
We drove for about fifteen minutes until we arrived at the mall. I sighed for a minute before I finally got out of the car. I grabbed my bag and walked toward the entrance, I was in my own world until Taehyung jumped onto my back trying to get a piggy back ride. I almost fell forward until I caught myself right before the intersection. I glared over at Taehyung before laughing at his face of horror printed on his face. 
"Get that look off your face, and let's go," I said as I waited for him to hook his arm with mine. I looked both ways before crossing but as I was about to cross I saw a car that I instantly recognized, why the heck did he show up here? Of all people I didn't  want to see, Minho had to show up. 
We ended up skipping into the mall with huge goofy grins. What I would do without him to always lift me up even when my mind was still left in the parking lot with that car.
Taehyung walked me to the hair salon where it had the stench of hairspray. I objected to it, but apparently Taehyung had a contact here and already set up what they were to do.  They tugged me into the hair salon chair and covered my eyes. I was freaking out as I heard the scissors snipping all around me. I was not ready to rid myself of my long hair, don't get me wrong I want to make myself better in every possible way. I sat there in darkness for about fifteen minutes until they pulled it off. I looked into the mirror and gasped. My hair was only a little shorter, but it was let lose not stuck in a braid and looked clean. It was wavy and framed my face perfectly. I couldn't help but look at Taehyung with shock. He just smiled at me and put his thumbs up. 
I was free to go and told to wait outside for him so I went without objection still touching the ends of my hair with awe. I was looking around with my glasses almost falling off. I acted like I've never been in the mall, but never for this reason. 
Taehyung finally came out after paying, which I offered to pay for only to be shot down instantly, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to our next destination.
He had taken me to the store where most of the girls my age shopped. I stopped at the door afraid of pink all around me, I'm not much of a pink girl and Taehyung knew this, so why bring me here? I was just staring all around me when I felt Taehyung tug on my arm making me follow him like a lost puppy. He took me to the front desk where a beautiful girl stood smiling at him. I was wondering how she knew him when they hugged. He turned to me and gave me this nervous grin. 
"Hea, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Hwang Chosung. I'm sorry I kept it from you for so long," he said as he rubbed his neck nervously.
"I've been waiting to meet you for so long Hea! This imbecile felt like you wouldn't take it well, but you are so much prettier then he said! I hope I can help you with your plan, I know Minho and the whole story, he is a close friend of mine. I won't tell him your plan, but I am completely on your side, Minho is not the smartest sometimes. Fighting!" She said to me as she gave me a quick hug and pumped her hand in the fighting sign. I couldn't help but like her right on the spot.  
I went over to Taehyung and punched him in the arm so hard that he yelped in pain. 
"What the heck, Taehyung?! How long have you been dating her? Couldn't handle it? You are such an idiot. Stupid!" I said as I kept hitting him. He tried to hide behind Chosung, but she moved instantly thinking he obviously deserved what he was getting. When I was finally done I turned to her and put my hand out. 
"Hi! Well you obviously know about me, but this idiot felt like I 'couldn't handle it', but you are so nice and I like you already as long as you don't tell you-know-who-the-plan. It was nice meeting you!" I said using the air quotes when I needed to and shaking her hand. She smiled brightly at me and guided me to a dressing room. 
"Since, Taehyung told me all about you and your problems, I went ahead and got you outfits to try on. The outfits will help your confidence burn brighter than the sun. I hope you like them and we will be out here to help you, so go ahead and go try some on!" She said as she pushed me into the dressing room and closing the curtains. I looked at the clothes piled around me and felt a little overwhelmed until I saw a shirt that I fell in love with instantly. I picked it up and grabbed a skirt and put them on. I looked in the mirror and instantly felt like it wasn't me standing in front of the mirror. 
I turned around in a circle like I was a princess before finally turning to the curtain. I pulled it open and stepped out. Chosung smiled and Taehyung just stood there as he looked at me. 
"My turn! Let's see I'll wear this!" Taehyung said as he picked an outfit off the rack and ran to the dressing room. He came out a second later and strutted like a model until he reached the end of the hallway, by the time he was done Chosung and I were crouched over with laughter as our sides started to hurt. When he was done, I heard another gasp from behind me toward the counter area. There stood Minho. I felt myself get all red and flustered with myself before I ran back into the dressing room. I heard him say,"Was that Hea? She looked beautiful," as he looked longingly at the curtain when I peeked out.
"What are you doing here," Taehyung said in a voice that I've never heard before. It made me want to back up with fear. I saw Chosung clutch his arm to keep him calm. 
"I thought we go get a late lunch, Chosung? That's if you want of course,"I looked through the curtain at him and saw him sneak peaks in my direction while looking at Chosung.
"Listen, I don't think that will be the best idea for now on. Minho, this is my boyfriend, Taehyung. Taehyung this is Minho, I guess you know each other." She said as she pulled herself back into a cower form. I just watched as the two of them glared at each other until I finally took in a deep breath and walked out there. I pushed myself in between them to stop a fight that was bound to happen.
"Minho, I think it is best to leave now. That's not a request, that's a statement. So please go," I said before taking his arm and pulling him to the front. I walked him there and pushed him out lightly and walked away only to be pulled back by a hand. 
"Please, give me a chance to explain, to tell you the truth. You are the reason I came to this store not Chosung. Please hear me out." He begged me. I honestly couldn't deal with him at this very moment so I took his hand and pushed it down from my wrist before walking away. I have to say that that was the hardest decision for me to make right now. 
"Are you ok, Hea? I'm sorry that happened," Chosung said to me. I just shook my head and smiled before going back into the dressing room.
I grabbed a orange sundress and instantly fell in love with it on my body. I picked up a pair of sandals in the room and put them on. I stepped out into the lights with a smile that could light a hundred candles. 
"Minho is so stupid. You look beautiful, only if he saw that between your glasses. Just woah," Taehyung said as he gaped at me. 
"He's right, you know. I must say I know what outfits go for who," she said while flipping her hair. I started to laugh and hugged her for thanks. We spent the next hour or so trying on the rest of the outfits. I ended up buying everyone of them. I left in my orange sundress after giving a hug to Chosung and waited for Taehyung outside the door. 
When I was standing patiently for him I saw a bench that was freedom for my to sit on so I quickly ran over to it before anyone took it. I made it just in time and set down my thousand bags. I moved my hair from my eyes and closed them for a second before I felt the bench go down a little. I opened my eyes slowly hoping that it's Taehyung. My luck had to be really bad today or something. 
"Minho, what are you doing here? I don't really want to talk to you," I said before closing my eyes again to give him his invitation to leave. Only nothing got up or moved. I gave a big sigh before looking over at him. "What?" I said looking at him.
"Can you please hear me out? Listen, you want to know why you were my best friend in fifth grade, because you were sweet, smart, and trustworthy. I haven't found anyone like that since then. Why did we stop hanging out? Well, the reason you gave me was pretty explanatory, but I tried to keep you as my best friend. The kids I was hanging out with didn't approve of you. I should have left them when they told me that, you have no clue how sorry I am now," he said with his eyes searching mine. 
"Minho, do you have any clue what it meant to me when you left? I fell for this little boy who saved me from bullies, and when I say fell I mean fell. That little boy just crushed my heart this afternoon, crushed it again after I tried to tape it together. You can't come now after what you did, honestly it's not allowed. I really just give up, anyways I'm just a nerd and you're you," I said wiping tears from my face.
Minho just searched my eyes desperately before sighing and rubbing his face. He looked at me once more before kissing me on the cheek quickly. 
"You know what, I'm not going to give up on you being my best friend again. I'm not giving up," he said. He didn't understand a word I just said, did he? That's all he wants is a best friend again, nothing more. 
"You know I think it's time for you to go. Bye, Minho." I said waiting for him to get up. Finally, he left and Taehyung came out. I wiped my face really quick to make sure he didn't see the redness and smiled at him.
When he was close enough he looked at me to make sure I was okay.
"So I liked her a lot, she's a keeper. If you do something to her I'll have to kick you. So let's go home now," I said as we were walking towards the exit, but right before we reached the door he pulled me into a make up place. 
"This is our last stop since we have your clothes and shoes. This is a girls necessity," he said with an evil smirk. 
We walked in and a girl instantly handed me a bag full of make up. I looked at her for an explanation, but she was already gone. 
"What is this?" I asked Taehyung who was pulling me out of the store quicker then when we went in. 
"It is make-up that is supposedly perfect for you, my girlfriend picked them out and put them on my card. Before you say anything don't pay me back, I just want to see Minho's smug face when he sees you tomorrow. I'm taking you to school," was all he said before we got into a car full of silence. He dropped me off at home and told me he would see me tomorrow. I went into my silent house and laid in bed before I fell into a deep sleep.

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Yessssss finally updated!! Keep updating author-nim!^^
Minho, just tell her yyou love her! TT-TT the feels
Chapter 2: Yesh.. More! Update soon author-nim ^.^