Chapter Two

Ssh... I'm on Diet

Chapter Two


Choi Hana just finish her first photo shoot. With a black tank top and skin tight black shot, her mother took pictures of her full bofy with a Polaroid camera. She face the front and sideways. She realized how ugly her body looks. Fat was everywhere. Especially the sideway picture, her body was so… thick.

It’s her second day of serious diet and she want to see how her body change. She use her Polaroid instead of her phone on purpose, for the sake of the dramatic effect. She can stick it on her diet calendar right away, and it will be cute in the future. At least that what she thinks. And most of the time, she things differently from others.

She then wear her school uniform and walk out of her room, ready to start another day.


“Dad, should I really walk to school?” Hana ask her dad while blinking her eyes as cute as possible. She know her dad have a soft spot for her.

“Yes. I can go earlier since you take forever to get ready,” said her dad without looking at her. Scared he might fall.

“But dad, my leg is tired from all of the exercise,” she kept trying.

“Yah! Choi Hana! Just eat your breakfast and go to school! You’re going to be late!” her mom shout from the kitchen.

“It’s not even a food,” she scowled while looking at another potion at her hand. Her mother made her another cup of liquid today. She didn’t bother to ask what did she put, it just make her lose the appetite.

“Just go to school,” her dad said. Oh how much she love her dad for always being so soft to her.

She finish her juice and wear her bag. “Bye, dad. Love you,” she said while kissing his dad. She walked to the kitchen to take her lunch. “Bye, mom,” she said.

She then wear her shoes and walk outside the house. Actually, it’s not that bad to walk every morning. She meet things she seldom watch before.

She was walking passing the neighbor park when she met an old grandma did her morning exercise. Her body looks so fragile that she feels that anything could break her. She bow when the grandmother made an eye contact with her. It’s nice to meet new people.

Not far from that she met a young mother and baby in a stroller. His name was Seungwoon. Lee Seungwoon. Seungwoon was 8 month old and he’s extremely cute with eyes bigger than Korean aye size average. His mother was also really kind by asking her to play with Seungwoon when she have free time. Yeay, she loves baby.

But the best thing that morning haven’t happened yet.

“Hana,” somebody called her. Hana looked back. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, Jackson-sshi,” He looks so good with a different snapback, training jacket, short training pants, and a pair of sport shoes. All black. That must be how he kept his hotness. Get it? He wears black.

“Heeey,” he said with a teasing voice, “Do we comeback to the formal form?”

“I…” she try to find a reason. She don’t even know why she make herself use the formal. “I was shock,” that’s it. That’s the best reason she could make.

“Okay. Are you going to school?”

“No, I’m going to the farm,” she try to be as sarcastic as possible like the way she always been. But she think Jackson didn’t catch it. He looked confuse. “Of course I’m going to school. Then why else would I wear a uniform.”

“Oh, hehehe,” he chuckled. Late, way too late.

“Did you find a school already?” Hana asked.

“Not yet. Still looking for it. Do you have any recommendation?”

“Just browse it, what I think the best might not be for you,” she looked at her watch. “Crap, I’m late! See you later…” Hana cursed while walking.

“See you!” Jackson say while waving his hand.

Thank you mom for making me walk… Hana grinned inside.


“Mama… mama… Choi Hana is arrived…” Hana sing while entering her house. She felt tired after an super duper freakingly easy physic test. It’s so easy that she wish the teacher make her do it everyday. The only way to get rid of her tiredness is by making someone feel annoyed. And the victim today was her mom. Her singing stopped when she saw someone other than her mother in the living room.

“Ah, annyeonghaseyo,” she bowed immediately. A lady around her mother age smiling at her.

“Hana, sit here,” her mom pat a place beside her and in front of the guest. “Say hi to Soohyuk,”

“Annyeonghaseyo…” she once again bowed while sitting.

“ Soohyuk is my high school friend. Call her Mrs. Im” said her mother. It’s turned out that Mrs. Im’s son just move to the boarding house at the end of the street. The owner was a lovely grandparents who had a house bigger than they needed. When Mrs. Im found out that her school mate lived near the house, she grab the chance to meet each other.

“My son will come in a bit. He just finished meeting her new housemate. Hana, how old are you?” Mrs. Im said.

“I’m in second year of high school, Mrs. Im,” Hana answered politely, feeling awkward.

“My son is about to enter university, that’s why he moved here,” she said. She seems to be so proud about her son. Her son must be a lovely boy, judging from how lovely and beautiful his mother is. Hopefully it’s another good looking guy, Hana wished inside her heart.

Knock… knock… knock…

A knock on the door was heard.

“It must be my son!” Mrs. Im say excitedly.

“Hana go open the door,” Hana’s mother hushed her. Hana then walked to the front door. Expecting a young handsome man on her door. She open the door and…

“Annyeonghaseyo,” a lady her mom’s age was on the doorstep. She was holding a tray of something, since it was covered by a napkin.

“Moooom,” Hana called her mother. “I’m sorry, but who are you?” she was trying to asked as polite as possible, scared that she might hurt her feeling.

“I’m a new neighbor next door. I just moved in yesterday,” she said while smiling she’s beautiful. Her face remind Hana of someone. But who is it?”

“Who is it, Hana?” her mother asked her when she finally reach the door. “Oh, annyeonghaseyo, please come in,” her mother said when she finally see the lady. Do they know each other? Hana asked herself.

“Hana go make some drink and bring the cake that I bought yesterday,” her mother told her. She then walk in the kitchen.

While stirring the tea she just made (and eavesdroping), she found out that the lady who just came in was Mrs. Wang. She just moved in yesterday. And she was from Hong Kong. It’s look like that she and her mother met already this morning.

She then take the cake from the fridge and start cutting it to fine slices. Jackson also said he just moved yesterday and his house was next to her. He said that…

What? She’s Jackson’s mother? The slow thinker Hana just realized it.

Hello again! I came back with a new chapter!

Am I taking too long? I'm sorry :(

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Waffle_Berry #1
Chapter 1: I love how the chap first started, a girl meeting a guy which is not in a cliché moment is very good cause lots of fanfic has that cliché thing and the time is just right since it's summer so yeah, update soon ^^