It's A Date (Part 2)

Dear No One
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A/N: hey guys! i'm awfully sorry for the long wait. today was the last day of my exam and as promised, here's what i wrote during the break. it isn't much, and it's full of flaws, but i hope you'll enjoy it. (it's also a tad cheesy for my liking idk what made me write this lol). 


They sit on a bench at the park. The girl crosses her legs as she sips at the cold drink in her hand. The person beside her looks around in awe at the canopy made by the thick foliage of leaves, stretching out from the trees above them. He turns to her, the look of amazement still plastered on his face.


"Pretty awesome, huh? I stumbled upon this place on my way home from work once," she explains. He nods and continues to look around. Stat giggles softly when she sees two children who emerge from their hiding places, playing catch at the playground in the middle of the park. They seem to be siblings and the elder brother is chasing his sister around as she runs in a fervent attempt to get away from him.


Star gets up from the bench and places her drink on her seat. With a smile on her face, she runs towards the two kids, screaming. At once, they turn and notice her and they too begin screaming as they run away. Suga watches the entire scene thinking, V would like her as a playmate.


The idiot thinks that the two adults really are children. After living with that overgrown baby for so many years, he has come to believe that that boy really is a child at heart and mind. Well, who can blame him, really. Anyone would have a hard time viewing Kim Taehyung as a grown man. He still plays with bubbles, for Pete's sake.




Whoever Pete is. (A/n: please bear with my lameness)


But watching Byeolbit chase those kids around the park is different, somehow. It makes him feel... warm. He can only wonder why. He watches as she crouches down in front of the two kids after she finally catches them and whispers something in their ears. She glances to look at him and quickly turns back to the kids.


Suga's face shows an expression of confusion. What is she planning?


All of the sudden, the two kids come bolting at his direction as they screech like hungry hyenas. It takes him a moment to register what is happening before he jumps up and runs away. The two children laugh as they follow him.


They run around the perimeter of the park for a good five minutes and that's when Suga begins to get tired. He can hear Star laughing nearby and he rolls his eyes. She hasn't stopped laughing since the beginning of this wild goose chase. He turns and sees the kids catching up with him. With one final spurt of energy, he jumps up onto the pull-up bar and swings in a loop before letting go.


Which was a horrible decision.


"Look out!" He yells just before bumping into her and they fall to the ground. Star hits the floor first and she squeezes her eyes shut, waiting for the impact of his weight to hit her and knock her breath away. And perhaps break a few of her ribs. But it never comes.


She opens her tightly shut eyes wearily, only to find Yoongi's face inches from hers. She closes her eyes again, shocked by the sudden proximity. She hears a soft thump on the ground next to her and she opens them once more. Now he is lying there next to her, wincing as he examines his arms.


The two kids stand in front of them, pointing as they chortle. "Your face is all red!" The older brother says between fits of laughter. As she slowly sits up, Byeolbit shoots dagger eyes at them which silence them immediately. She turns back to look at Suga's condition only to find him staring at her flushed face and trying, but failing, to hide a smile.


This of course only reminded her of how close his face was to hers just a moment ago, and her face burns up again. She shields her reddened cheeks from view by putting on her snapback which was lying on the floor next to her. Then she gets up and walks toward her bag as if nothing happened. Suga's gaze follows her. A bit curious as to what is going through her head at the moment.


He peels his gaze away when he hears a steady thumping sound. He looks around, unable to find its source. That's when he realizes that it's actually the sound of the blood rushing in his ears due to his quick heart rate. But I didn't hit my head... He shrugs it off and looks back as Byeolbit sits down across of him and folds her legs while placing a first-aid kit on the ground.


She opens the box and grabs the antiseptic and some cotton swabs. She works fast, gently cleaning the scratches on his arm. Yoongi stares in wonder at how quickly her childish attitude earlier is now replaced with a serious air. The only time she falters a little is when he winces in pain and she pulls back, looking as if she is experiencing the pain as well. Pabo, if you're wincing at this how are you gonna treat more serious wounds? he thinks.


Byeolbit looks up at him as if checking to see if he is alright. This close to her, he suddenly finds it hard to look directly in her eyes. He turns his head to the side, but doesn't pull away. Star applies some

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14June18: editing some stuff in chapt 1. I'm so sleepy rn so I'll do this some other time.


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Chapter 1: HONESTLY

the first chapter was cute ;;;;;;; also, I can't believe I finally got the chance to finish the first chapter lol I'll continue reading every now and then when I have free time and I feel like reading lol
Chapter 17: ugh i dislike minwoo so much.