
Those With Power


Quick before note, there's cursing lol.  Hope you guys don't mind (although i've been cursing in my past chapters also...eheh oops)

Class had been officially going on for five minutes by the time the teacher walked in, carrying an air of importance that Saya found completely hilarious considering he was walking in late to his own class.


Well, doesn’t he look self-important.


“Students, line up!”


The gym was instantly filled with the sound of sneakers pounding against metal and squeaking on the floor.

When everyone was lined up in front of the bleachers the whispering started.


“I wonder what happened to Mr. Choi?”

“Ughh why do we have to have a new teacher? Mr. Choi was the best!”

“Hope this dude isn’t some over-the-top fitness nut.”


“Hey isn’t that that first year that everyone’s talking about?”


At the point where the quiet conversations switched from the apparently new teacher to herself, Saya decided to tune out.


“You may all refer to me as Mr. Kim, and as many of you can likely tell, I’m new to the school this year,” the teacher said while walking up and down the line of students.  “My being new does not mean that I will be going easy on you, though.  Especially those of you who are part of, or will be part of, sports teams.”


Groans and complaints could be heard after his last statement.  Next to her, Saya could hear Jongdae trying to muffle his laughter as Chanyeol’s shoulders visibly slumped and his expression fell.


“Well,” Baekhyun whispered, “Guess who’s NOT doing hapkido this year.”


Saya heard Kyungsoo chuckle, while Jongin reached behind them to give Baekhyun a sympathetic pat on the back.


Meanwhile all Sehun said was, “I wonder if that includes the dance kids.”


Saya smiled and leaned back, “Come on Sehunnie~ suffer with the rest of us~”


“Hell no,” was his automatic response.


Saya had to smother her laugh with her hand when she noticed that the teacher was talking again.



“…so raise your hand when I call your name.  Byun Baekhyun.”


“Here,” Baekhyun replied unenthusiastically.


Mr. Kim looked for the location of the voice and gave Baekhyun a once over, as if deciding whether he was one of the sports kids or not.


Saya bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling when she saw the teacher notice the boy’s blonde hair and scoff.


If that’s how he reacts to dyed hair, then he’s in for a fun year, Saya thought, side-eying Sehun and Jongin who both sported unnaturally colored hair as well.


He continued down the list of names, repeating the process of looking over the students before moving on, until he reached the ‘L’s.


“Lee Saya.”


“Here,” Saya answered, raising her hand up.


He paused, frowning at the role call list before looking up at Saya.


Saya lowered her arm when she noticed that he was giving her a confused look, seeming to slowly come to the realization that he was indeed looking at a female.


“Mr. Ki- ”

“Are you sure you’re supposed to be in this class miss?” he cut her off by asking.


Saya’s eyes widened a fraction, unsure if she had heard right.  “I’m sorry?”


“I asked if you are sure that you are supposed to be in this class.  I was informed that this period is the highest level class offered, and I believe you might be in the wrong class miss,” he looked down at his roster, “Lee.”


To say she was surprised wouldn’t cover what Saya was feeling at the moment.  Shocked, angry, or insulted would be better words to describe the emotions swirling around in her stomach. 

And the fact that some of the other students were snickering at the situation only made it worse.


“I was definitely assigned to this class sir.”  It was a struggle to keep her voice even when she wanted to oh-so-badly snap at him and call him a ist .  He was literally judging her based on the fact that she was a girl!


“Hmm, well, I’ll have a talk with the administration about your placement later,” he said, speaking more to himself but still loud enough to be overheard.


Saya clenched her fists while her whole body shook with anger.  She was about to open to say something, that was probably going to get her in trouble, when a hand slid over her own and gave it a light squeeze.


She glanced to her left to see Kyungsoo giving her a slight shake of his head, telling her to let it go for now.  He gave her hand another squeeze before she slowly unclenched her fists, breathing in and out to calm herself.



Oblivious to this interaction, Mr. Kim continued on, calling out the next name.


“Lu Han.”


Lu Han raised his hand, slightly glancing over in Saya’s direction. 

He could still feel her hostility rolling off her in waves.




Mr. Kim looked up.  “Son...your hair is pink.”


Lu Han blinked, focusing back on the teacher.  “Umm, yes?”


He paused, a bit thrown by the fact that the student in front of him had willingly dyed his hair a pastel pink – of all colors – and didn’t seem to find anything wrong with it.


“Okay,” was all he said before moving on.





When he had finished roll call, he brought the students attention to the mats that had been laid out across the gym floor.


“Today we will be starting with a simple martial arts lesson.”


Most of the students were beyond uninterested, wanting to get some practice time in for their specific sport or activity instead.  A few were happy when hearing this information, though.


A smile formed on Saya’s face, and she noticed that Baekhyun had lightened up while Tao was practically beaming.  It made it easy to tell who had experience with the field and who didn’t.


“We’ll be starting with a few easy punch-and-block exercises, as well as going in to a few different holds.”  He paused and looked around.  “I’ll need a volunteer…”

His eyes locked on to Saya.


“Ms. Lee, please step up.”


Saya stiffened slightly, her eyes flashing dangerously before she took a deep breath and walked over to the teacher.


“I’d feel more comfortable if you sat this activity out- ,” he said and Saya almost growled.

“But for the purposes of the demonstration I promise to go easy on you,” he continued, not noticing the brief ember-like glow in Saya’s eyes.


“And what would you like me to do?” Saya ground out, not caring that her tone was disrespectful.

He started it anyway.


“For now, try and attack me as best you can.”


Saya’s ears perked up and a smirk made its way onto her lips.  “As best as I can?”


Mr. Kim nodded, not knowing the leeway his words were giving her.




She shifted into a slight crouch, her eyes narrowing.  The rest of the students were watching with anticipation and curiosity.  Some, though, tensed up as they observed the girl in front of them.  Though they couldn’t explain it themselves, they could sense the predatory aura that was surrounding the younger girl, a slight hum of power managing to seep into the air around her.

They could tell that she was dangerous.


Mr. Kim, unfortunately, was not one of those people.


“Begin when you’re ready,” he stated confidently.


Saya’s smile widened.


She didn’t like to show off – it called too much attention to one’s self – but this time she would make an exception.


Sorry Mr. Kim, but it seems like I have to prove that I belong here.


Taking one last calming breath, she moved.



It was over in an instant.

Saya charged forward, her footsteps light and fast.  Before her opponent could even react to her sudden movement, she had dropped down, swinging her leg out to swipe his feet.  Once he was off balance and falling forward, Saya rotated and swung her other leg up, giving him a solid kick to his side, sending him flying from the impact.


Mr. Kim groaned from where he was crumpled on the floor.  Saya, on the other hand, simply stood and brushed herself off, looking at their teacher with disdain.


She was going to walk off the mat – ignoring all the shocked looks she was getting – when Mr. Kim slowly got back on his feet.


“I-I wasn’t ready!” he called out, before clutching his side and groaning again.


Saya rolled her eyes and scoffed.  “You were the one who said ‘Begin when you’re ready’ sir.”


“I wasn’t ready! Again!”


Saya pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.  She glanced up to see what her new friends thought of the situation and saw Tao giving the teacher a disapproving look, while Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were just shaking their heads.  Chanyeol, Jongdae, and Sehun looked like they were going to burst any minute from having to control their laughter, and Jongin was just looking at her with amusement clear in his eyes.


He tilted his head and smirked, almost as if asking her “What now?”


Saya gave him a small playful smile.


Round two.


She didn’t have to worry about attacking first this time, as Mr. Kim had snapped from the earlier embarrassment and was now shamelessly charging at the student he had so sorely underestimated a few minutes ago.


Saya effortlessly dodged his first few attacks, dancing around him with a practiced grace.  She ended up on the other end of the mat, relishing in the wide-eyed looks of awe she was getting from everyone – including Luhan and his friends.

She let a small smile grace her lips and sent him a cheeky wink before quickly throwing her arms up to block.

From the block, she forced her teacher’s arms up and quickly stepped closer as she her palms forward into his solar plex, knocking the wind out of him.  When he stumbled, trying to catch his breath, Saya pivoted on one foot while bringing the other up to kick him square in the chest again.

The teacher floundered, desperately trying to breath normally again.  He looked like he was trying to say ‘wait’ but Saya could care less.  She advanced, and in one fluid motion she grabbed his arm and pulled him over her shoulder, slamming him onto the mat.


She straightened up and looked down at their teacher, wheezing on the floor.


“Sorry I couldn’t demonstrate any holds sir, but I did manage to show a few different kicks and a block,” Saya told him, her tone dripping with sarcasm.  “Alls well that ends well, right?”


He just stared up at her, his eyes wide and, for the first time since he saw her, fearful.


Saya calmly walked back to her place in line, ignoring the gaping looks she was getting.

She was greeted by a low-five from Tao and a playful smirk from Baekhyun and Kyungsoo.  Sehun and Chanyeol gave approving thumbs up, while Jongdae gave her a wide smile and threw his arm around her shoulders.  And Jongin, well, he looked like a proud father.


He slipped in-between her and Kyungsoo, who was standing to her other side, and ruffled her hair affectionately.

“Now that was truly impressive,” he paused and looked over to their teacher who was just barely standing, still looking beaten and out of breath.  “Although it may have been a bit overkill, don’t you think?”


Saya tilted her head, pretending to think about it.  “Mmm, no, not really.  Trust me, if I had gone overboard, you would definitely be able to tell.”


Jongin chuckle. 

Jongdae, who was still leaning on her, gave her a wide smile.  “Wahh, scary~”


Saya shrugged, feeling playful, and answered with an innocent tone.  “Whoever said I wasn’t? I’ll have you know that I’m actually quite terrifying, once you really get to know me sunbaenim.”


“You know, you don’t have to call these guys sunbaenim,” Sehun told her from where he was standing, joining in to the conversation.


“Yah! Maknae!” Baekhyun called, having heard him.


“It sounds too stiff hearing you call them that,” Jongin agreed, ignoring Baekhyun.


“She could always call us ‘oppa’ since we’re older,” Jongdae said with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.


Saya scrunched up her nose and laughed, “Oppa? Really?”

So not happening.


“It has a nice ring to it,” Kyungsoo added in, turning to give her a teasing smile.  “Although I can’t really imagine you calling anyone ‘oppa’.”


Saya stuck her tongue out at him, to which Chanyeol let out a short laugh.

“I agree with them, I prefer ‘oppa’ also,” he said, raising his arm up.



Saya rolled her eyes at them. 

"Not my style, sorry boys."


The boys exchanged all startled to complain, trying to convince her, effectively creating a light happy atmosphere.  All clearly happy to have an "adorable underclassman to bug".



What none of the boys could’ve imagined at the time, though, was just how dangerous Saya really was.



I meant to have this chapter up sooner but I had kept working on it before realizing that i had to split what I had written into two chapters -_-'

Anyway~ here's some Saya beating people up~ 

I like fight scenes but I can't really tell if I write them well since I always have a really strong mental picture when i write, but expect to have many more anyway lol

Please comment and subscribe~ and thank you to all my new subscribers and to those who have commented!! ^_^

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readeranon #1
3 years without an update. It's a shame. I really liked how this story was progressing
readeranon #2
Chapter 6: Omg please update soon
nerry55 #3
Chapter 6: I am absolutely in loveeeeee with this!!! Saya's character is so badass! I hope there's some more cute moments between her and the guys
Chapter 6: Kyaaa I love this story! o3o
rsbb_7 #5
Chapter 5: This story seems really interesting so far! Can't wait to read more~
Chapter 5: I like the story so far.. Update soon please!!!
Chapter 5: Yessssssss!!! I love the interactions she's having with all the exo members (Baozhiiiiiiiiiiii <3) and LOL BAEKHYUN BULLYING LUHAN! I love how they're all very cautious- nvm its too hard to type on my tablet. I'll message you dongsaengieee
anneke329 #8
Chapter 4: You go girl! Kick that teacher's ! I can't wait to hear about another P.E. lesson, and how they will treat her now!
Chapter 4: LOL. YESSSS. GO SAYA. I absolutely love the interactions between her and the exo boys. My god. They're adorable.
Chapter 3: Awwwww. Luhan isn't a complete jerk. How cute. (: and I look forward to seeing what Saya can do. (x