Chapter One

Ssh... I'm on Diet

Chapter One

Choi Hana’s eyes shot open. The freaking alarm that she set on her phone has been ringing the most annoying sound somebody could ever make. She was about turn off the alarm when she remember something. The only reason she turn on that freaking alarm is to wake her up for her new daily routine: jogging.

She change her pajamas into a pair of sweat pants, shirt, and a jacket. She then slip her phone to her pocket and her headset to her ear. Walking as slow as possible, she tried to reach the front door without waking everybody up. She wear her socks slowly and slip her new pink New Balance that she just bought three days ago. Obviously, just for the sake of new jogging routine. 

The sky was still dark when she went outside. Birds were chirping and the sun hide somewhere. She start to walk in a quite fast pace. The song It’s Time by Imagine Dragon was the first song on her shuffled playlist.

It’s time to begin isn’t it I get a little bit…” She humming that song while getting to the faster pace. She actually hate sports. It’s tiring and sweaty. But like what people said: no pain, no gain. She have to change for better. Nothing’s end if you don’t even start right?

“Ouch!” she yelped. She looked to her right, she looked to her right. Thank God no one was there. She just fall because she… tripped on her own foot. That just show you how clumsy this girl is. She’s the girl that you don’t want to bring to a bookstore because God’s know how many time she will make books fall out of it shelf.


“Omma, what did you make for breakfast?” Hana ask her mom, knowing her mom wass the best cook she ever met. Instead of the usual Nutella toast or her favorite tuna sandwich, her mom bring her a cup of liquid.

“Drink it!” her mother tell her.

“What the hell is this, Omma?” she yelped.

“Yah! No curse at home. One series!” her mom tell her without looking at her. It’s been at her home since forever that you have to do a one series push up if you cursed. You slowly get down and start the push up.

One... “But mom, seriously what is that liquid?”

Two… “It’s a juice Hana, you make it’s sound as if I make a poison that will kill you!”

Three… “Hhh… what are the things that you add in that so called juice? Hhh…”

Four… “Just some apple, carrot, and orange.”

Five… “Hhh… Hhh… but why is it so red? Did you perhaps add some blood? Hhh… Did you finally  realize that I’m Edward Cullen long lost daughter that will marry Taylor Lautner the Jacob Black werewolf the love of my life? Hhh… Hhh..”

Six… “I add beet. Keep your mouth and do it faster, I’m going to pack your lunch,” Her mom gone to the kitchen. She slowly stand up without finishing her push ups. It’s tiring you know?

She sat on the chair and reach the reddish liquid. She tried to smell it and it taste so yucky. But again no pain, no gain right?

While her left hand cover her nose, her right bring the cup to . Determined to finish it as fast as possible.

“Don’t be overreacted, it’s just a juice, Hana!” Her mom comeback from the kitchen. Hana than drink it, while thinking about her Taylor Lautner. To lessened the bitter taste.

“Mom, where’s dad?” Hana ask her mom.

“On the way or on his office maybe,” her mother answered.

“Who will drive me?” Choi Hana was shocked.

“Just walk! Walking add more exercise, you’re on diet right?”

“Arrasso…” she answered in her grumpy voice.

“Here’s your lunch! Don’t buy any snack, just drink water! No more coke or kitkat! Okay?”

“Okay…” she sound so hopeless.

“Go to school now! I love you!” her mom said while kissing her chubby cheeks.

“I love you too... Bye!” she kiss her mother’s cheek and gone to school.         


If only I was born skinny. That was what she thought all the time. She was walking home alone when she see a bunch of girls in the bus station together. They wear mini skirts or short pants since it’s summer. Their long milky legs showing. She always new that she have a good fashion sense, if she had a slim body. She always thing about mix and matching things. But it’s impossible with her body size right now.

She always want to wear hot pants and oversized shirt, but her thigh was too big to be exposed. She may seem confident about her body. Just laughing at herself when people joke about her. Only the stars know how many nights she cry herself to sleep.

It’s may not seem so serious for some people since there is no bullying. But for her it’s getting sickening. She may joke with her friend how they don’t have boyfriends when she know that no one will actually like her with that body. Her father keep telling her that she’s so beautiful. It’s used to boost her confidence. It’s used.

Excuse me,” somebody called her from behind. She turn her back to see a really handsome boy with a black leather snapback. God, he’s handsome.

Can you speak English?” he asked with a polite smile.

Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out… She remind herself. “I can,” she thank her mom for getting her English lesson since she was young. It’s finally useful!

I don’t know the way home,” he said.

I don’t know your way home either,” Hana answered confuse. How she supposed to know his way home? They just met. Although she secretly wish she know his way home. You know, he’s handsome okay?

Hehehe…” he chuckled. Oxygen! Choi Hana was in need of oxygen since and angel just come down from heaven. “I saw you jog this morning and I actually a new neighbor. I just moved in yesterday,” he continued.

Ahh… I see. So do you want me to walk you home?” Choi Hana was in cloud nine. Her heart was flying high. She’s high. So this is what high feels like. It’s damn good.

“Yes, if only you don’t mind,” he answered while smiling showing of his teeth. Even his teeth was so beautiful.

Of course I don’t mind,” Hana answered. Damn it, how can I say that in front of this guy? How am I supposed to…

Her mind was cut with an angelic voice, ”By the way, Jackson’s my name. I just move from Hong Kong. What’s your name?”

“So you can speak in Korea? Hana’s my name. You don’t mind if we start walking right? It’s getting dark.”

“I’m still learning. It’s okay. Beautiful name you got,” Choi Hana was red. Warning, Choi Hana was blushing. “How old are you?” The handsome guy that now we know have a handsome name Jackson asked. Everything about him was so handsome.

“Second year of highschool. You?” Hana secretly wish he was older. She want an oppa.

“I just graduate, still looking for university. So you’re younger than me, right?”

“Ne, Jackson-sshi,” Hana jokingly answered.

“Don’t need to be so formal. Just call me Jackson. Or oppa. Isn’t that what Korean girls love?” he asked in a very flirty way.

“I’ll stick with Jackson. It’s awkward to call you oppa since you’re not a Korean to begin with, Jack Jack,” she joked. You know The Incredibles’ Jack Jack?

“Jack Jack? It’s quite cute, hahaha…” he laughed.

“Here is my home. Which one yours?” Hana asked Jackson.

Jackson point at the third house form your house. “That one.”

“I actually want to invite you in but it’s quite dark. So next time?” Hana hopefully asked. She don’t know where that bluntness came from.

“Definitely next time. Good night,”

“Night,” and Hana entered her house.


Diet Diary:Day#1

1 hour jogging(+one series of push ups)

Breakfast: poison juice

Lunch: Chicken , salad, and 3 spoon of red rice (I actually eat some Cheetos that Sora bought, sorry)

Dinner: Yoghurt with apple and melon

30 sits up

People say that it’s good to keep a diet diary. So you know what you’ve been through and try not to cheat yourself. You drink some water and walk to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Ready to finish your first day of diet and the first meeting of Jackson the angel.

What you don’t know yet, meeting Jackson will change your whole life.

hello readers!

this is my first update of this story

hope you enjoy it

i'm sorry for the messy grammar

and thank you for subscribe

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Waffle_Berry #1
Chapter 1: I love how the chap first started, a girl meeting a guy which is not in a cliché moment is very good cause lots of fanfic has that cliché thing and the time is just right since it's summer so yeah, update soon ^^