and went outside. I can feel the wind cold breeze striking at my face. So cold~ I sit at our wooden bench located at the garden. The garden is preety.

"Alex?" Mom call me from inside.

"Yes mom?"

"Can you go inside for a minute?"

"Ofcourse mom!" 

I went inside and go to the kitchen. Looking for mom. I saw mom cooking for our dinner.

"Yes mom?"

"Alex can you go to the market?" She give me a piece of paper and a money.

"Sure mom."

I left the house and walk going to the market.

"2 kilos of pork,carrots,..."

*Bump someone*

"Oh sorry!"

He help me to get up. I cant see his face clearly. I rub my eyes and i see.. SUNGMIN?!

"Sorry alex.."

"I-it's okay. U-uh, I need to go bye!!"

"Are you angry with me alex?"

"M-me? Aniyo! I just need to go now!"

"I dont believe you alex.."

I look at him with his brown and big sikening eyes.

"Im sorry. I just need to go. Mom will need this.."

"Sure. Go now" He fake smile to me.

"Okay" I just prevent that i dont see his fake smile.

I buy all the things i need to buy. I went home and give it to mom. Still wondering why sungmin is in a public market. Is he a stalker or what? 


[A/N] Annyeong~ Sorry for the late update. Pls. Understand?~♥


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cute~ you picked pretty girls! 0_0 update more~
yieee i like it already! ^^ please update soon! ^^ and also, check out my fics~ kekeke ^^<br />
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