Midnight Swim

Midnight Swim - Yunho

A weekend getaway, something that Yunho and you had been planning for months, with a small one room cottage tucked away in the tree line. Evergreens happily sheltered the small abode, a small walk to the lake was a perfect way to beat the mid day heat, however Yunho had something a little different planned tonight than just cuddling on the couch together or watching a movie.

Sitting on the couch, Yunho’s brown eyes looked down the hall to the closed bedroom door. Meanwhile you were inside, looking at yourself in the full length mirror. Running your fingers over the new swimsuit that Yunho had just bought you for this trip, you took a deep breath wondering why he had asked to see you in your swim suit once more.

Opening the door, you slowly walked out of the bedroom with your head down, knowing Yunho for more than four years and being his girlfriend for almost three you still felt butterflies in your stomach as you approached him.

"Jagi…" Yunho stood up from the couch as he too was in his swim trunks, with a black tank top that hugged his torso tightly, he smiled at you and shook his head in awe, "You look so beautiful" He whispered ever so softly.

"Thank you" You lifted your head slightly, "Even though you saw it on me earlier today" Chuckling softly, your fingers played with one another slowly while he walked closer to you and lifted your chin the rest of the way with his forefinger and thumb.

"I still think you are so beautiful" He leaned in slowly and pressed his lips against your forehead.

"Why did you want me in my bathing suit anyways?" You questioned him, your eyes moving from one of his chocolate eyes to the other.

"It’s a surprise" He sang while his other hand gently slid into yours and his fingers laced with yours. "Will you come with me?" He inquired.

"I would love to" A smile curled onto your lips while his hand gently squeezed yours. Nodding his head, he turned away from you, pulling you to the front door, he slid on some flip flops. Sliding on yours, he opened the door and waited for you to be ready before he walked the two of you out into the warm night air.

Crickets sang their soft songs, with the hooting of the owls around and the occasional rustling branches, you held his hand tighter causing his head to turn to you.

"I’ll give you a ride" He bent down, his hands against the dirt while he waited for you to get on his back. Draping your arms over his shoulders, you eased yourself onto his back, once you were on, he stood up and his hands held your legs around him. Tightening your arm hold around his shoulders, he smiled and looked over his shoulder at you before he began walking down the dirt path.

"So… where are we going Mister?" You questioned while your chin rested on his shoulder.

"I told you already… it is a surprise" He chuckled and rubbed his thumb along your skin on your exposed leg.

"A surprise this late?" You raised

"It isn’t like we haven’t stayed up this late before right?" He snickered thinking back to all of the movie parties and staying up all night that you two did together.

"No" You muttered against the strap of his tank top, your eyes quietly watched the trail twist and turn around the trees. Peering around, you saw the glistening water of the lake as came into view.

"Yunho, are we about there?" You probed wondering if his surprise had something to do with the lake.

"Just about" He smiled while he walked to the docks, the boards creaked and cracked under his weight and yours. Setting you down in front of a boat, he smiled and gestured for you to get inside this one boat.

"Where is this going, Yunho?" You put one hand on your hip knowing that he wouldn’t be up to any good.

"You’ll see" He smiled brightly, hissing under your breath you knew that you wouldn’t get anywhere with him acting like this.

Stepping inside of the boat, you slipped off your flip flops and sat in the passenger seat. Yunho untied the boat from the dock, the gentle rocking of the waves, caused your to smile as he took out the key to the boat and pushed it into the ignition. The engine revved quietly while he put the boat into gear, moving his hand expertly over the wood steering wheel, he guided the boat out of the docks and drove it to the middle of the lake.

Feeling the night air pull at your braid that was in your hair, you sat back and enjoyed the ride, Yunho slowed the boat in the middle of the lake, turning off the engine he turned and looked at you.

"Ready for the surprise?" He questioned as his body turned to you, looking up at him you nodded your head slowly. "Don’t worry I know you will like it."

"Okay, so what do we do now?" You stood up from your seat while his hands grabbed the bottom hem of his tank top and pulled it over his head, wadding it up, he tossed the fabric on his seat while your eyes got wide at the exposed skin of his.

"Come on" He took your hand in his while he slowly lead you to the back of the boat, standing on the back deck, he smiled and sat down on the platform. Tugging on your arm for you to sit next to him, you complied and sat next to him, his legs slowly dipped under the water, a sigh came from his lips while he moved his feet in the water.

Following him, you dipped your legs in the water and smiled at the cool sensation that you felt.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" He looked over his tensed arms that gripped the edge of the platform.

"Can we?" You whispered leaning closer to him.

"Of course, I don’t see anyone else out here" Yunho smiled and looked down at his legs moving under the water, turning around he gently eased himself down into the water below, your eyes watched his muscular arms lower himself down, his muscles tensing and relaxing once he got into the water.

Outreaching his hand out to you, he smiled and you placed your hand in his wet one, he helped you into the water. The cool water wrapped around the two of you as he pulled you a little further away from the boat. Yunho splashed you causing you to retaliate, a splash war broke out as well as dunking each other under the water and playing water tag.

Once both of you got too cold to be in the water anymore, Yunho pulled you back to the boat and helped you up back onto the boat, lifting himself onto the boat as well, he watched you sit on the platform alone while he stepped over the seats and grabbed a large towel for the two of you to share. Sitting down next to you, he unfolded the towel and wrapped it around your shoulders gently, pulling you into his arms, your wet hair pressed against his shoulder before his fingers took out your hair tie and the braid started to unravel with a few brushes of his fingers.

Snaking your arms around his muscular torso, you snuggled next to him as you shared your body heat with him and his with yours.

"I really like your surprise Oppa" You whispered as a yawn escaped your blue tinted lips.

"Thank you, I have always wanted to do something like this with you" He whispered back, kissing the top of your head he wrapped his arms around you as the two of you watched the glass like water, reflect the vibrant water colored sunrise while reflecting down on the peaceful water.

Nothing could have been better than this.

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Chapter 1: kyaaa!!!!! >.< omg!!!! my stomach fluttered, my head went dizzy when "i" went out of the room all embarrassed.. and when he kissed on "my" forehead~ words cant describe how im feeling rite now~ u made my hectic stressed day into a more happy and smiling bright day!!! to be honest i totally forgot i requested a fic from u~ but u made it and u managed to surprise me.. and indeed its a pleasant one~ i looove it!!!!! thank u sooooo much for doing this!!!