Chapter 1

Reality Hurts.

"You're so Beautiful", Mark from GOT7 said to me as he my cheek. I smiled shyly and pushed his hand away. "Prove it", I said and looked up at him, I smiled more because he was looking right at me with his beautiful eyes. Mark smiled and softly pushed my head up. I could feel his breath hit my face. "I love you", His deep and husky voice said as he leaned in and kis-- "SARANG!!!!! WAKE UP!!!", Suho my older brother said as he burst into my room.

My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up throwing all of my pillows at him. "You just ruined my beautiful dream with my future husband Mark!! We were on a date and he was about to kiss me!!" I yelled and pulled my covers over my head. "Like that's going to ever happen come on wake up. It's the first day of school", Suho said and pulled my sheets off of my head and opened the blinds making the room bright.

"Fine, I'll be down in 10 minutes". I said as I rolled my eyes. "I'll wait for you downstairs and don't roll your eyes at me." Suho replied and walked out of my room closing the door behind him. As soon as he closed the door I layed back down onto my warm and confortable bed. "First day of school. Seeing people you hate,Seeing annoying teachers, and getting thousands of assignments. How wonderful." I complained and got out of bed to get ready for school. 

I ran down the stairs as I fixed the tie to my uniform and walked into the living room where my little brother Joonhyun and Suho are sitting infront of the tv watching Pororo. "Good morning Sarang!!" Joonhyun greeted brightly as I sat down next to him and put on my sneakers. "Good morning" I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Sarang we gotta go", Suho said as he stood up and put on his backpack. "Oh okay" I replied and put on my backpack also.

"Where are you guys going? I want to go to!" Joonhyun whined and hugged my arm so I wouldnt leave. "We're going to school. We'll see you when we get back okay?" I said and kissed his head. "Okay, come back soon or else I'll miss you a lot!", He said and pouted. Suho and I chuckled at him, "We will" I said and walked out of the living room and out of the door behind Suho. 

As Suho and I walked to school some of his friends came along, Jongin and Tao. "Good morning Sarang" They both said and bowed. I smiled back and bowed, "Good morning." The rest of the walk there I just followed behind the three guys as they joked around.

Once we were at the school I pulled Suho back from behind and held onto his arm. Yeah I know a little weird to do to your brother, but hey I have to okay? I only hold onto his arm because I have Ochlophobia, It's a phobia of being in big crowds. I only have it because I'm claustrophobic and I'm afraid I won't get enough oxygen into my heart. Suho pulled me in closer as walked towards the building. "Just stay close, okay?", I nodded and tried to stay as calm as I could while walking in the big crowd.

When we walked into the building there was a lot of people in the hallway greeting their friends and running around to find their classes. I held onto Suho's arm tighter as walked past the noisy hallways and into the office to get our schedule.

Suho grabbed my schedule for me since it was a little busy in the office. "Okay, you have Mr.Kim the math teacher first which is good because Jongin is in there with you also, so he can walk you to your next class", I nodded and looked at my schedule also. "What about my other classes?" I asked and looked up at him, "You have all of the other 10 guys, 11 including me. So most likely you will have a class with one of us and we'll walk you to your next class", Suho explained. I just simpily nodded, "Come on I'll walk you to your first class", Suho said and put is arm out for me to hold onto. 

When I got dropped off at my first class I quickly walked to a desk by the window. I like sitting by windows because I like to procrastinate during class by looking out the window. I hung my backpack at the side of the desk and took out a notebook and pencil and set them neatly onto my desk.

Since class didn't start yet I looked around the room and observed a couple of people, but that stopped when my eyes landed on the guy sitting across the room from me. He was looking directly at me with a poker face. I slightly blushed and broke the contact and looked down at my notebook. I smiled because Mark Tuan was on there, but I quickly pouted because I didnt get to kiss Mark in my dream.

"You, why are you pouting?", A unfamiliar voice came from my right. I looked to my right and jumped when I saw who it was , it was the guy who was looking at me earlier. "Uhm, No reason", I replied trying not to sound awkward. "Then why are you still pouting?", he asked as he poked my pouted lips. I blinked a couple of times before moving his hand away. "What did you do that for?", I asked looking at him. He just smiled and moved his face closer to me "Just be lucky I didnt kiss you, because I would have". I bit my lip and blushed. "Lip biting now? You're practically asking me to kiss you", He said and looked at my lips, my jaw dropped. "Are you a byuntae?", I asked him and pushed him away. "Oh no honey, I just think you're cute. Really, really cute", he said and lightly bit his lip as he intensly looked at me.

"Shouldn't you go back to your seat? Class is about to start." I quickly changed the topic and pointed to the seat he was at earlier. "No, I decided to sit here with you." He said and smiled, I blinked and looked around the room for any empty seats, but there was none. The good thing was that Jongin was sitting behind me. I turned around and faced him with my puppy eyes.

"What do you want? " he smiled. " I want you to switch seats with me. " I said and added a pout with the puppy eyes. Jongin looked at who I was sitting with and chuckled. "Good luck", he said and patted my head. I pouted and turned back around facing the front of the class.

The guy next to me chuckled also, "I'm Minseok by the way, I hope we get along. " he said and put his hand out for me to shake. I pushed his hand away with my finger and pushed his face towards the front instead of me and Minseok chuckled again. "I'm Sarang", I replied back. "What a beautiful name" he said, I nodded "of course it is, it means Love", I replied. "Hey, we have all of our classes together! ", Minseok said and pointed to my schedule. "What? Liar!" I replied looking at him, "Here's my schedule", he said and put it next to mines.

I looked at his schedule and compared it to mines, I pouted again because we both did have all of our classes together. "I look forward to becoming your friend", Minseok said and smiled "Well that's never going to happen!" I said and opened my notebook. Minseok pouted "Why not?" He asked as he looked at me, I softly sighed and pointed to the front of the class with my pencil and tapped my lips saying class started. He pouted more and softly whispered to me "Come one, I want to be your friend", He said and I softly chuckled at his desperation. "Maybe."

At the end of class I stood up and packed my things. "Let's walk to class together." Minseok said as he packed up his things also. I looked over at Jongin and he was talking to a few of his friends, "Uhm. I kind of already have someone I'm going to walk to class with.", I said and put on my backpack. "What about after that?", he asked, " I always have someone walking me to my next class", I explained. "Why's that?", he asked, "Reasons", I answered and walked over to Jongin and tapped him shoulder. "Hey, are you ready to go?" I asked him and he turned around "Sarang, Is it okay if I walk Soojung to her next class?" He as he squinted his eyes and backed away a little so I wouldn't hit him. "What? Who am I going to walk to my next class with?" I asked him and slightly pouted. "What about that guy you sit next to? I heard he had all of your classes" He explained and I groaned and looked over at him, he was still putting things in his backpack. "Okay, but you owe me one!" I said and walked over to Minseok.

I tapped him shoulder and he turned around "Decided to walk with me?" He asked and I nodded as I looked at my nails. "Only because I have to today", I said and looked up at him. He had a smiled on him face and was looking right at me also. "Shall we go?" He asked as he hung his backpack strap over his right shoulder, I just nodded and walked towards the door with him.

I held onto my backpack strap tightly and took deep breaths because I was going to try to walk to my next class alone, kinda. "I'm guessing you like to act since drama class is next", Minseok said as we walked out of the classroom, I just nodded and tried to catch up with him.

As we walked to our next class I kept on getting bumped into and I started to breath heavily. I felt like the people around me were going to suffocate me because they were so close, I started to sweat and shake. "Minseok." I called, "Can I hold onto your arm?" I asked and he chuckled "You like me that much?" He asked and turned around, but when he turned around his eyes widend. "Sarang are you alright? You're sweating so much and you're so pale" He said and I looked up at him with watery eyes, he had a worried expression on his face and then I saw nothing but darkness and a faint sound of someone repeatedly calling my name.


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