Prank (2)

Please Be Careful With My Heart (On Going)

Im sorry for my poor grammar. and soorry for the spelling mistakes


"Are you sure?" Shancai asked

"Yeah" Jing answered shortly

"How would you know? You cant know every one that goes here" Shancai said in a cold tone

"Shancai, since you are new here you don't know much about me or anyone here yet. hehe... you see, Dean Chen ALWAYS introduces students who are transferee from another school or from another country, we do not know why but he does it anyways," Jing explained."Anyhoo, what does this Xing Xu look like?"

"Ahh ok, well she has long black hair, ermm she is quite tall, she has light skin and she looked like she's half blooded, you know like half chinese half american but I dont know if she is. That was just an example you know." Shancai said "hey, how come I didnt get introduce to you guys?" She asked

"Well... that... errrr... hehehe" Jing tried to avoid Shancai's question. "I'll tell you the other time, its not important hehehe" She added with an awkward smile while looking away avoiding Shancai's eyes.

"Well, it sounds important, come on tell me" Shancai kept begging.

"No, I'll tell you some other time." Jing kept saying.

They sat as they chatted to each other. Jing was saying something when Shancai noticed a girl walked past behind Jing, she followed her by looking.

"Xing Xu?" Shancai whispered to herself

When Jing noticed that Shancai wasnt really paying attention, she stopped talking.

"Shancai... Shancai..." Jing calls out as she tugs her shirt.

"uh?" Shancai all that can she utter as soon as she turned her attention back to Jing.

"You were not listening to me.. and what are you looking at?"Jing asked as she turned back to what Shancai was lookin.

"Ohh nothing.. I just saw Xing Xu" Shancai answered shortly

"Xing Xu? I thought you said she was injured? (Shancai ndded)well none of them here is injured in anyway, and you said that you saw this Xin Xu girl only this morning. Soo Shancai There is no girl injured hre so there is no Xing Xu here. You must be mistaken." Jing explained

"No... NO! I am not mistaken. I swear I saw her," Shancai said

"Shancai.. *sigh*" Jing said as she look at the table. But when she look up Shancai was walking away from her.

Jing followed her. When she reached Shancai, she was looking at this certain girl she suspects that its Xing Xu.

Jing tapped her shoulder to get her attention from behind. This made Shancai jump.

"Jing, what are you doing?!" Shancai asked as she turns at Jing

"The question is... What are YOU doing?... This is weird" Jing said

"Well I'm proving you that I am not mistaken. I'm not going mad!" Shancai whispered angrily.

"Why are you soo worked up about this? It's just a girl." Jing stated "and where the heck did you get the idea that your "mad"?" She added

"Well, I just wanna know why she didn't let me help her earlier." She answered. She saw the girl walking away "There she goes... come on" Shancai said while slowly following this "Xing Xu"

*Sigh* "Shancai!" Jing followed while they're busy following this fi, they bumped into F4.

"Hi Jing" Ximen and Meizuo greeted

"Hi!" Jing greeted back.

"Err hi Shancai.." Ximen greeted but she didn't hear him. She was standing next to Dao Ming Si

"What you doing?" Lei asked Jing and Shancai

*Grunts* "I lost her!" Shancai said with an annoyed voice

"Lost who?" Dao ming si asked while smiling

"None of your beeswax" Shancai said bitterly

"Why are you always soo bitter to me ah? why?" Dao Ming Si asked in irritance

"Its a simple reason, its because youre YOU! you are arrogant,selfish, so full of yourself! And just because you are rich, doesnt mean you can stompt on whoever you want. I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT! People like YOU! not involving you guys here *she said to F3, Xiaoyou,Xiaoqiao and Jing*

They smiled at her.

"And its your fault that I lost her." Shancai said angrily as she leaves them alone, Jing and Xiaoyou Followed her.

"Why do you always blame me?" Dao Ming Si shouted angrily at her!

But she ignored him.

While following Shancai, Xiaoyou asked Jing whats going on.

"Jing what are we doing?" Xiaoyou whispered to Jing while sneaking with Shancai

"Following her" Jing whipered.

"I can see that but why?" Xiaoyou asked

"I dont know yet, she will explain later." Jing answered Xiaoyou's question. "Now lets follow her, or she might do something" Jing added.

Xiaoyou and Jing kept following shancai but they lost her.

Where Shancai is, she sneaked up to the girl she was following.

"Hey" Shancai greeted cheerfully

But the girl, she turned around and looked at her with all curiosity. "Hey.. do I know you?" She asked with a confused tone

"Yeah.. remember me? from this morning? You leg was injured and I tried to help you but you didnt accept my offer." Shancai said all smiley

"What are you talking about? my leg is absoloutely fine" the girl said with an annoyed look on her face.

"Are you sure? coz this morning you werent an-- and I..." Shancai said

"This morning? I have never seen you.... On second thought yeh I've seen you.. Ur mumbling girl.."

"Yeah.. Wait what!? Mumbling girl??" Shacai asked with an confused face

"Ohh when you saw me earlier this morning.. You were mumbling about something soo I called you that.. Since you never told me your name" the girl clarified

"Ohh I'm sorry. Can we start again so that we can have a proper introduction" Shancai suggested. The girl seemed to like the idea so she nodded in agreement

"Hi, I'm Shancai.. Xing Xu right?" Sgacai asked with a smile while hold out her hand

"Ye--yeah." Xing Xu laughed nervously as she accepts Shancai's friendship

"Soo do you wanna hang with me and my friends today!?" Shancai asked

"Sure.. Girls.. I'll be back in a bit k?" She said while walking away slowly with Shancai.

They chatted until they reached the cafeteria. Shancai approached the group and knowing that Xing Xu is behind her

"Hey guys" She greeted nicely and looked at Fao Ming Si bitterly "ugh" as she looks at him within 2 seconds and turned to everyone else "Meet Xing Xu" as she turns around and found no one's behind her. The others giggled by her reaction on seeing Dao Ming Si

"Hey girl" Jing was first to respond to her "soo where is this Xing Xu?"

"She was just behind me but I don't where she run off to" she said dissapontingly

"Well.. Maybe she was shy and didn't wanna meet us" Ximen said to comfort her

"Maybe your right" she said sadly as she sat down beside XiaoYou

"Next time" Lei said

"Huh!?" Shancai looked up and faced Lei

"What I mean is next time we will meet her" Lei explained

"Okei" Shancai said Flatly "anyways What's new?" Shancai came back to her normal self

"Not much" Xiaoqiao was first to respond to her

Everyone else agreed to her.

"Ahsi seemed to be awfully quiet today" Meizuo said

"Maybe missing someone and let's call her with a name called "Jesse"" Ximen teased and he sang the end but of his sentence

"You want a beating?" Dao Ming Si said

Everyone around him laughed

"Finally you said something" Jing Said while laughing

This made Dao Ming Si frown.

Someone aproached their table

"Sis, dad wants us be home in 2 hours" Sying said

"But my class doesn't finish in another 3 hours and I have my singing class last period and I don't want to miss that" Shancai protested "oh and by the way HI"

"Dui Bu Qi for not saying hi to you sis" Sying apologised

"It's okei and just me in the lobby later okei" Shancai said and Sying nodded

"I gotta get to class ... Bye!" As she kissed her sister's cheek and left

"I didn't know you had a sister" Ximen said

"Well I have and she is pretty like me!" Shancai said

"Don't flatter yourself too much there Shancai" Dao Ming Si said teasingly

"Hehe" Shancai responded as she frowned after

"Let's go to class" She said as she stood up. Their next class is Drama class

They stood up and went to class well except for Shancai who went to the bathroom first

At the ladies room, Shancai was washing her hands and coincidently she saw Xing Xu

"Xing Xu!" Shancai called out

"Shancai right?" Xing Xu asked with a smile

"Wow.. This one has a Memory of a gold fish" Shancai uttered to herself

"What was that?" Xing Xu asked as she didn't hear what Shancai has said

"Nothing and yes I'm Shancai what's your next class?" Shancaiasked while drying her hands with the hand dryer which is not that loud

"Drama with Ms. Yu" Xing Xu answered back

"Really?" How Come I didn't see you before in her class?"

"Ohh maybe you don't notice that I sit right at the back and mostly people at the back are not noticed by a lot of people especially F4" Ximg Xu stated and lied at the end of her sentence

"Oh okei.. Why don't you walk with me to class" She smiled. Xing Xu smiled back

They were at their classroom door where Shancai was holding her handbag as Xing was fixing her hair. Shancai was the first person who went through the door and everyone looked at her.

"Hi everybody!" Shancai greeted happyly she turned around and Xing Xu was no where to be found "Xing Xu?.. Where is Xing Xu?" She asked everyone in the room

"Who is Xing Xu?" Ms. Yu asked her

"There is no Xing Xu in this class"

"Xing Xu! She sat at the back with these guys *points at the people who sat at the back* she is one you guys right!?" The people at the back just stared at her and shaking their head

Dao Ming Si is liking the scene. "Maaaannn! She is going crazy! Ahaha ha" Dao Ming Si thought.

"Shancai just drink water and just sit down okei" Ms Yu said with concern

Jing, Xiaoqiao and XiaoYou sat next to her Ms. Yu continued their class.

After class, she went home with her siblings.

Shancai residence (Wong's Mansion), Living room

"Dad, what a suprise. Why did you come home without contacting us?" Shancai asked as she sat down opposite her dear dad.

"Don't you want me home?" Mr. Wing asked

"We do want you home esecially with mom but you could've called. I mean I missed my Singing class becoz of your sudden return. You know how much singing meant to me" Shancai explained

"Dui bu qi daughter" her dad apologised " anyways I'm just having little break from work. It sure is a handful so I'm sorry for not informing you"

"It's okei dad. We missed you" Shancai said as she stood up from her sit and hugged her dad

The twins did the same

"Aww I missed these hugs from my little angles" their dad said while being squished by his children

"We are not 'little' anymore dad" Kai said as he broke of with the hug

"Well to me you will always be my little angels" Mr. Wing said

They were touched by their father's words. They know that they are busy with work all the time they still find some time for them to spend as a happy family. They appreciate that. A lot.

"Er dad... Shouldn't mom be saying that to us!?" Shancai asked

"Can't I say that?" Their father asked them

"Well you just did it was a little weird by it was sweet and it was kinda cheesy coming out from your mouth" Sying said

"I'm just being a father to you guys" their dad said with a smile on his face

They continued chatting with each other when their doorbell rang. Shancai stood up and she opened the door.

"Err hi!? Can I help you?" Shancai asked is suprise as she wasnt expecting a pizza woild be delivered to her house randomly

"Erm this is for you" the girl slapped the pizza on her face she was quite surprised what just happened and when she recognised the figure of the girl

"Xing Xu?" She asked as she goes nearer

"Who's Xing Xu!? There is No Xing Xu here. There is only Mary Yi here." The delivery said as she walks away quickly in a pitchy high voice

"What's up with people these days?" She asked herself as she closed the door behind her and headed to the bathroom but she has to pass their living room

"Shancai.. Who was at the door?! His dad asked as he looked up and faced her daughter "whoahhh what happened!?" Her dad asked with concern

"Some random delivery girl just gave me this pizza and instead of giving it to my hands she have it to my face instead anyways I'm just gonna go up and clean up" she said as she walks up to her room to get cleaned up

The next day at the campus garden she saw Xing Xu and her friends talking amongst each other. She aproached them and passing by XiaoYou and Jing and Xiaoqiao but they followed her anyway

"Hey Xing Xu can I ask one question!?" Shancai normally said

"Yeah sure. We are friends remember" Xing Xu responded nicely

"Were you somehow came to my house last night and gave me a pizza and instead of handing it over on my hands you handed it on my face instead?" Shancai asked with a fierce voice

"Oy... Not again" Jing said to herself

"No of course not. I have no idea what your talking about. I was at home last night enjoying a nice massage." Xing Xu responded "Why did you ask?"

"Ohh nothing, I thought you were that delivery girl who dumped a pizza in my face" Shancai answered " anyways have a nice day" she stated to walk away. Xing Xu continued chatting with friends.

The 3 girls that followed her started to talk to her.

"Soo that was Xing Xu huh?" Jing started

"Yeah" Shancai answered quickly

XiaoYou was not agreeing with Shancai. She know that girl from somewhere but she doesn't recall from where and that girl was definitely not what they call her 'Xing Xu'. She kept this to herself

"I swear she was that girl who dump that pizza on me last night. Hmmmm something smell fishy around here and I'm gonna find out where it's coming from and if I find out that Dao Mig Si has got something to do with this.. Ohh he is gonna taste his first strike from me" Shacai said with an evil grin. The girls with her just looked at her weirdly.

"Shancai?" Xiaoqiao tried to get her attention

"Hmm!" Shancai came back to reality

"What's with the grin?" XiaoQiao asked

"Ohh nothing hehe" Shancai responded

"Okey...By the way would you like to come to my house later?" Xiaoqiao asked

"Whatever for?" Shancai asked back

"Soo we could just hang out and we can get more information about you. We don't know you that well yet" Jung answered her this time

Shancai looked unsure

"Ohh come on Shancai please" XiaoYou begged

"Sorry I really can't. My father just came back and I wanna spend my time with him for just a bit coz he is only gonna be here for a week and.." Shancai said hesitatingly

"Ohh maybe next time then" XiaoYou said in disappointment

F4 came out of nowhere

"What's with the sad face sweetie?" Ximen asked his beloved

This made the others a gagging gesture to tease them except Shancai

"Why did you do that for?" Shancai asked

"Ohh we do that just to tease them" Dao Mung Si answered her

"Was I asking you? Please don't talk when your not being talk to" Shancai said with mix of irritation and anger

"No One talks to me that way!" Dao Ming Si shouted right to her face

"Well someone should so they could get some sense into your head" Shancai shouted back at him

"Well why would day? They respect me" Dao Ming Si said proudly

"Yeah right" Shancai sarcastically "Respect? Do you even what that word meant? Don't you mean they are scared of you? They don't dare because they didn't want to insult you because you are the heir of the Dao Mings, one of the most richest family in Taiwan. They don't respect you at all" Shancai yelled and walked out. The others with them were shocked and their jaws drop by what Shancai had said.

"Ohh that's it! No one talks to me that way!!!" He shouted back at the walking Shancai and walks the opposite direction while dialling his phone

"They are so gonna end up together" the girls said together, F3 just looked at them and smiled as if they're agreeing with them.

Shancai walks on the hallways when suddenly a group of people came rushing towards her with water balloons and threw them at her and a couple of minutes later they left her standing in the middle of the hallway soaking wet and then Dao Ming Si came in and approached her laughing his head off. Shancai looks at him really bad, eyes full of rage. After a money of jay staring at him she punch him real hard and made him fall on his .

Dao Mig Si rubbed his left cheek and frown at her. As if waiting for her to say something.

"Ohh that's it! You ruined my outfit! Grrrrr! *Whack* she shouted

"Hey you don't look that good. Your only wearing Jeans and a simple T-shirt. Don't make a bug deal out of it" Dao Ming Si said

This made Shancai more angrier.

"Well to you it's not important because you don't give a damn importance on other stuff besides yourself and your wealth well to me it is. Because I take importance on other stuff and please stop making me insane. You hired a girl to make me look like I'm an idiot that make up stuff as if she don't exist. You pull little pranks on me which is sad because your a grown up and you still act like a child." Shancai argued

"I can do whatever I want be it childish or not. I own this school and no one and I mean NO ONE can tell me what to do!" He argued back "and how do you know that I hired Pin yin (made up name) to make you look like a crazy head?"

"Well I kinda figured why she didn't want my help when I saw her because she has fake blood all over her and I wondered when I saw her a couple of hours later I saw her near the campus lake while eating lunch she was fine and when I finally saw her and introduced myself properly she was unsure of her own name. And whenever I tried to introduce her to you guys she vanishes to make me look like a fool and also I saw those looks you give her whenever we come near you and thats why she vanishes all of the sudden and the way you acted whenever I talk about 'Xing Xu' you acted weirdly so I figured that something is going on and that pizza that was slammed on my face I also knew it was her because I recognise how she walks and her figure. Soo don't you make a fool out of me Dao Ming Si Shao Ye because no one makes a fool out of me and you are not gonna be the first one! Good bye!" Shancai said angrily and walked towards the bathroom to dry herself. She called her sister to help her out with clothes luckily Sying always keep a spare in her locker.

F3 and the girls found Dao Ming Si standing still in a wet hallway with disbelief look on his face and they came towards him.

"Hey Ahsi... What happened?" Lei was the first one to ask.

After a while Dao Ming Si took his attention on lei who was standing next to him along with Ximen Meizuo and the girls.

"She found out didn't she?" Ximen asked

"Hmm-mm" Dao Ming Si nodded

"Found out what?" XiaoQiao ask with a confuse look

Meizuo explained everything to the girls.

"Hehe same old Ahsi" Jing said.

"I still can't believe he would do that hahaha I mean I knew he would do something like that but I never knew he would do it literally" Xiaoqiao said whilst laughing

"Hey he is THE dao Ming Si soo never expect that he wouldn't do something like that" Cimen blurted out

"You have appoint there dear" XiaoYou said while she motioned to hug him. This made Ximen grin

"Hello I'm still here you know, I can still hear you" Dao Ming Si suddenly say "hey I didn't know she would figure it out that easy.. I guess I thought wrong about her being a stupid not knowing stuff person." Dao Mig Si said with his normal voice.

"Hey Ahsi don't underestimate a person in the future. Coz you never know what they are capable of doing." Lei said while walking away heading to his Violin class.

"I knew it!" XiaoYou yelled and this made Meizuo and Ximen jump

"What is it that you knew?" Meizuo asked

"I knew that girl wasn't named 'Xing Xu' coz her face is too familiar" XiaoYou answered Meizuo

"Ohh that's why you that face earlier when Shancai confirmed that girl was Xing Xu." Jing stated

"Yeah.. I recognised her face from somewhere but I couldn't think where from soo I kept it to myself" XiaoYou explained.

"Maybe you recognised from a magazine or a billboard or on TV?" Ximen suggested

"Yeah.. Ohh yeah. I saw her on a TV commercial a few times before" Xiaoyou said while patting her forehead.

"Let's go to class" Jing suggested and they went to class after that.

At the ladies room, Shancai is with her sister finishing up tying Shancai's hair

"What happened?" Sying asked

"Dao Ming Si happened. Turns out that the pizza thing that happened last night, it was his fault and this the water ballon throwing was his fault too and I'll tell you the rest later at home" Sahncai answered

"Okei" Sying agreed as she dried her hands with her handkerchief "sis I gotta go to class" Sying bid goodbye to her older sister and kissed her in the cheek.

"Bye" Shancai said while putting light foundation on. Pin yin came out of one of the cubicles and shyly apologised to Shancai

"Dui bu qi Shancai" pin yin said while looking down, too embarrassed.

But she didn't realised that Shancai has her headphones in her ears and she didnt hear her.

After Shancai washed her hands she walked out of the bathroom not knowing that someone someone was talking to her. Pin yin was about to speak but Shancai left, she stood there in disappointment


Here it is! Hope you like it!

I made it a litle long for yah to make it up to you guys

Im so sorie again for the long wait

when a new girl(s) commemts I'll call them Commentress
When a boy(s) comments I'll call them commentor
(how is that.. pretty cool right) hehe





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