A Sister's Love Problems

Make Him Fall For You!

"______-ah! I can't get close to oppa!" Yoon Seul whined as she sat down near my laid out body on my bed.

I turned and blankly looked at her. "Hmm...?" I hummed.

"Yah! Help me out! What should I do?" She said slightly annoyed at my no word response.

I let out a sigh. "What do you want me to do? And which oppa? Oska oppa or Joo Won oppa?" I asked irritated.

"You know which one!" She hissed.

I stared at her as her face flushed in embarrassment. I could not stop myself from giggling at her now pinkish-red face. "I see... it's Oska oppa!" I teased. "What happened this time?"

Yoon Seul looked away for a moment and then returned to look at me. "I don't know. I'm just jealous." She admitted.

I grinned. "Did the great almighty Yoon Seul just admit to feelings such as jealousy?"

She pouted. "Yes..." She mummbled but I heard her.

I laughed. "Why? You still love Oska oppa? I thought you got over him and now you are going after Joo Won oppa?" I teased even more.

"I know.... But I still like Oska oppa. Even though he is a player." Yoon Seul said.

"And what shall I help you with?" I asked.

"Give me advice! Should I try to get him or give up?" She asked me.

I seriously looked at her a bit enraged. "It's always the same question. Why can't you just make up your mind and choose for yourself? Why do you need my opinion if you don't even follow my advice?" I bombarded her with reasonable questions.

"I...I... I just wanted an opinion from my one and only little sister." Yoon Seul said. "I just didn't want to bring a man who wasn't ideally fit for me and the family."

I let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. It's just you always come to me over something as irrelevant to me. I mean in a way it is relevant, but its more like a trivial matter for me. I told you plenty of times to listen to your heart. Don't let anything bring you down even if no one agrees with you. Just do what you feel like doing. Just go for it."

Yoon Seul smiled happily. "Okay~ I got what to do now."

I softly smiled. "And that is?"

"I want to go after Oska oppa! I haven't forgotten my feelings for him and my heart is still reaching out for his." She said confidently.

I nodded my head in peace. "Now go forth with this mission and don't give up. There will be plenty of obstacles in your way, but nothing can stop you but yourself."

Yoon Seul then hugged me. "Thank you! Your the best sister in the world."

I grinned. "No problem!" I watched her leave the room. "Finally some quiet and me time." I softly said out to nobody. "It's quite weird how she comes to me when I have no experience with love."



I'm back with a second chapter :)

I hope this chapter wasn't too boring. It was like another first chapter :/

Well I hope you enjoyed it~ And hopefully I will update later today/tomorrow. Keyword: Hopefully

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Chapter 3: it's obvious you didn't pay attention to the show because Han TaeSun is gay
ancas97 #2
Chapter 2: cuando subes el ´proximoy dime que el prota es joo won porque si es tae sun arruinas toda la esencia
gumiho9 #3
Chapter 2: I can't wait for the next chapter^^