Sweet Side

Please Be Careful With My Heart (On Going)

They broke off their hug and bid goodbyes to their friends. They approached F3 and the girls.

"Guys, we are going ahead."Shancai said as she stands beside Xiaoyou.

"Already??" Xiaoqiao said in a disappointing voice

Shancai nodded. "Err dont worry, its the weekend tomorrow, I'll call you so that I can invite you somewhere if im not doing anything." Shancai said

"Err o-k..." Jing said quietly

Shancai saw their dissapointed faces. Its soo obvious that they want to spend time with her and her siblings.

"Err, if you want, you can come with me. I'll call for a takeaway that way,we can chat all night long if you want." Shancai offered.

Their faces lighten up as they heard her.

"Really?" Jing asked with a big grin

"Yeah" Shancai said smiling

"Do you have a ride?" Ximen asked

"Sadly, no dont worry I'll just call a taxi." Kai said

"Err, why dont we give you a ride? shancai you go with Ahsi.. eii Ahsi.." Meizuo said but this was cut as he look around and dont see Dao Ming Si but seen seen Shancai's face as she heard that she is gonna ride with dao ming si. "Where is that man?.. dont worry Shancai. I was only kidding" he saw Shancai's face came back to normal.

"Shancai, you go with Lei and Jing. Sying go with Ximen and Xiaoyou and Kai goes with us.. how is that?" Meizuo asked and she is satisfied with the arrangement.

"Lets go." She said as she head out of the building and straight to the parking lot. Her arm were link onto her sister's and they whispered to each other and the others are just a few feet away behind them.

"Sis.. are you sure about this? I mean are really goin home.. to our house?? What if they ask questions.. what would we say... what happened to the keeping it low profile thing??" Sying asked with a worried tone

"Dont worry okay.. we will go to my penthouse. And about the questions thing we will... i mean i will wing it." Shancai assured her sister.

Sying is still kinda worried about the situation.

"Soo where to? Whos is which?" She turned around and asked Meizuo

Meizuo pointed at the 4 cars at the middle of the parking lot. "Lei's car is the white one, mine's the grey one and the black one is Ximen's."Meizuo said as he pointed at each car.

"Which ones this one?" Kai questioned as he pointed at the black car.

"Ahsi's" Ximen answered. "Where is that guy?" He added

"Here!" He answered From behind Ximen. This made everyone there jump.

"Are you trying to give us a heart attack??" Shancai yelled as she come near him.

"Look at her... she's mad already" Dao Ming Si thought. But he only looked at at her then turned to everyone else. "Soo.. where you guys off to?" He asked

"To shancai's place. You wanna come with" xiaoqiao answered and offered.

"Yeah sure" he said flatly then went into his car. So did everyone else. They followed Lei's car as Shancai was the one telling them the direction to her one person penthouse.

After 20minutes of driving, theyve reached the place. it was on the top floor. Inside, the living room is so big with a nice scenery outside. and the living room have a modern-futuristic furniture. (When you enter the penthouse, you will notice the beautiful contrast of the color black and dirty white. You can suddenly notice the black color of the furniture in the middle of the room, looking so comfortable to sit in. The penthouse is almost covered in galss..") or you can have a look here: http://www.gustifurniture.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Penthouse-white-Modern-Flair-Living-Rooms-Design-Ideas.jpg

everyone was amazed by the place. But questions starts to fill up their brains.

"Wow, Shancai your place is amazing." Jing started as she gaze all over the place.

"Thanks" Shancai said as she puts her bag on the table and sits down on the comfy sofa.

"Its soooo neat!!! You could feel the presence of peace and true relaxation. it is inviting and its color gives you completely the comfort especially when tired. it is well ventialted and appealing" Xiaoqiao siad while looking gazing at the place

"Nicely said Qiao!" Jing said as she stood beside her and gave her a high 5.

"Thanx..." Xiaoqiao responded

"Thank you for those words Xiaoqiao... you really know how to describe a place the moment you see it," Shancai said

They were busy looking around until Dao Ming Si asks a question.

"Sooo, how can you afford this place?" Dao Ming Si asks as he sits down opposite her. The rst turned their heads around a look at him.

Slowly one by one sits down and listen to what she hadls to say. Sying is kinda nervous about this. Kai is okei of the situation.

"Err... my parents bought this place for me and for them *referring to the Twins* I gave them my shares also my siblings. You see since I was in Elementary I worked 3 jobs to save up money. Because I dreamt that someday when Im away from my parents, I will live in this kinda house and I worked hard for it to come true and it did. Well of course with my family and and all of my relatives help. We have a very supportive big family." She answered Dao Ming Si who is now only staring at her. F3 and the girls seemed to be convinced. Sying let out a huge sigh which made everyone look at her.

"What?" Sying ask

They shook their heads and turned back front.

"So you live here with your borther and sister?" Dao Ming Si ask

They groaned in his stupidity as he asked the question

"Dude, isn't obvious?? Of course they live with her. They dont have anymore home in Taipei and their parents arent here with them." Meizuo answered as he shook his head

"I was only asking jeez" Dao Ming Si snapped back back childishly

"Speaking of parents, where are your parents?" Xiaoyou asked

"Ohh they are at work abroad." Kai answered

"Well at least that waas true" Shamcai thought

"Ohh really? What are their jobs?" Ximen asked

"Erm... my dad is a head chef in a hotel and my mom is a manager in a restaurant." Shancai answered and lied and she didnt like this. Lying to her friends but she has to do this for safe keeping.

"Not bad huh..." Lei spoke. He hasnt said anything soo

"Soo why arent living with them then?" Dao Ming Si asked

"Because I study here and besides, Im lucky enough to have a scholarship in PAU. Its a great school. But the school isnt lucky to have you hahaaha" shajcai said with a teased.

"Ei! Whats that supposed to mean? Im actually a talented person and besides I.. I mean we own the school." Dao Ming Si retaliated

"Yeah, sure your talented but doesnt have a great personality" Shancai said bitterly.

"Whats the connection?" Dao Ming Si just kept asking questions

"You dont seem to run out of question do you?" Shancai asked with a mean tone

"Heard that one before" kai said to Sying.

"And you never run out of answers" Dao Ming Si answered.

The others are just looking back and forth at Shancai and Dao Ming Si bickering as if watching a ping pong ball go bouncing back and forth

"Gou Le!" Lei shouted to make them stop as amusingly as it is but he is hungry..

They stopped bickering and looked at Lei.

"Im hungry... what do we have to eat?" Lei asked

"Ohh.. wait a sec" Shancai stood up and get yhe phone and called to order food.

After a few mins, Shancai came back and sat down.

"Food is gonna be here in a few minutes" Shancai said and smiles

"What are we having?" Xiaoqiao asked

"I ordered KFC.. is that okei with you guys?" She asked

"Yeah... I love KFC" Xiaoyou said cheerfully

"Great." The twins said at the same time.

After a while their order has arrived. Shancai got out plates and utensils and the drinks and set out the table. Everything is set.

"Soo lets dig in." Sying said as takes out a crispy chicken out if the bucket. They got bits and pkeces on their plates and ate it. Dao Ming Si got his food on his plate but doesnt eat like everyone else.

"Hey Ahsi, arent you hungry?" Jing asked as she takes a bite of the chicken

"I am.." Dao ming Si replied with a faint smile

"Then why aren't you eating?" Meizuo asked this time with a drumstick on his hand

"Errmmm....umm" Dao Ming Si all can say

"You dont like it? Fine! Gimme it" Shancai said as she was about to grab his plate.

"Dont!.." He shouted, "I'll eat it. I was just... you know.." Dao Ming Si said then suddenly stuffed his mouth with chicken. "You happy?" He asked with his mouthful.

"Hey, don't talk when your mouh is full" Shancai told him. He sighed and put his plate down and walked out angrily he banged the door.

"Whats wrong with him??" Kai asked

"He doesnt like to be told." Ximen simply said.

"What a guy.." Shancai said as she couldn't believe that he is that kind of a guy.

"Ignore him..." Meizuo said.

They've finished their food and they just sat around and relaxed. They chatted until..

"Soo Shancai.."Xiaoyou started

"Hmmm.." shancai responded as she motion to look at her.

"Do you have a special someone?" Xiaoyou asked

"Why did you ask?" Shancai replied as she doesnt wanna talk about it.

"Ohh just out of curiosity" Xiaoyou said

"Err.. no one yet" Shancai responded shyly.

"Really? How come? Your pretty..
how come you dont have one?" Meizuo asked shockingly

"Well, i dont know. Its juat that.. I mean.." She tries to answer "ohh shut up" She continued

"hao lah, hao lah ahaha" Meizuo said while laughing

"Guys.. les go. Its late" Lei stood up as he looks at his wristwatch which says 2:45 am

"Yeah Lets..." Jing agreed as she stood up next to lei

Meizuo, Xiaoqiao, ximen and xiaoyo also stoo up and bid good bye to Shancai and the twins.

Aftey left, Shancai and Sying Syingare left cleaning up and Kai went to bed. They chayted s they do so

"Sis, good job.." she spoke as she wipied the table and Shancai was picking napkins

"Good job at what?" Shancai asked

"At winging it. They were easily convinced." Sying answered

"Well, thnx... thats soo flattering" Shancai said playfully

Both laughed. After a while they were done. they slouched on the sofas and didnt realise that they fell asleep without changing their clothes.

The next day, Kai woke up at about 8:30 am. He found his sisters sleeping soundly in the living room and he decided to cook breakfast for them. The Wong sister's woke up because their doorbell. Shancai stood up to get it with her hair all messy and half asleep.

While walking to the door

"Huh? Where am I??" She wondered but then "ohh right. Im at my penthouse" she said to herself.

Opens the door "WHAT??!!!" Shancai groaned with her eyes half closed and she scratched her head and yawns.

"Good morning" She greeted the messy Shancai "Whoahh..sorry." Xiaoyou said "what a good way to say good morning" she added sarcastically

When she realise that it was Xiaoyou she apologised immediately "Ohh im sorry. Come in" She said as she offered for her to come in the penthouse. They smelled something as they sit down.

"Hey Sying stand up. We have company" shancai tries o get her half asleep.siter to sit up

"Whats that smell?" Xiaoyou said as she sniff that fantastic smell and sat down comfortly.

"Ohh must be Kai cooking breakfast." Shancai answered. "Will you excuse me? Im just gonna get ready" she added

Xiaoyou nooded and she went to the bathroom. While Shancai is in the bathroom. Xiaoyou went to the balcony and saw the scenery of City of Taipei and let the morning breeze travel through her hair. After 15 minutes Shancai found no one sitting on the sofa and looked outside the glass door leading to the balcony and saw xiaoyou standing looking beyond the city. She approached her. Xiaoyou turned aroud as she felt someone is coming towards her.

She smiled at Shancai.

"Ermm, have you eaten breakfast?" Shancai asked asked and stood beside her,

"Not really. Im hoping I can eat out with you guys for breakfast. Since Kai already cooked breakfast I guess we'll have to do that next time" Xiaoyou said without looking at her and still focusing on the view

"Err guys.. sorry to interrupt your relaxing atmosphere here, lets go inside and eat. Breakfast is ready" Sying said as she stood at the doorway then turn around and sat down ready to eat.

Shancai and Xiaoyou came in chatting. When they looked at the table, they were amazed by the looks of the food. There are sunny side up eggs also scrambled eggs, toast, pancakes, fruit juice and also some fruits. There were chocolate syrup for the pancakes and whipped cream. Both of them sat down.

"Wow Kai, these looks amazing and also smell fantastic" Xiaoyou complimented

"Thanks. Cooking is one of my talents besides dancing and in sports" Kai said and continued with a little bit of bragging.

They just gave him a little giggle at this.

"Soo why are you here so early?" Sying asked

"Ohh I was gonna invite you guys out for breakfast but your brother already cooked it I guess we will go some other time." She answered Sying "By the way Im sorry if I disturbed your sleep" She apologized

"Ohh dont worry about it." Shajcai responded.

"Errmmm do you wanna come out?" Xiao asked

"Where to?" Shancai answered in a form of a question

"I dont know.. maybe go to the mall and meet the others?" Xiaoyou responded

"Err.. I just went to the mall the other day... how about we go to the hospital?" Shancai offered

"Why there?" Xiaoyou asked with a confused face

"Well, I always visit the hospital even if I dont have a relative there. I visit the children. they're so cute. Sometimes I tell them stories, I play with them. I dont have anything to do so I go there to look after them. They love us there. And its been a while since I've visited them.

"Yeah sure. Im sure they'll be happy to see you" Xiaoyou simply said.

"Are you guys coming?" Shancai asked the twins

"Not today sis. Jen and I are going to the movies ." Sying answered

"Me also, me and the guys are gonna play basketball." Kai answered

"Ahh okei. I'll just tell them your busy today if they ask." Shancai said.

They have finished breakfast. After clearing up, they all went to places they were gonna go. While driving, Xiaoyou called ximen who is already with the group.

··Phone convo··

"Wei Ximen?" Xiayou started

"Good morning Xiayou" Ximen greeted

"Where are you?" She asked

"Err at Ahsi's. Dont know why he called us so early this morning. Which made Lei frustrated coz he called us for no reason at all. *laughs* soo wazzup?" Ximen said then asked

"Err Can you meet me at the park. In the gazebo.. I'm with Shancai" She asked

"Sure sure, why are with Shancai for at this early hours?" Ximen asked

"Err i'll tell you later. Just meet us there okei babye" xiaoyou said then hangs up.

··End of Convo··

At Dao Ming Si's Living room

"Hey guys.. Xiaoyou wants us to meet her at the the park now." Ximen saidnand stood up ready to go.

"Why?" Meizuo asked

"I dont know. She said she'll tell me later. She's with Shancai soo.. are you gonna ask more questions or are we gonna get going?" Ximen asked as he head out outside.

The others just followed him him. They got into their cars and drove to the park. After 20 minutes of driving , they reached the park. They walk to the gazebo and waited for a few minutes.

"Hey, what are we doing here?" Dao Ming Siasked as he sat down on the bench.

"I dont know,Xiaoyou just said meet her here with Shancai" Ximen answered

"Urg her again? Why??" Dao Ming Si thought.

"Where are they then?" Dao Ming Si asked as he is getting impatient.

"Will you just wait for a few more minutes? We have only been waiting for 3 minutes.they'll be here in a minute." Meizuo said

"Fine fine" Dao Ming Si said as he sighs

A few minutes past and they have arrive.

"Sorry we're late." Xiaoyou said as she approach Ximen and gave him a hug..

"Hey" Shancai greeted.

"Hey" all of them greeted except Xiaoyou and Dao ming Si

"Spill it!" Ximen suddenly said

"Spill what?" Xiaoyou asked pretending she doesnt know what he's talking about. Ximen just looks at her and with that look, Xiaoyou tells him. "I just wanna hang out." She cut short.

"And??" Ximen asked

"And, we are gonna go to the hospital" Xiaoyou said shortly

"Why?"Jing asked

"Coz.. it turns out that Shancai goes there sometimes to play and hang out with the kids so they wont feel alone or left out." Xiaoyou explained

They felt very touched by hearing this, even Ahsi.

"Awww... so sweet!" Xiaoqiao said who is standing next to Meizuo who's arm is around her

"Yeah.. Shancai I didnt know you had that kind of side." Ximen said

"Well, you dont know me very well... well not yet anyway. You only know my just a little bit. But by doing these kind of stuff with me you can get to know me more also we an be very close friends" Shancai explained. "Lets go!!" Shancai said as she head out to Xiaoyou's car and their friends as wel. On the way there, Jesse saw them and stopped them.

"Hey guys.. where are you off to?" Jesse asked while approaching Dao Ming Si.

"Why do you care?" Dao Ming Si said coldly.

"Geez, I was only asking" Jesse said

"Err.. we are going to the hospital visit children" Ximen answered

"Ohh alright. Why for??" Jesse asked again

"not for a specific reason. We just wanna visit them." Xiaoyou said

"Ohh can I come with?" Jesse asked acting like a little kid begging g her parents for her to come somewhere

"No!" Dao Ming Si shouted and walked to his car. Everyone else did but not Shancai.

"Next time" Shancai said almost in a whisper.

"Hmppp!!" Jesse stomped her left foot and walk way from Shancai

"Shancai lets go!" Xiaoyou called out.

"Coming!" She called back and jogged towards them. She got into the car.

They have arrived at the hospital, Shancai led them to the children section and luckily one of the doctors is there checking up on some kids. Shancai approached the doctor.

"Hey doc!" Shancai greeted with a smile.

"Shancai, nice to see yah here" the doctor said as he hugged her.

"Guys.. this is Doctor Jiang Zhi shu" Shancai introduced him to her friends "and Doc Shi Zhu these are Xiaoyou, teng tang Jing but you can call her jing if she lets you haha, errm Xiaoqiao, Meizuo, Ximen,Hua Ze Lei or Lei if he lets you and Dao Ming Si" Shancai introduced. All they did is smile and sjook his hands.

"What are you doing here?" Zhi Shu asked

"Ohh Im only here to visit these kids. I bet they missed me ahaha" Shancai jokes

"Visit? Looks like your here to party." Zhi Shu sarcastically said

Shancai hit his arm playfully. "We could have one ahaha... Im kidding.." Shancai said. "Im here for the usual." She added

"Okei okei. Ill go ahead. I have to attend other patients" Zhi Shu bid goodbye to his friend

"Alright..." Shancai responded. She saw her friends scattered round talking to little kids. Even the idiot Dao Ming Si. "Wow, I didnt know this guys has it in him." Shancai thought.
She approached on of the kids named Bill.

"Hey Bill, how are you?"Shancai greeted calmly

"Hello Shancai Jie" Bill Greeted back "I am fine.. how are you?" He added

"Im fine. How is your wound? She asked

"Its fine, its healing slowly.." he answered "doctor Zhi Shu said that Im gonna have an operation in two weeks and when be told me this I felt very sacred and I still feel scared." He said with a trembling voice as she held shancai's hands.

"Dont worry about it okei. Im sure Doc Zhi Shu will do his best just to help you. I will pray for you okei.. think of a happy place when your in this operation. And remember you always have my support and my brother and sister okei." She said as well as she is couraging him to be brave. The boy just nodded and hugged her really tight. They broke off the hugged when a female nurse came and about to take his temparature. Shancai recognised her.

"XiangQin?... Xiang qin!!!" She called her a little loud and this made her jumped and the others in the room

"Shancai.. is that you?" She asked shockingly and quickly came to her and hugs her. "Long time no see. How are you?" She asked excitedly

"Im fine. How are auntie and uncles? And Yu shu?" She asked again

"They are fine. They're fine" Xiangqin answered. "How about your parents?" She asked

"They're also fine. Err come by my house soon okei? With the whole family" Shancai suggested

"Yeah sure. I'll inform them." Xiangqin said "I'll have to go, we are a bit busy today. I'll call you" she added

"Sorry to have disturb you." Shancai apologized

"Its okei.." she said then went away.

She looked around and her friends friends are playing with kids who are soo happy to be with them. She smiled then her face turned into a sad face, Lei noticed this. He approached her.

"Hey Shancai..." He whispered

"Yes?" Shancai responded

"Whats with the face?" Lei asked

"Ohh nothin.. its just that I feel for bill.." Shancai said as she stares at bill and points

"Whats wrong?" Lei asked her again

"He has an operation in two weeks and he is having a hard time accepting this" Shancai answered

"Really? Dont worry about it, they have the best doctors here I'm sure he'll be fine" Lei comforted her

"Yeah I know. Anyways .. are you having fun?" She asked as she change the subject.

"Yeah. They are very cute. Its hard to believe that they have this illnesses." Lei said

"Yeah. They're are very active kids. They just wanna be normal kids but sadly they cant but with each other they try to be as possible as they can here on this very room, as if they're related. I visit them often but then I got busy with school." Shancai said while looking around at the kids

"Hey you even got Ahsi to come here" Lei said as he points at the laughing Dao Ming Si.

"Hey hey I didnt do anything. He came voluntarily, I didnt even ask him" Shancai said defensively

"Why are you being defensive for? Its soo obvious. Even though he acts he hates you but the truth is he likes you." Lei teased.

"Lei.. shut up! She said loudly and walked away leaving him laughing.

After a few ours they decided to leave as the kids need their rest.

Bye Kids.. we'll see you soon okei!" Shancai bid goodbye

"Bye" the kids said altogether.

They just giggled then left.

On the way down, in the elevator.

"Shancai, that was fun. You really are great with kids." Ximen opened up the conversation

"Yeah. Thnx" she smiled "I just wish that i can take them out for one day and take them to the park but I cant coz of their conditions" Shancai said

"too bad" dao Ming blurted out

"Yeah. That just kinda of what I just said.. idiot. Repeating what im saying"

Dao Ming Si ignored this as he doesnt want an arguement in a hospital.

"This woman is really pushing it to the limit." he thought.

They reached the ground floor and headed out of the exit and went in their separate ways. Xiaoyou kept offering Shancai a ride but she keep refusing soo she took a taxi to get home. She texted her brother and sister to go staright to the mansion and not the penthouse.


Hope you like this chaptiee!! Its a bit borin since there are no arguments between Shancai and Dao Ming Si
Thnx for your support always. New chapter new commentors/tress.
Dont forget to:

Please do read my onther Fanfic called 'God gave me you' its here on winglin as well (winglin.net/fanfic/Kimmy_F4lover) I 've updated a chapter few days ago and please comment on it!

Please please follow me on twitter: twitter.com/KimxXx143_ and the the ever supportive fans of F4 all the way from indonasia: twitter.com/F4indonasian

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