Thank you, I Love You

Dear, I Love You

lShe didn't get to read the letter until a month after he passed. After the night they spent together, in the morning he left to go home and visit his parents. She had this weird feeling in the pit of her stomach that day, but she never really thought about it as anything important.

She continued throughout her day as usual. It wasn't until she got a call later that night did the weird feeling in her stomach make sense. 

A crying voice spoke to her on the other line. " Baekhyun...he...he passed away this evening. He came to visit us and told us his time was coming. We...we didn't understand how he knew, but he asked us to take care of him very well before he would leave us forever. He...he laid down for a nap and when I called him to see if he wanted a snack...he...he was asleep. He looked so peaceful. I'm so sorry honey."

She broke down. She didn't quite understand what was going on, but she knew that her love, her Baekhyun, was gone from her life. 

At the funeral, a month later, she couldn't hold back all her bottled up feelings. All the emotions she felt were released at the sight of her peacefully resting Baekhyun. His face seemed to still be alive, yet she knew better.

At the end of the service, Baekhyun's mother handed her an envelope with her name on it. "It's from Baekhyun," she said. 

She rushed home as quickly as possible without breaking the speed limit. She got home and practically tore off the seal. She read the letter with tears streaming down her eyes. How could he not tell her? Then maybe things wouldn't be as difficult as they are. She ran to go find the purple box under her bed and carefully stared at the precious last reminder of her true love. 

Slowly, after choking back the wave of tears that exploded, she unwrapped the carefully tied bow. She opened the box and stared wide eyed at the beautiful little locket staring back at her. She opened it and a picture of Baekhyun stared right back at her with a beautiful melody playing since it was also a music box.  (Listen here for the tune:

The tears seemed endless to her. She opened up the small, blue, velvet ring case and couldn't help but feel a wave of despair wash over her. The most beautiful ring stared back at her and she felt her heart ache.  

The next morning, she felt sick. The love of her life was gone from her life and all she felt was an overwhelming feeling of pain. After that, came a disgusting feeling in the pit of her stomach and she ran to the bathroom. She vomited and her brain registered what happens when you vomit in the morning when you've done the deed before. Her eyes widened and she didn't know whether to feel blessed or scared. All she knew was that there was one more thing she could remember her love by coming soon. 

She was walking hand in hand with Jongdae at the Han river. They were watching little Baekhyun play with some other kids and enjoying the calm. The music box locket was resting gently on her chest and her wedding ring was on her left finger. She didn't want any other ring  but that one, and Jongdae complied, using it to propose to her on their two year anniversary. 

After she found out she was pregnant, she realized she could move on peacefully. Two months later, she started meeting up with Jongdae. He knew about her pregnancy, but he didn't care. He was so taken by her, he didn't even mind. 

When she gave birth, Jongdae was there to be claimed as the father. Their new little Baekhyun made them feel so happy. Together, they moved on and were happy. She smiled like she used to and gave all the love in the world to her little Baekhyun and to Jongdae. 

Up in the heavens, Baekhyun watched in the purest form of happiness as she was continuing to live happily and that his son looked just like him.  



hey! Thank you very so much for reading my story~ I hope you enjoyed it and thank you again! :D 

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Thank you once again for reading my story! I'm sorry I made a new story instead of updating my other story, but I hope you all understand!


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