Part 4

Love Persuasion

I patted Glen to sleep before I headed to the kitchen to cook a meal for my mother and I. She was on her way home from a little part time job at the grocery store as a janitor. Though I persuaded her that I'd like her to just be home and stay with Glen, she refused. She argued that since Glen started school, she felt useless to just stay home all day everyday. She wanted to get up, move, and be productive. I, of course, lost to her and allowed her to work. As I got the pot to boil water, I washed the tofu and chicken to prep for my mother's favorite soup that now, is also one of my favorites. I never understood why it was so delicious, but it must be an old age thing or a mother thing. The taste is warming and simple. On the side, I prepped stir fry and steamed the rice. After some time, I settled the cooked food in their place. I covered them and decided to wait until my mother got home to wake up Glen for dinner.

There was a knock at the door. Who could it be? Usually no one visits aside from Jr, but he stopped coming a long time ago. If it was my mother returning from work, she had her own key to open. Maybe I was just thinking too much. I looked through the peephole and saw the face of a woman I was fearful to face. My tummy did some summersalts before I inaheled and exhaled to calm myself. I opened it.

"Mrs. Park, hello. Come inside." I welcomed her hesitantly.

"Thank you."

"Have a seat right over here." I directed her to the kitchen table and pulled out the chair for her. "If you don't mind me asking, is everything okay?"

She avoided lookin at me and kept her eyes on the cup of water I offered her. "Jinyoung doesn't seem okay and I've felt bothered ever since the day you had your last words."

I couldn't hide the worry. "Mrs. Park, what is wrong with Jinyoung? Is he ill of some sort?"

A small smile showed, "He's not sick. He just seems to not be all there when his father and I talk to him. He's been quiet. I know he probably misses you and trying to find a way to get to you without having his father and I intervene."

"I-I'm sorry about how he's been. I've really cut off connection with him already. It'll take some time to get use to-"

"Grace, come back to him." She interrupted me.

What? Was Jr's mother asking me to return to her son?

"E-excuse me?"

"Shocking, right?" She breathed, "You have a huge impact on my son. I can see how much he loves and cares for you. Please, return to him."

"Mrs. Park, I understand that Jinyoung is going through a lot right now and you want him to be happy, but please care about your happiness too. If you don't want me in his life, I will not hold it against you." I spoke carefully to her and chose my words wisely.

She finally managed to look at me, "You are quite something, Grace." Her smile this time was fully shown genuinely.

I looked at her confused.

"Look here, I know you love and care for my son just as much. I apologize for judging you without taking the time to know you. Let's start over, yes?" Mrs. Park was actually a really sweet woman underneath.

"Uh, s-sure. As long as I have your blessing and word. I wil best to love and care for your son just as much as you." I gave in because I dearly missed Jr and wanted him in my life again.

"I am confident that you will." She held my hands in hers. "I am confident because you know of a mother's love."

I had tears in my eyes and before I knew it, the front door opened and my mother came through. She looked worried seeing that Mrs. Park was over. I gave her a smile to assure her the visit was of no harm. I formally introduced Mrs. Park to my mother and the two woman discussed of my love life with Jr. It was a bit awkward, but I could see them getting along already. I left them to themselves and went to go check up on Glen. He slept soudlessly and I felt guilty for waking him up from his nap, but he had to eat so I lightly shook him.

"Wake up, baby. It's dinner time," I whispered.

After a couple shakes, he rubbed his eyes open. I brought him out to the kitchen. It was going to be the first time Mrs. Park meets him and I was a bit nervous, but I knew he was a smart and polite kid so I shouuldn't have to worry.

"Mrs. Park, this is my son Glen." I introduced. "Glen, this is Jr's mother."

Glen's eyes opened widely in search of someone else. "Hello. Is Jr here too? He missed all our other playdates."

I saw Mrs. Park's eyes soften at the child. My heart also melted at his words. My mother gleamed.

"Hello, young one. You are a charming one indeed." She complimented.

I intervened, "Mrs. Park, have dinner with us tonight."

"Oh, no-"

"Please, do." My mtoher added.

I set the table as the mothers talked over the clacking noiced of the dished and utensils.

"Mommy, can you call Jr to come eat too?" Glen tugged at my leg.

I bit my lip, unsure if it was a good move. I mean, I'm more than delighted to know Mrs. Park approved of us, but I don't know if I'll cry or smile when I see Jinyoung. I've put him through so much and it makes me feel regretful.

"Come here, little one." Mrs. Park broke me out of my trance. I figured she heard my son's request.

"Yes, Mrs. Park?" His little voice had a way of swaying my heart. I love my son so much that I couldn't believe I was able to love Jr just as much.

"Call me, grandma. I'm your grandma too."

My heart jumped at her correction. Was she allowing Glen to call her that because she accepted that Jr and I were going to be more than just a dating couple?

"Okay....grandma." He accepted it quickly by calling her that immediately afterwards.

"I'll call him to come over right now and you both can finally play." Her tone was so cheerful, a complete 360 change from when I first met her.

Mrs. Park looked to me as if asking for my consent. I gave her a slight nod and she dialed into her cellphone. I tried to appear calm as I set an extra plate on the table. She took the conversation into the living room and her demanding tone was heard. I guess Jr also couldn't believe it himself. Within 20 minutes after the call, a knock came from the front. I got up to attend the expected guest.

I felt like it was all in slow motion. As I swung it open, I was suddenly pulled outside. I couldn't even say anything to the man because his pair of lips latched onto mine. It was filled with so much passion and feeling. My head was spinning in the process. I guess this was his way of saying hello and that he too missed me. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

I pulled away, "Jr...."

"Sorry, I had to." His cheesy smile was on display. Dear God, I've missed seeing him so alive like this.

I blushed a shade of pink as I looked away.

"Look at me." He guided my chin to look at him. "You know you liked it." He gave me a wink.

"Please, don't make me regret kissing you." I rolled my eyes teasingly. "Let's head in." I tugged at his hand.


We walked in to have eyes darted with smiles shining on their faces. Especially Glen, he ran to hug Jr and Jr bent down to embrace him as well.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, Glen."

I gave them a moment as I heard the mother giggle at the sight and then carried on with thie conversation.

"Okay you two, let's eat first before playtime." I shooed the two boys, my boys to the table. Together we all ate like a family.


Author's Note: Hello! It's been a long time! Forgive me, I've been trying to motivate myself to update since school started, but I never had or made enough time to do so. Because I have a 3 hour break until my next class, I decided to make my free time useful so here it is! Next chapter will be the last! :)

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sinsofasaint #1
Chapter 2: This is cute, but I keep getting throw off by the timing. If OC had Glen at 19 and is now 22, then the kid should be no older than 3 which is too young for preschool, much closer less kindergarten
Chapter 6: Yes please give Glen baby sister. Kekekeke

I also like this one too. Jinyoung makes a good father figure. Oh I can imagine he to be....

I just wish this story is longer.... why did you never do longer story... your style is quite good. Maybe if you do longer story it will be fine like this or Mark's one.
winterwish #3
Chapter 6: This ending is so so cute. I'm very happy for Grace. After all the hardships that she'd been through because of the the stigma of being a single mom, she finally found someone who accepts her wholly. I actually have a friend like her. Great job once again author-nim. You're really daebak! :D
Chapter 5: Finally reunited! Jr and glen are the cutest things ever aw
Chapter 4: ;_____; oh jinyoung... oh grace....oh mother....
Chapter 4: (ㅠㅡㅠ) (>_<)
Chapter 4: ToT omg what happens next
shocker1121 #8
Chapter 4: OMG... ㅠ.ㅠ
aqi112 #9
Chapter 2: Awww... I can only know how the story will proceed if I read more. But I'll wait for the next update~