1-It's friday, The day i met kwangmin.

When i met my BIAS.

It was a lovely day for us, students. Because it's friday. the last day of hardworking and tommorow is the weekend of fun, Sunday and saturday. It's already 6:30am so i need to go to school. I pack my things i needed to school and fix myself. I went out and take a walk to the bus stop near to my besfriend's house, clarissa. Before i go to the bus stop, i went to clarissa's house. Maybe she did'nt take a ride from his boyfriend. I press the doorbell and wait clarissa to open the door. Suddenly, a beautiful middle age woman opened the door and smiled at me, She's clarissa's mom.

"Good morning~ Can i talk to clarissa?" I asked.

"Good morning alex. Clarissa? Her boyfriend take her a ride" She answered.

"Ah, Kamsahamnida!" I bow my head as a sign of respect. After that i left the house.

I went back to the bus stop and i take a ride at the bus. While im inside the bus, I check my wrist watch and it's already 7:00. I must better hurry. I reached at school exactly 7:25. I rush to my classroom and entered the classroom. All of them stare at me. 

"Wae?" I asked them confused.

"What happened to you? Your wet of your sweat" Clarissa asked and start wiping my sweat.

"Oh, i just rush. So i run. Hehehehe" I answered and take the tissue to clarissa and wipe myself.

"Rush? Wae? Hahahahah." She laugh a little bit and let me sit down a moment.

"I think im late that time, so you know, irush." As i explained to her. We laugh together and not paying attention of the WHOLE class looking at us.

"We must stop laughing like idiots alex, our classmates find out CRAZY" We laugh again but just a little. 

Clarissa take a sit by my side. She's my seatmate. Her chair is only beside me. The professor entered the room and check the attendance. We just wait for our name like a weirdo. Like, just staring blankly and with no emotion to our professor. A few minutes later..


The class was started. Our first subject is biology. For me, biology is the best. Our lesson for biology is about animals organ. It's a little bit disgusting, but exciting. Our professor take us to the laboratory room. I have a same group as clarissa. The professor assigned what animals we will examined. Im group 2.

"Okhay, group 1 is frog" then some laboratory assistant take a dead frog and give it to group 1.

"Group 2.. cat" WTH. A cat? I cant. I cant examine a cat!

"WHAT?!" As my other groupmembers protest of what our professor say.

"It's unfair. Group 1 is only a frog? And ours is a cat! So much DISGUSTING" Clarissa protest.

"Yeah! She's right" As my other groupmates agreed with clarissa. I agreed too ofcourse.

"Okhay okhay. You will examined a frog too. And the other groups is the same as group 1 and 2" As our professor instructed.

We spent HOURS examining a frog. The skin and the organs. Then, we must make a report for this activity. Well im contented with this than the cat. I have a cat at home. And i cant examine a CAT! The biology class was over. Our professor instructed us to back to the classroom. As what the professor said, we go back to the classroom. Waiting for the next professor to come.

The other class was started. The time passed and passed until it's lunch time. Clarissa invited me to eat at the cafeteria. Well i dont have pack lunch so i nodded and follow her to the cafeteria. I ordered one piece of chicken and rice and a cola. I eat with clarissa. Then suddenly,

"C-can i sit with both of  y-you?" Someone asked us from behind. I look at him head to foot and said.

"Sure, here" I give him a space and continue eating.

"Kamsahamnida" As he thank me.

We all eat together. And before he left us i asked him something..

"Hey, what's your name? I asked him.

"Im Kwangmin, a new student here" he smiles brightly, and offer a shakehands to me. As he granted, i shake my hands to him and smiled.

"Im Alex and she's my bestfriend clarissa" I smiled and introduce my bestfriend to him.

"Nice to meet you" Clarissa said and handshake with him.

"Thank you again for letting me to eat together with you alex and clarissa. I need to go. Bye" He smiled and left the cafeteria.

"Bye" As we both said. While were walking back to our classroom. Clarissa talk to me.

"Hey, alex. Do you find kwangmin cute?" She asked me.

"Kwangmin? Yes, he's cute" I smiled at her. 

"You too! GOSH!" She look happy and shock and have a high five to me.

"Yah, you have a boyfriend. REMEMBER?" I look at her with a serious face.

"Okhay."  We both laugh. We entered the room and take our seat. Waiting for the last 2 subjects. I just sit there blankly and making doodles at the back of my math notebook.


Wahh~ The class is over! The sound of "Over" to me is great. The start of great weekends. I look at clarissa and asked her something. She's looking at her phone.

"Clarissa, Mind to go back home together? I asked her.

"Im sorry alex, my bf will take me here." She answered. "It is okay to you?" She asked me.

"Oh, ofcourse. I just found your boyfriend so sweet to you" I and cuddle her.

"Ofcourse!" She smiled and look at the window. She seen the car of her boyfriend.

"Okhay, alex. My bf is here. Bye." She waved at me and exit the classroom.

Well yeah, im alone at the classroom. Im doing my report for tommorow. Then i noticed, someone is  watching me. I take a look and a tall,skinny and cute guy is in the door watching me. His face is kinda familiar to me.

"Excuse me? Why are you watching me? Who are you?" I asked him and look at him.

"Eh? You forget me easily alex?" he entered the room and sit beside me.

"OH! Kwangmin-ah! Heheheh. Sorry for that" I said that make him shock.

"Oh, haha, Yes. Why your alone here?" he asked me.

"Im doing my report for tommorow. I need it to finish it so badly." I answered and continued writing my reports.

"Do you want some help alex?" He asked. I look at him and said "Really? You will?"

"Ofcourse" He answered and i smiled. "In one condition.." He said.

"What's it?" I asked him. "We will go home together." He added.

"Sure!" I said and smiled. He finished completely and Pretty cool my reports. Wow. his amazing.

As what he said, i go home with HIM. We walk together to go home. While walking i asked him something.

"Kwangmin, What section are you?" 

"Me? A1." He said. WOW~ Im only A2 and he's A1. No doubt, that's why he finished QUICKLY my report.

"Wow~ Amazing." I said and smiled at him.

"Not really. Hahaha. BTW, where's your house?" He asked me.

"That pink house" I point my house and smiled at him.

"Wow~ Your house is pretty big huh." He said with amazement.

"Not really." I smiled and stop to our gate.

"Well, thank you for taking me home." I said and smiled.

"Np. And thanks for accepting my condition." He answered and smiled.

"Cheonmenaeyo! Bye" I said and waved at him. I went inside our house and kwangmin also left.

I knock the door and my mom open it with her sweetest smile. "Oh, welcome home alex" I take his hand and take a bless. "Hello mom,dad and ricky" As i greeted all of them. Ricky is my younger brother.

"Hello alex" As dad greeted me and smiled at me. 

"Annyeong unnie!" Ricky greeted me too.

"Do you eat dinner alex?" Mom asked me.

"Not yet." I said.

"Eat dinner now. We already finish eating dinner." As mom said and take a plate with rice and give to me.

"Kamsahamnida mom!" I said happily and sit like a child to the chair and im facing our dinner table.

"Cheonmenaeyo sweety." She said and go back to the living room.

I eat my dinner with apetite. I finished my dinner and went upstairs. I clean myself and wear my pajamas. As always, i open my computer and take a look at SHINee's official website.

"SHINee is in paris today.. Pretty far from here" I just sighted.

In my bedroom. There's alot of poster,cds,pictures and other things that all about SHINee. But most of all. I have a photobook of taemin. My bias in SHINee. The most handsome,cute and the best dancer of SHINee. I turn off the computer and take a sleep.

I suddenly fall asleep peacefully and comfortably.

[A/N]Hello, Hello~ Strawberryshin29 updated~ Do you find my story nice or boring? Just tell me so i can improve sometimes. Just tell me okhay? And if you notice grammar,spellings and graphical errors, feel free to tell me okhay? And thanks for the 1st subscriber of this story. And im Le working for the poster of this fanfic! I wish it will be great ;)


--jooyeonlee [block]  on 9-15-2011 22:44:28 says: 
yieee i like it already! ^^ please update soon! ^^ and also, check out my fics~ kekeke ^^


Wow~ Thank you very very much! Yes i will. Im sure i will love your fanfics too =))


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cute~ you picked pretty girls! 0_0 update more~
yieee i like it already! ^^ please update soon! ^^ and also, check out my fics~ kekeke ^^<br />
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