Love Cupid

It's such a cool night tonight. A girl show up in front of a coffeeshop. She crossed her arm after make sure that the door is really been padlocked *by pulling the coffeeshop's door a couple of times*. The creamy wol sweater, white syal, a couple of gloves, and a wolly earphone still can't hide her from cold. it's look like the snow is going to fall. 

she leisurely take her step to her home that take around 15 minutes from there.

it's already a half past eleven. yet she still hasn't reach her home.

she just thinking, eomma must be worry. aish, Jihyun-ah.. how could you forgot to charge your phone? when suddenly her step is stopped. something white and seems soft flying down in front of her browny eyes.

she look up to the sky. pluk! that thing lands perfectly in her nose.

it's snow!

it's the first day of snow falling! without she even thinking twice, her hand meet each other, and in front of it both of her browny eyes getting closed.

they say god will grant your pray in the first day of snow falling.

god-nim, please give my family a happy live. please make me a good daughter for my mom and a good sister for my brother.

actually, there's one other thing that come up through her mind. but she doesn't dare to put it in her prays. she doesn't know why, maybe she just affraid that god will really grant it.

she look up to the sky once again. opened, like a word is going to come up from there. but then, she just continue her step.

she turn into an alley that she doesn't usually use. it's almost midnight so she thought that using an alternative way may be the best choice to quickly reach her home.

after walking by around 10 meters, she realize there's someone behind her. she know it from the footstep that sounded close behind.

at first, she just think positively that maybe that person is just wanna go to somewhere through those way. but as she turns to various bend, she realize something's not going well. she still hear that footstep.

realizing it make her heart beat faster.

god-nim please save me...

Jihyun walk faster, it's almost like she's running. but still, she doesn't brave enough to turn her head.

eomma, eottokae?

the footstep sounds getting closer. lately, there has been such a crime that happened to a girl in night time. just thinking about it make her heart race and her legs get more tremble. she doesn't have any other thought than "home".

Jihyun take a turn to the right. her home is still far enough from there and she doesn't have anybody that she can ask for a help. especially at that time with her phone that is shutted down.


suddenly a very bright light shining in front of her eyes make her eyelids closed automatically.

little by little she try to look at what is exactly that appear in front of her. it's still a bit dazzling, but she knows there's something white and shining standing there right in front of her eyes. she just forget those footstep's owner at once.

she take a closer look to it as she felt something strange there.


Jihyun sitted down on the street. After taking a closer look to what was the "thing" that appeared in front of her eyes, her lips getting locked. Once more she blinking her eyes still can't believe the one thing that come up in her mind. it's almost three minutes yet there's not even a single voice that come out from those pink lips of her.

"you're right.." like can read Jihyun's mind, those "thing" in front of her start to talking.

"i'm an angel, angel of love exactly hehe.." that "thing" that declared himself as an angel scratch his backhead and smirking after Jihyun who still sitted down in quiet.

"ah mian. annyeonghaseyo *bow*.. cupid V imnida" those angel introduce himself to lifeless-Jihyun with both of his hands make a V-sign under his chin. a very wide smile can be seen through his face. unconsciously, Jihyun nodded her head after seeing "him" bowed to her. but still, she can't get any word out from .

Jihyun knows from the very first time when those "self-declared cupid" appeared after her that he is an angel. from a couple of white wings in his back. but still, she can't believe that there's a REAL ANGEL in front of her face. 

"you need a help?" seeing a stretch of hand in front of her, Jihyun can't think about anything else but how nice is this angel. yeah of course, he is an angel right?

"ah.. go..mawo.." Jihyun take his hand as she now get stand in her legs again. in the end something come out from , even in a halting way.

"cheon~ you still can't believe seeing an angel, don't you?" She guess this angel really knows anything.

"are you a paranormal?"

"yaa! i've told you i'm a cupid. how could a paranormal be so handsome like me?" i take back my words. Jihyun can only give a sigh. it's the first time for her seeing an angel so confident. it's her first time seeing an angel actually. especially a cupid. in every storytale that she read, all of the angels seems so nice and humble. but who knows they would be like this in real life.

"eh, how about the man who followed me?" 

"he had run away, he thought i am a ghost or something maybe. he would definitely stay if he waited a little bit longer to see my face." there's just another sigh come out from Jihyun's mouth. those cupid really doesn't seems like an angel. don't you guys agree that this cupid is too sink into flower-boy-syndrome?

"ah geurae, sorry for came late. you're moved too fast so i couldn't track you on GPS."

"how could there's an angel like this?" Jihyun mumble to herself.

"ne? what did you say?"

"ani. nothing."

"don't you curious why did i came here?" ah, right. i forget to ask that.

"would you explain it?"

"it's already late. your family would be worrying you, won't they?"

"ahh you're right. i must go home now." remember about it, Jihyun want to quickly take her step home.

but suddenly she turn back to her first position. facing the cupid. "so... you just came to help me from those guy back there?"

"nope!" the cupid just shake his head while crossing both of his arms in front of his chest leisurely.

"so... for...what?" Jihyun follow him by crossing both of her arms and stare right to his eyes with the look of explain-it-now!

"emm.. i can't explain it now. it takes a little bit long time, God-nim will blame me for making your family more worry. unless..." the cupid keep his word hang up and throw an evil smile toward her.

"unless what?"

"unless you take me with you!"




"yaa, come out cupid-ssi!" Jihyun whispering when she throw her body in her bed.

"you already miss me?" *let's start call him V* V's head pop up from side of Jihyun's bed causing heart attack to the ones on top of the bed.

"yaa! you wanna kill me that much?" Jihyun's surprisingly yell at him that echoed through her bedroom.

"ssttt.. you would make all your family wake." V try to calmed her down with give her a finger sign.

"aish, you're the one who surprised me!" Jihyun's eyes almost come up as she glared him while hold her voice to keep low. 



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Nice poster ;)