That Morning

My Block B Concert in long island NY

That morning we (My mom, and my friend Mimi and I) had planned on leaving at 12:00 because the concert started at 6:30 and we wanted to have plenty of time to get there. Because lets be honest, we were planning on getting lost once or twice and it was supposed to be a two and a half hour drive. 

This is a bad picture but this is what I looked like that morning. (⊙﹏⊙✿)

Sadly I had no yellow pieces so I had to go with black. So my outfit turned out being a black T-shirt, jean shorts, a white jacket, a black bandanna, and cat ears. (=^・ェ・^=)

By the time everyone was ready to leave it was only around 11:00, we thought we should start heading out anyway just in case. So we left around 11:00 (After a stop at CVS for candy ∩( ・ω・)∩ ) and began to write our letters to Block B. 

(My letter)

(Mimi writing her letter to Block B)


So when we arrived at the Westbury Theater it was way before opening time. We were supposed to be let in at 4:30 to begin buying merchandise and finding our seats. I forget the exact time but we had at least 4 hours to spare. 

But even eating didn't take up that much time so we thought it would be best if we just started to wait. When my mom dropped us off a small line had begun to form were there wasn’t one before. We actually made some friends in that line, it made standing in it so much better. Now we come to the only low point of the day, waiting. As I mentioned before we were supposed to be let in at 4:30 but that didn’t happen and we found ourselves still outside at 5:00. As we stood in line people came around and took pictures and videos to put in the ‘movie’ Block B would be making of the event. We finally got a sign at 5:30 when they informed us to throw away all food and drink because we would be let in in one minute… that minute turned into 30 minutes. θ\(;¬_¬) So 6:00 rolls around and they FINALLY let in the VVIPs which included Mimi and I. We said bye to our new friends and filed into the theater. It wasn’t that crowded at first because only VVIPs were let in. So we decided to buy a few things (I got a light stick) and go to the bathroom. 

But by the time we got out of the bathroom it was SO packed. I guess they let the rest in because there were girls in the men’s bathroom. ∑(O_O;) The small wait after that to be let in to sit down was nothing compared to our 3 and a half hour stand in the heat outside. You could imagine with all of the people now in the small building it was like a flood when they opened the doors to the seats.  






Well Im going to stop this part right here, in the next chapter I will explain the seating arangments to the concert. Bye bye!                  (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

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HajarHashemi1 #1
Chapter 3: WOW!You're really Lucky and...Pretty!!Thanks for sharing!
baozisdragon #2
Chapter 3: so cool!! it surprised me when you said you were only fourteen, you're already so pretty!! great pics, thank you for sharing!<3
Puff_Michelle #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!