And Always

Forever and Always

“Oh come on.” Hyoyeon pout. “That was funny.”

“There’s nothing funny about you dying.” Sunny warned. “Beside. You’re going to be ok.”

Hyoyeon made a face. “Cut the crap, guys.” Her eyes shut for a moment as she squeeze Yunho’s hand tighter. “I’m dying. You know it, I know it. There no need to deny it anymore.”

Seohyun began sobbing her hands flew up to face to wipe away the endless tears.

“See?” Hyoyeon smiled sadly. “Seohyunie have the right idea.”

“Unnie...” Seohyun said in a broken voice, “I’m-“

“No don’t apologize Seohyun-ah. It’s fine. Really. I’m over it.”

Everyone shift uneasily in their seats, in honest truth, yes, they all knew what the end result would be. The call had come in the middle of the night, one of the nurses that Jessica had paid to keep them at the most up to date had phoned them, telling them what they all feared. Hyoyeon’s heart had stopped for the 3rd time this week, which was a total of 5 now since they found the tumor. She was living on borrowed time.

“We miss having you around” Sooyoung was the first to speak up again, giving her old friend a sad smile with tears in her eyes. “It’s boring without you and your jokes. Tiffany tries, but she .”

“No way!” Tiffany whine. “I’m great! Taeyeonie said so!”

“Just because your best friend tell you so, doesn’t make it true.” Sooyoung replied, sticking out her tongue. They all laughed, the atmosphere lighten again, with all the girls join in with random stories about their day, dropping the subject of Hyoyeon’s condition for the time being.

“I’ll step outside for a bit, I’ll give you guys some privacy alright?” Yunho spoke then, he then turned to face his lover who laid in bed, “I’ll be back.” He smiled and plant a soft kiss on her forehead. Hyoyeon nodded and let go of his hand.

The girls watch, that was what they were all there for, but they couldn’t bring themselves to admit it.  as Yunho quietly exit the room.

That was just another thing for them to be angry at. How cruel could the gods really be? Now that their friend had found Mr. Right, she have to leave him just as quickly. When Yunho had made his feelings known to Hyoyeon, everyone were up in joy, happy that the pair had finally made it happen.

Hyoyeon had had a crush on the man for so long they all lost count. But she had never had the courage to confess and moved on to date her partying friend Jay Kim, she was with him for 2 years. 2 long miserable years for her and her members, what with all the make-up and break up and all.

“I want you guys to do something for me.” Hyoyeon spoke once Yunho was out of the room.

“Anything.” Taeyeon replied.


Yunho stood at the balcony, watching as journalists hang around the entrance of the hospital, trying to reason their way in with the security guards.

The first week Hyoyeon was in the hospital had been tough, her ailment had been headline news night and day, and on top of it all, his relationship with her had been revealed just as quickly.

At first, when she had collapse in the middle of her concert tour with her members, she was rushed to a near by hospital with everyone blaming the overwhelmingly hectic schedules they were on.

Then, through a series of scans, they had discovered the tumor which has been growing rapidly inside her brain. It was inoperable.

She was then transferred back to Seoul for further care, though they knew she wouldn’t have more than 2 to 3 months at best.

And that was when the story had been leaked out, no doubt by someone trying to make a couple of bucks. The story caught on like wild fire, though she was not the first in the entertainment industry to have cancer, she was definitely the first female idol in a popular group to do so.

What infuriate him most of was when articles began popping up stating whether or not her disappearance from the group will have any impact on their popularity and dynamic, as if that was the more important than her life.

Since then, her members had decided together that they will not be working any personal activities so they could stay and support her.

A week later, stories began spreading of his relationship with her when photos began floating around the net of him sitting at her bedside holding her hand. A nurse had been fired and her room was switched to a private floor with limited access to non-essential personnel.

After which, stories has been running nonstop about him and his dying lover.


Yunho snapped back to reality, and turned towards Tiffany and Jessica. “Yes? Is she okay?”

“She’s fine.” Tiffany said. “She’s just asking for you. The girls and I are leaving for a bit, there’s a meeting we have to go to at the company.”

Yunho nodded, he knew not to ask because he knew he wouldn’t like the answer. The meeting was no doubt about Hyoyeon’s departure from the group, no one want to admit it but it had to be done. After all, once she died, their lives has to continue and their careers cannot be on hold.

“We’ll see you guys later.” Jessica said and hugged him, followed by Tiffany. The pair walked off silently.

By the time Yunho returned to the room, Hyoyeon was once again alone, her eyes twinkle when he step into the room.

“Would it be out of the question to ask you to climb in bed with me again?”

Yunho smiled and went to sit next to her. “Maybe later. How are you?”

“As fine as a dying girl can be.” She replied with a small smile. When Yunho didn’t say anything more, she quickly added, “I wanna go home.”

She caught Yunho by surprise. “What? No way. It’s not safe to leave the hospital!”

“It’s not safe to stay either.” She replied calming, looking him in the eyes. “Oppa. I’m dying.”

“Would you stop saying that?” He plead.

Hyoyeon grin and bring her hand up to his cheek which he cup in his own hand. “But it’s true. There’s no escaping it. If I go, I die, if I stay, I die. Either way, the end result is the same.” She took a second to catch her breath then continued. “So if that’s the case. I would like to do it in the comfort of how own bed, which smells like jasmine as oppose to cleaning products.”

“I can bring in scented candles.”

She giggled. “That’s not what I mean.”

“I know.” He replied after a while. “Is this really what you want?” She nodded. “Okay then.”

It didn’t take much to convince the doctor to allow her to go home, once she made it clear that she is aware of her pending death to the doctor, he signed the okay to release her. It didn’t take much either to convince just about everyone else. So a day later, she was in her room at her parents’ home, with Yunho by her side.

“I wish we can stay like this forever.” She said, her head resting once again on his outstretched while he hold her in a tight embrace.

“We can.” He said.

“How?” She asked.

“Just close your eyes, imagine it last forever, engrave it into your memories.” He whispered.

They remained quiet for a while until she start sobbing. This alarmed him, he release his hold slightly to look at her face. “What’s wrong? Are you in pain? Let me get your medication.”

“No.” She giggled through tears. “No, I’m not in pain. Not physically anyways.” She made an effort to sit up, and with his help, she sat crossed legged in front of him, her hair fall over her shoulders messily. “Just… It’s not fair.”

Yunho didn’t speak, waiting for her to start up again while she finds her words.

“It’s not fair.” She said again. “I thought I was okay with the concept of dying.” Her tears stream down her cheeks slowly. “But I’m 24. Oppa… There’s so much I haven’t done. I’ve never even been married, nor will I ever have children, or grandchildren…” She went quiet again. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’m sorry.” He said.

‘I know.” She smiled at him. “I’m sorry. I’m being childish. I’m a little tired.”

“Then lay down.”

“Will you be here when I wake up?”


Yunho watched her as she drifted to sleep before stepping out of the room, his heart burning.


  “Hyoyeon-ah.” Tiffany whispered as she gently shake her. “Hyoyeon-ah get up.”


“Come on, you got to get ready.”

Hyoyeon was confused. As her eyes adjust to the light in the room, she realized all her members where there, all dressed in similar dresses.

“What’s going on?” She asked. “Do you guys have an event to go to or something?”

They all giggled. “Something like that.” Sunny replied. “Now get up.”

The girls took turn beautifying Hyoyeon, putting make up on her and herding her hair, once that was finished, they helped into a beautiful sleeveless white gown.

“Am I going with you?” She asked.

“Definitely.” Jessica said. “Ok, come on, stand up.” She help her friend to her feet, as she have not been in heels for over a month now, and in her weak condition, they were sure she couldn’t walk on her own.

Once the door was open, Yunho was standing just outside, wear a tuck and smiling at her with his handsome smile.

“Oppa.” She was confused but her heart flutter none the less. “What’s going on?”

“Let me help.” He said, taking her arm and supporting her weight as he walk her outside towards the front door.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

“You’ll know in a minute.” He said.

The 11 of them made their way into the hall, with the 8 girls going in one elevator going up and the pair taking the next one.

The elevator took them to the highest floor of the tower. Once the door open, she was welcomed by her family and friends under hundreds of twinkling lights and flowers.

Yunho help her out the door, and walked her towards the center of the room.

“What’s going on?” She asked when Yunho drop to one knee in front of her.

“Hyoyeon-ah.” He said.

“Oppa, what…”

“Hyoyeon-ah, I love you.” He said. “There’s so much I want to be able to give to you. And I don’t know how. But at this moment, there is one thing I could give to you. And so with all my heart and soul I am. Will you marry me?”

“What?” She asked again.

“This is where you say yes.” Someone yelled from within the watching crowd, everyone laughed.

“Yes.” She said breathlessly, as he slide a ring on her finger and stood up to kiss her.

The room arrangement change immediately, as benches began appearing and everyone taking a seat. They were suddenly at the front of the crowd with a minister standing before them.

“We’re going married.” She said, bewildered, feeling a bit silly for not understanding the situation since the beginning.

“Well you did say yes.” Yunho winked, bringing a smile to her face.

The minster began then, as everyone sat silently watching, her parents were among her members at the front row, crying and smiling.

“Do you have vows you would like to exchange.” The minister asked.

“I didn’t know-”  Hyoyeon began frantically.

“I have one.” Yunho said, giving her a reassuring wink, one he often does.

“Please say it now.” The minister said.

“Hyoyeon-ah.” He began, his hand holding hers closely in his, his eyes never leaving hers as he spoke.

 “I love you, more than I am capable of expressing.

 I love everything about you, even your imperfection is perfect to me.

 You are my lover and my teacher, you are my model and my accomplice,

And you, only you are my true counterpart.

I will love you, hold you and honor you,

 I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you,

In health and sickness,

Through sorrow and success,

For all the days of my life.”

“Please exchange rings,” The minister said, smiling warmly. Changmin step forward then, giving the ring to Yunho, allowing him to slide the white gold band into her finger, his eyes never leaving hers.

Seohyun moving, gently touched Hyoyeon to hand her the other band, Hyoyeon mouthed ‘thank you’ and slide the ring into Yunho’s waiting finger.

“I now pronounce you, man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”

“Gladly.” He said, pulling her into an embrace, kissing her softly as the crowd cheered.

The rest of the night was spent celebrating the newlyweds. Friends and family alike congratulates the pair, and for the first time since she was hospitalized, no one talked about the tumor, it was blissful and beautiful.

“Thank you.” She whispered to her new husband as she sat wrapped in his arm. “It’s perfect.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“I do.”

-----------Part 3 will be the last part.

A/N: Sorry, i was supposed to update yesterday, but had some issues going on, so yea. anyways, i no i said 2 part originally, but i think i need an extra chapter so part 3 shall be the end and will be up in a few days. thx. sorry if it's dull~ the creative mind is tapped dried sadly~

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Chapter 3: sadness. good job author, keep writing and fighting!!^^
Chapter 3: You make me cry D': This was so beautiful, really...
soshikkum #3
Chapter 3: speechless. beautiful story, even that words not enough to describe this story...
hyohyok #4
so beautiful, no need for more words
Chapter 3: oh my... so sad,,, yet beautifully written...
KimHyeJoo #6
Chapter 3: oh my god, my tears...
good story author-nim :))
kim_032 #7
Chapter 3: very sad but also very romantic T.T
myangelhyo #8
Chapter 3: So sad y y hyo hv2 die but still awesome story plz make another yunhyo story bt plz mk happy ending
penny0922 #9
Chapter 3: sad
but i wonder what yours orginal Sadder story?
I gonna reread this story again..
Thanks for the update! Always love your so well written story
hyobest #10
Chapter 3: Loved it!!!!!!