I'm gonna be your rockstar

Mid-summer heat was thick in the small venue, bringing forth a heavy layer of humidity that made anything and everything stick. The sixty or so bodies did nothing to help. The chilled glass felt heavenly against his fingertips. Practiced hands worked quickly to pour the perfect glass of draft, watching the head carefully with his all seeing eyes, Kyungsoo reluctantly relinquished the fresh beer to his customer. Rather than dwell on the bead of sweat currently gliding down his back, Kyungsoo busied himself with wiping down the syrupy counter. This bar had claimed most of his nights for a little over two years now. He knew it back and forth, it was comfortable, despite the sickening muggy warmth that surrounded him currently. It housed a small stage, dance floor, various booths and tables, along with one huge bar. The feel was indie, maybe a little grungy, but it suited the young adults that took refuge within. Kyungsoo felt at home here.


‘Last call!’ he sang out to the sixty odd stragglers. It was nearing 3:30. Kyungsoo dragged his forearm across his forehead, glancing up to the few takers when something caught his attention. Fluorescent lighting was spilling from the managers office, nicely outlining the rather aesthetically pleasing lower half of whomever was leaning into the doorframe. When Kyungsoo’s eyes rolled up and down the unknown mans seemingly endless legs, it was beyond his conscious awareness. Only back to reality by a hand clapping down gingerly on his shoulder, he welcomed by a gentle face. ‘Head off early, you’ve been on all night and I don’t recall you taking any breaks,’ Yixing said with a quirked eyebrow. The two had bar tended side by side for nearly a year now, and Kyungsoo was certain that Yixing was a literal angel. Everything about him was kind, patient, caring, and above all else selfless. For this reason alone he knew better than to argue. ‘Ah I guess you’re right,’ he paused with a lopsided smirk ‘are you sur-‘ before the word could finish rolling off his tongue Kyungsoo was being guided to the back room by a determined yet delicate set of hands, ‘get yourself home alright now,’ Yixing offered and disappeared back to the bar. 


With each beat delivered by his headphones, Kyungsoo’s messenger bag bounded off his thighs. It was much less suffocating outside, thanks to friendly breeze that rolled over him from time to time. The streets appeared dark and ominous, but it was nothing unusual to someone whom worked late into the night. In fact Kyungsoo quite enjoyed walking home at close, most everything was sleeping which left the town uncharacteristically serene. It was somewhat addicting. When the current song came to an end he realized just how quiet it was, until he heard the footfalls behind him. Breath hitching slightly, he picked up his pace subconsciously. It may feel beautifully peaceful at 3:30 in the morning, but that didn’t guarantee safety. Kyungsoo tore the ear pieces from his head and in big gulp of air before shooting a glance over his shoulder. The man in tow of him had just stepped over the curb to cross the street. Black messy hair was sticking up in the breeze, highlighted by the yellow glow of a streetlamp. Kyungsoo found himself staring, feet coming together at a stop. This man literally looked as if though he went on for miles, in the good way. Long limbs propelling him forward, arms limply dangling from his pockets swaying with each step. He didn’t expect to recognize that backside, nor did he expect the jump of his own heart. 





The dull throbbing at the base of Chanyeol’s skull wasn’t enough to damper his mood. Brushing away the remnants of alcohol from the night previous, he fought the grin that threatened hard. Dancing his way out to the kitchen he threw an arm around the girl hunched near the water cooler. He could feel her recoiling at the harsh movement but he pressed a kiss into the top of her head and laughed richly. ‘Please don’t,’ came the small protests but his laugh drowned them out easily. Eventually she wiggled her way out of his grasp and reclaimed her glass of water from the dispenser. Chanyeol migrated to the kitchen table in the cramped apartment and plopped down, resting his chin on the base of both palms, teeth glimmering in the sunlight as he smiled widely. The girl, however, was much less enthused. ‘I know you got the gig but can you tone it down until lunch at least?’ she groaned slumping into the chair beside him. ‘I can’t help it!’ he beamed. Extending a hand he carefully flicked her nose with his index finger lightly, ‘I’m gonna be your rockstar babe.’ 


Using his hip as an extension of his reach, Chanyeol backed his way into the venue with little to no grace. Besides threatening the lifespan of his guitar it was a successful endeavour as he found himself back in the cozy darkened bar. It took a moment to gather his bearings but he eventually found his way to the stage, setting the instrument down carefully beside the back wall. Sure, he had performed before but it had been a little while. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little nervous. When his eyes wandered to the bar he became quite aware of an easy fix. He didn’t have to go on for at least 15 minutes, so he decided on a drink to soothe his soul. The bar wasn’t overly full but alive none the less. Chanyeol found himself easing into a barstool in no time, looking for the nearest tender. A couple were working at the time, though one seemed to be occupied. The other was idly drying some glasses. He was a little thing, with hair that best resembled dark chocolate. The kind thats 80% cocoa, Chanyeol decided. When he finally glanced up, his eyes were an even richer chocolate. Since when did Chanyeol pay so much attention anyway.


By the time the boy made of dark chocolate, or so Chanyeol was convinced, reached him Chanyeol was sporting a furrow in his brow. He looked both lost and concerned. ‘What can I do you for?’ broke his weird trance. ‘Huh wha,’ he mumbled as his brain processed the simple sentence. ‘Do me… for… Oh!’ he pieced together. ‘Could I get a Bailey’s on the rocks?’ he asked with more confidence, attempting to regain his composure. It was a great way to warm up the throat, besides Chanyeol absolutely loved the taste. The smaller man simply smiled as his hands went to work. Once again Chanyeol found himself caught up in the others features. His heart shaped smile, which he thought was beyond unique, the way his eyes squinted slightly. The overall squishy appearance. This man looked genuine and inviting. Soon enough his brows were knit together as before. The bartender returned with a short fat glass, laying it in front of Chanyeol as he regarded him for a moment. ‘Is there a number I can call?’ Kyungsoo asked crossing his arms and resting them on the bar top. ‘Excuse me?’ Chanyeol replied dumbly. ‘You know so that your owner can come get you, since you look pretty lost and all,’ the former replied with a grin. Chanyeol quickly downed his drink.


The warmth of the irish cream did the trick, he could feel his throat loosening up already. Chanyeol took to the stage, retrieving his acoustic guitar from its case. Taking perch upon the small black wooden stool, he adjusted the mic. They were almost always set too low. ‘I’m Chanyeol, and I hope you like what I’ve got lined up,’ he purred into the device. His calloused fingers danced across the metallic strings, muscle memory embedded in him from years of playing. The melodies flooded the room, demanding attention. The lyrics flowed off the tip of his tongue like velvet, caressing the ears of the audience. His music took hold of him, taking him to another place. However when his eyes fell shut all he could see was the short bartender with the heart smile. 





Kyungsoo tried his hardest not to laugh at the man before him. The way he basically personified a lost puppy, and how he simply refused to acknowledge the chirp. It was all too precious and extremely dorky. The man wasn’t exactly hard on the eyes either. His voice resonated well and was deep and sultry, even if he apparently may have forgotten his name. Yet, when the other took his leave to set up all the blood in Kyungsoo’s body travelled directly to his face. Now with his entirety within view, Kyungsoo felt very strange. It was Mr. Long Legs, with a side of clutch worthy hair and now an undeniably gorgeous face. It was at that moment that Kyungsoo realized how very ed he was. As the man introduced himself Kyungsoo found that he was utterly fixated. Chanyeol. The man that managed to grasp all of Kyungsoo’s attention. The man that had already imprinted himself onto the poor kids thoughts. The man that was now singing and playing guitar in the most beautifully complimentary way. The man that was making Kyungsoo weak in the knees. The man he had only talked to once. So very ed indeed. 

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