
Forever and Always

“Tell me a story.” She said softly as her head rest against his chest. The sound of his thumping heart and slow breathing brought comfort to her. The warmth in his embrace was like honey, she couldn’t get enough.

The pair rest a bit awkwardly in the small bed side by side. He had been hesitant at first by her request, but caved when she argued that she was cold, and in his embrace, she would feel much safer. He never really could refused her, because one look with her bright eyes, he was done for.

“What do you wanna hear?” He asked, his chin resting carefully on the top of her head as one of his hand play with her hair, it ever so gently like he does a million time.  

“Something romantic.” She said after a while.

He chuckled, “I wouldn’t peg you as the romantic type.”

“Things can change.” She replied, her eyes shut as she snuggled closer to him, breathing in his smell.

“Yeah.” He agreed. Things can definitely change. “Alright. Let’s begin then.”


Once upon a time, there live a maiden. She was the middle child of a wealthy merchant, who sheltered her and her eight sisters from the world. But out of all her sisters, he was even more protective with her, and she didn’t yet know why. While the eight were allow to experience the world, she was rarely allowed to accompany her sisters out into the market.

The maiden, curious about the world, one day snuck out of her home, despite her father’s warning of the cruelty beyond his protection. Still, the maiden was curious, how cruel could the world really be? How cruel could it be if her sisters could be safe beyond the walls? How much more cruel could it be compared to being ignored by her own father all her life? Trapped inside a prison disguise as a home?

So, she wondered out into the world, hoping that she could find something she was missing. Something she didn’t yet know.


“Sounds like something I would do.” Hyoyeon said.

“Definitely.” Yunho agreed. “Should I continue?” He asked, she nodded in reply.


Outside the ground of her family’s estates, she was exposed to the riches the world, what it really had to offer, she was enchanted and overwhelmed.

She wonder why her parents had kept her hidden all these years, how could they possibly think that it was a good idea for her to be kept away from all of this while allowing her sisters so much more opportunities?

She tried the food from food-stands along the street, she laughed and was entertain by the street performers, she drank beer for the first time, and smelled the flowers that did not grow in her own garden.

It was wonderful.

Once the night fall however, she had realized she could not find her way back home. She was lost. She was cold. She was scared.

“And then come her knight in shining armor?” Hyoyeon asked.

“Then come the wicked witch.” Yunho informed.

She wonder through the darkness of the forest, not sure whether or not she had passed it on her way out, but it was too late to turn around, so she must continue forward.

And out of the darkness came a woman, a woman in rags and dirty hair, she offered the maiden help.

The maiden, unaware of the woman’s reputation, gratefully accept her offer and followed her. Unknown to her, the old woman was a witch who has been responsible for the disappearance of countless maiden in the land.

The maiden followed the woman deeper and deeper into the heart of the forest, and when they arrived at her home, the witch offered her tea, promising that they will go to her home soon. The maiden agreed and enter the small cabin.


Yunho shift in the bed slightly, running his fingers across her right cheek. “Hyoyeon-ah, are you awake?” No response. “Yah, Kim Hyoyeon, don’t tell me my story put you to sleep.”

Still, she remained unresponsive, his heart began racing then as the monitor began to send off alarm.

He shot out of the bed. “NURSE!” I NEED A NURSE IN HERE! HELP!” He yelled, his hands flew above his head, pacing as he continue to call into the night.

Four nurses came into the room followed by a doctor once she yelled code blue. Yunho stood to the side, watching with horrors as they shock her over and over again, trying to bring her back to life.

It took 4 minutes before she was back and breathing again. He let out a sigh of relief, he didn’t know he was holding his breath for so long.

Once she was stable again, all of the nurses left the room, leaving all but one behind to sit in a corner to monitor her.

“I want a nurse in here for just a few hours until she’s stable enough.” The doctor informed him quietly, then sigh and put his hand on Yunho’s shoulder. “This is the 3rd time this happen this week.” There was sadness in his voice. “Each time takes longer than the last. She’s not getting any better. I think…. It’s best to say goodbye. We’ll keep her alive as we possibly can.” He didn’t wait for Yunho to response and left the room.

In truth, he had heard this before, since the tumor was discovered, they knew their time was limited. Yet, he couldn’t help but lie to himself, that maybe miracle does exist, maybe if they just have hope.

The night moved slowly as he sat in a chair next to her bed, holding her hand tight in his. She was pale and thin, her lips no longer rosy, dark circles were around her eyes.

By the morning, the nurse deem her stable enough and left the room, leaving Yunho alone with her again, and that was where he has been for the better part of month since she has been in the hospital. He didn’t care who knew, he didn’t care if the agency was mad, he didn’t care if the media wrote countless stories about this. All he cared for was Hyoyeon. His Hyoyeon. Her and her alone.

By 8am, her family had arrived, they check on her statues and spoke little to Yunho. He had called time last night, informing them of what her doctor had said. Mrs. Kim was in tears, her eyes were red and swollen. Mr. Kim’s wrinkles were more visible, his eyes were full of pain. They were both thinning, though of course not as much as Hyoyeon is. Mingu, her brother, did not show up, Mr. Kim states he did not want to listen to or believe the current situation. He was having the hardest time, he couldn’t understand how a good hearted girl like his sister could be dying. He refused to say goodbye.

The room was quiet aside from the beeping of the monitor, Hyoyeon’s ragged breathing, and Mrs. Kim sobs.

She her daughter’s hair, holding it in her hand then sob some more.

“Yunho-shi,” Mr. Kim came to him then, “may I speak to you outside?”

Yunho was alarmed but nodded and followed the older gentleman outside. They walked in silence towards the stairs, knowing that no one would be there, and privacy was needed.

“What are your intention with my daughter?” He asked as soon as the door shut and he was sure no one was there.

“What do you mean sir?”

“I mean, why are you here?” He sigh and turned to hold the railing, looking out the glass window. “A month ago, I didn’t even know you and Hyoyeonie have anything to do with one another. But since she’s been ill…..”

He sigh again, went quiet for a while then continue you. “If this is some sort of act for the camera, if the company is making you do this-“

“No disrespect sir,” Yunho cut in, “No one is making me do anything, and my reason for being here is not for fame or pity by the media. I am here because I love your daughter.”

“If you are in my position, you would understand why I am doubtful.”

“I understand sir.” Yunho said sadly. “In truth, I am a coward.” He lean on a wall opposite from Hyoyeon’s father. “I never had the courage to tell her how I felt. And when I did….she was taken….and for 2 years, I watch her be happy with another man.” Mr. Kim could sense the pain in his voice, he didn’t say anything but waited for Yunho to continue. “And when they broke up, when those police report were filed….I knew I must speak my mind.”

Mr. Kim nodded.

“But God can be cruel.” He said bitterly. “We were barely beginning and now she’s dying….Sir.” He stood up, eyes glittering, “I love Kim Hyoyeon. I love your daughter. Life is cruel, I understand that you are hurting, because I am too. If there is one thing we have in common is that we both love her. I want to be here for her, no matter how long that may be.”

Mr. Kim nodded again, he said no words and left. If it had been another time, if it had been any other situation, perhaps he would welcome Yunho with open arms, perhaps he would allow himself to wonder what it would be like to have him as a son-in-law….but in this situation, he could not.

Yunho spent some time composing himself before following Mr. Kim back to Hyoyeon’s room. By the time he got there, Hyoyeon’s members were already there, and she was awake. His heart jump a little when he saw her smiling at him, though weekly.

“Hiya stranger.” She said hoarsely.

“Hey.” He grinned back at her, walking forward to plant a kiss on her cracked lips, not caring of the on lookers. “You scared me last night.”

“I tend to do that recently.” Hyoyeon agreed. Yunho grabbed a chair to sit on her left while her mother and father on her right.

Due to the amount of people visiting her, she had been stationed in the hospital biggest and most private room, SM has many pulls, and this was one of them, too bad they can’t cheat death, Yunho thought.

They talked and laughed, for an hour, Hyoyeon’s parents and members went on and on about their daily lives, hoping this would distract her from her condition, she was grateful.

“We have to go.” Mr. Kim said then, helping Mrs. Kim to her feet. “We’ll be back tonight alright?”


The pair kissed their daughter goodbye and step out of the room.

Once they were gone, Hyoyeon’s smile fade, she was tired. She didn’t want to pretend to be happy all the time.

“The journalists are still camped out outside aren’t they?” She asked her friends.

They all nodded. Since this began a month ago, they had promise to not spare her feelings and tell her nothing but the truth, she told them she deserved at least that much.

“Those dogs.” Jessica said bitterly. “They tried to sneak in here, hoping to get photos of u and Yunho-oppa.”

“One of them almost got in too.” Tiffany added just as bitterly. “They don’t care about anything but they breaking news. Each and every day they speak nonsense.”

Hyoyeon smiled. “Well, I’m glad they can make money off of my dying.”


A/N: part 2 will be updated soon. Its a 2 parter so next chapter will be the end~ Hopefully this isn't bad~ but eh.

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Chapter 3: sadness. good job author, keep writing and fighting!!^^
Chapter 3: You make me cry D': This was so beautiful, really...
soshikkum #3
Chapter 3: speechless. beautiful story, even that words not enough to describe this story...
hyohyok #4
so beautiful, no need for more words
Chapter 3: oh my... so sad,,, yet beautifully written...
KimHyeJoo #6
Chapter 3: oh my god, my tears...
good story author-nim :))
kim_032 #7
Chapter 3: very sad but also very romantic T.T
myangelhyo #8
Chapter 3: So sad y y hyo hv2 die but still awesome story plz make another yunhyo story bt plz mk happy ending
penny0922 #9
Chapter 3: sad
but i wonder what yours orginal Sadder story?
I gonna reread this story again..
Thanks for the update! Always love your so well written story
hyobest #10
Chapter 3: Loved it!!!!!!