Karaoke Night

Please Be Careful With My Heart (On Going)

Jesse is so disgusted of Shancai being friends with F4 again. They're at the dram studio waiting for their Drama teacher. Jesse approaches them but before she could speak, the teacher arrived.

They're sitting down and just stared at her, they only looks away when the teacher tell them to do some acting exercises.

After class, all of them are hanging round the campus garden, until a woman suddenly appears in front of them, this lady have a powerful aura surrounding her. She looked like an empress just by standing there. Many people are afraid of her. And its so obvious coz F4 are shock to see her.

Dao Ming Si stands up "Ma, what are you doing here?!"

"Why hello there son, is that how you greet your mother?" This woman said "I came to visit you of course!" she added

"I asked you what are you doing here?" Dao Ming Si asks coldly

"I came to visit you" She replies

"This isnt a hospital or any other places, when and why did you come back?"

"For all I know, this is my hometown and Im a citizen here so Im allowed to come here whenever I want,"

"Since when did you care about those things? You only come here once or twice a year or whenever you want something from me or Jie"

"Okey okey, I came here because I heard that Allan is in town so I decided to find out for myself, It mean there is a reason for it. And Jesse told me that you have been hanging around with a new friend" She looks at shancai

Dao Ming Si with an irritated look "What did she tell you?"

"I know you want somehing, just tell me and I wouldnt probably wouldnt doit anyway"

"Well I want you to come at he maple hotel at 7 pm sharp tonight, I want you to meet someone"

"Ma, how many times do I have to tell you that I wont put up with your meet matching of yours?...Ma, I just want to concentrate on my pursuing my career..."

"Ah-ah-ah, you will go or whether you like it or not, I will drag you to NY with me myself"
Dao Ming Si groans "Fine but..."

"But what?"

"But this will be the last time, next time I am not going even if you threaten me"

"Dont worry, This will be the last time" his mother smirks

His mother left.

"Guys, I will go and call someone, wait for me here" Shancai said as she stands up

"Okei" they said

"Shancai got her phone out.

"Wei, Mr. Fang,"

"Yes, Shao Jie, what can I do for you?"

"Meet ne at the mansion tonight at 6 ok?"

"Of course Shao Jie"
She hangs up and went back to the garden

"Where did you go?" Xiaoqiao asks

"Just went and called someone"


"By the ways, Im inviting you to my birthday celebration in less than 2 months"

"A little bit early on the invites" Jing comments

"Yeah but early the better, and its in Guam and Im still planning it, will you guys go"

"Yeah" all of them reply

"Well the girls and I will be here if you need help preparing your special day" Jing says

"Before I forget, who was the lady here earlier?" Shancai asks

"That was my mother, Dao Ming Feng"

Shancai's POV
"So thats Dao Ming Feng huh, it's true of what they say, she does look so despicable. So she's the one who tried to kill my grandparents because they didnt merge with her back then, finally I meet her face to face. I hope this wont be last time I see her"
End of POV

"Ahh, she seems.........nice(!)" She says with hesitation

"Shancai, you dont have to act nice" Dao ming Si simply says

"How come you act so cold towards her?"

"Ohh thats not acting, thats real"

"But why?"

"Coz, she ermm still treats me as a kid. Orders me all time, and the worst part is she keep me pairing me up with these random girls for her own good."

"But still, she's still your mother"

"A mother who never cares for her family. All she cares about is business business business" Dao Ming Si explained as he lets out a huge sigh

Shancai looks around and sees others nodding in agreement with Dao Ming Si

"Same thing for you guys?"

They nodded

"Awww Thats so sad, but at least you have each other" shancai tries to lighten up the mood

"They only let a small chuckle.

"Hey, Its Karaoke night at VS tonight, would like to hang out?" Shancai asks

"I didnt know you go to that kind of place" Meizuo said as he leans back to his chair and put his arm around Xiaoqiao

"Only on Karaoke nights, just to you know, practice my vocals"

"Ahh right, Im in" the girls F3 agrees

"I ca-cant" Dao Ming Si said silently

"Ohh right you have a meeting tonight"

"Ohh with whom?"

"We dont know, my mother set me up again" Dao Ming Si

"Ohh, you can still come after you have the meeting" Shancai says

"That would be impossible"


"You see, whenever my mother set up like this, she watches like a hawk from afar"

"Well, do you want us to pick you up by 9 pm?" Shancai asks

"I mean I can confront your mother if she doesn't let you go"

"Really? You would do that?"

"Yeah sure"

"But are you sure? This is Dao Ming Feng we are talking about" Meizuo says

"I know i know but she is only a human being right? She has her weakness and Im just the right person for that"

"Okei, up to you" Dao Ming Si says

The others didn't say anything. Shancai truly is a special one.

Night time, At Maple Hotel. Dao Ming Si arrives late, he found his mother standing next to a table and a short haired girl wearing a blue silk cocktail dress.

"Ahsi, you are 15 minutes late" Dao Ming Feng said with an angry tone yet her face remained calm "I would like you to meet the Crown princess of Bhutan, Yesha. And my future daughter in law"
Dao Ming Si smiles.

"Yeah like that would happen" Dao Ming Si thought

"Now I would leave you two" Ah Feng says as she smiles

"Yesha dear, if you need anything just give me a call ok?" Ah Feng tells her calmly "Ohh Ahsi, BE NICE!" She adds then left the two of them

There was a long and awkward moment between them. Dao Ming si is nervous and doesnt really know what to say to her.

Both of them just ate their dinner in silent and just exchanging a few sentences at each other.

At VS, the gang are in the VIP room for almost 2 and half hours now, Kai and Sying are with them its now 9 pm.

"Hmmm, Shancai Lets go pick Ahsi up" Meizuo says as he stands up

Shancai nods and stands up and they are about to leave and the others are behind them getting ready to leave with them.

Shancai has this confuse look and stares at Jing

"What? We want to come as well" Jing says as she hangs her bag on her shoulder

"I didnt say anything" Shancai retorted in a friendly way

"Well, just by looking at you I knew you were thinking it"

"hmmmm is that so? errmm Lets go" Shancai says as she head out followed by her friends.

At Maply Hotel, Dao Ming Si and Yesha are a having a friendly chat, Dao Ming Feng looks satisfied this time and she is sure that this princess is the one who is going to marry Dao Ming Si. The gang searches the restaurant, after a couple of looks around, Shancai is the first one to find them and approaches them. The others followed.

"Dao Ming Si, sorry to interrupt your jolly conversation here but, are you ready?"

He stands up, "Err yeah wai--..." Before he could continue, Dao Ming Feng arrives

"What is the meaning of this?" she asks in an annoyed way

"Bo Mu..." Ximen Meizuo and Jing says but didnt quite finish their sentence as Shancai spoke

"We are just here to pick Dao Ming Si up to have a little fun tonight, obviously he cant if he is stuck in this stupid 'date'" Shancai answers her question

*Gasp* "You have no right...And Was I speaking to you 'Shancai'?" Dao Ming Feng says with Disgust with mentioning Shancai's name

"Well, no, not directly at me but you could've spoken to all of us right? But none of them answered you so I answered you instead, is there anything wrong with that madame?"

"Who do you think you are to speak to me that way? You are nothing but a loathsome little weed"

"I may be a weed but at least I am not a woman who acts like an empress because just because you belong in the top 4 families in Taiwan but madame you may think that I am not suitable to be friends with your son nor his friends because you think I am not in a high class society like you well you clearly need to not judge people that fast and madame I think you better need to think twice at what you are doing because to me thats discrimination you are acting against. And just because you have a lot of connections and money doesnt mean you can get away with that. Remember madame there is a law about that" Shancai clarifies

Dao Ming Feng stood there speechless; they just left after that leaving her behind with the crown princess

They went to VS. As soon as they settle down, everyone claps at Shancai.

"Wow, that was amazing!" Ximen says

"Nice speech there Shancai" Meizuo was next

"Did you see the look on her face?" Xiaoyou says

"I have never seen her face like that, The Dowager finally found her match" Lei pointed out "Looks like she is going to have you investigated starting tomorrow" He added

"Dont worry, I have already got that covered"

The group are amazed. They have realized that Shancai really is a special girl.

"Anyways, lets go outside and join other people sing there" Shancai suggested

"But we have our own Karaoke here" Meizuo points at the Karaoke machine

"Yeah, buts its more fun with other people right?" Shancai says as she went energetically

"Is she always energetic like this?" Dao Ming Si asks Sying

"Not always, I dont whats gotten into her"

They didnt follow her, but not long she came back in a rush and sat down besides Sying while muttering 'Oh My gosh' and 'Its... ermmm its...'

"What happened?" Ki asks with concern, others as well

"Evan, I saw Evan the jerk outside, he tried to talk to me and even kiss me, but I kicked him and ran away" She said as fast as she could, luckily Sying understood her

"That Jerk!?!" Sying yells as if she is alone

"Where is that guy? Im gonna pound him!" Kai sys as he clenches his fist and ready to go outside and confront this 
Evan but before he could do anything Shancai grabs him

"As much as I want you to do that but, we are better than him. He is not worth it" Shancai says in almost in a whisper
Kai sat down

"Who is Evan?" Xiaoqiao asks

"Her ex-childhood sweetheart" Sying answers

"What happened?" Xiaoyou asks

"Its a long story... she will tell you when she can" Sying replies

"You guys always say that but you never do tell" Xiaoqiao complains

"But really, she is not ready yet, she will tell you when she is fully moved on"

"Okei" xiaoqiao pouted

"Ohh I know how to get him out of here and my life forever" shancai suddenly says joyfully

"How?" The twins asks

"Sying, come with me. We are going to sing. Trust me this will work"

Before Sying could say anything, she was dragged by her sister, followed by the rest and walk pass Evan and his friends. The sisters went to the stage and requested the DJ to play 'Really Dont Care'
The song started to play

#You wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all
You started messing with my head until I hit a wall
Maybe I shoulda known, maybe I shoulda known
That you would walk, you would walk out the door, hey!
Said we were done, and met someone and rubbed it in my face
Cut to the punch, she broke your heart, and then she ran away
I guess you shoulda known, I guess you shoulda known
That I would talk, I would talk
But even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Oh oh oh I really don't care
I cant believe I ever stayed up writing songs about you
You dont deserve to know the way I used to think about you
Oh no not anymore, oh no not anymore
You had your shot, had your shot, but you let go
Now if we meet out on the street I won't be running scared
I'll walk right up to you and put one finger in the air
And make you understand, and make you understand
You had your chance, had your chance
But even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Oh oh oh I really dont care
Yeah, listen up
Hey, hey, never look back, dumb struck boy, ego intact
Look boy, why you so mad
Second guessin, but shoulda hit that
Hey sis you picked the wrong lover
Shoulda picked that one he's cuter than the other
I just wanna laugh, cause you tryna be a hipster
Kick it to the curb, take a Polaroid picture
But even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Oh oh oh I really don't care#
When the song ends, the two of them hug each other really tight and the crowd cheered with their might. It worked, Evan left with his friends out of VS and looks like he wont be showing his face for quite sometime

They went back the VIP lounge

F3 the twins sat down while Dao Ming So held Shancai back at the door

"Thank you Shancai" Dao Ming Si whispers

"For what?" She whispers back

"Well if it werent for you Im still stuck in that date with the princess at the maple hotel and I wouldnt be having fun"

"Well, thats what are friends are for, they help out each other"

"You reallly are a great friend you know"

"I know" then she sits down beside her sister Dao Ming Si sits down besides Meizuo

"You guys just had a little sweet moment there" Meizuo teases

Both Shancai and Dao Ming Si blushes like a cherry tomato

"Sis, that was awesome. It worked! You got him out of here" Sying shrieks

"Serves him right, ahh hope he realizes what he had"

"I cant wait to tell mom about this"

Both of them laugh as if no one else is in the room

"Ahsi, what did you tell Shancai?" Lei asks

"I thanked he rfor getting me out of that date Mother arranged"

"I didn't know you had it in you to thank someone... you know we under estimate you sometime" Meizuo says
"What do you mean?"

"Well you can be childish at times but with what just happened with Shancai you handle it with pure maturity" Meizuo explains

Lei and Ximen nod in agreement

"Ahh right, Im still the man with 'size'"

"Its SENSE when can you get that in your head?" Meizuo corrected

"Did I ask for your opinion?? Besides, I deliberately said Size to be different"

"Yeah right"

"Whatever" he drank from his can of beer

They spent the night together. They sang they exchange stories ect.

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