chapter o4; Sleepover and Cuddle with You Everyday

As I Fallen For You

NOTES FIRST! This site should put "PG-13" or "PG" rating srsly; because just "H" to vague!!! oh my promise(s); Eun Gie's office&apartment:


sorry I'm not an architect (.__.) even my parents are the leisure room isn't suppose to be that spacious...but screw my drawing /fail/ now to the storiesss~ oh wait, thank you for 120+ views !! :" D don't forget to comment&subscribe ;)!


Waking up by sound of her phone, Eun Gie try to reach out her hand but she feel something was holding her arm so tight. As she open her eyes she can see a man's chest gee! I forgot Jonghyun is cuddling me...
She try to roll to her desk side, pick up the phone,
"Miss Eun Gie? It's me SHINee's manager,"
"Oh, Manager-ssi!"
"I come to pick up Jonghyun,"
"Oh right! Where are you know?"
"I'm still on my way now, I'll be there at about 15 minutes,"
"All right!"
then the Manager hang up, as he hang up Eun Gie try to waking Jonghyun up, "Yah! Wake up you sleepy head!" she pat his back while struggling let herself go. "Ugh...," he grumble and still not awake. "Wake up! Your manager will pick you up soon!!" she pat his back again. "Ugh...,okay...," he slowly get up then stretching himself. "Morning...," he hug Eun Gie suddenly. "Yah! You stink! Go take a bath soon! I'll prepare you a breakfast," she push him away then walk away. Jonghyuneventually slowly walk to the bathroom. He brought a bag with him and Eun Gie wasn't notice that until she saw he took out some clothes outof it. While walking to the kitchen Eun Gie asks what he'll eat for breakfast becasue she's afraid such artist like him had certain food that they didn't allow to eat. He asks for oatmeal with fruits so Eun Gie make it and for herself she eat cereals. When she put the pours Jonghyun's oatmeal to the bowl suddenly Jonghyun walk out from the bathroom just wearing a towel cover his lower body. "YAH! Put out some clothes won't you!" she scowl as she almost spill his oatmeal. "Ah, sorry, my habit!" Jonghyun get back in to the bathroom. After put his clothes on he walk to the dining room and sit there. "You have many schedules today?" Eun Gie walk with her bowl of cereals and sit across Jonghyun. "Not really, just a live show,"
"You'll come over again?"
"Sure! I said I'll pay back my promise right?"
Eun Gie roll her eyes, "Well, I'll come back late today, just sleep first,"
"Eeeh? Why??"
"I'm working on your cover, silly,"
He pout, "I'll wait you home then,"
"Huh? Just go sleep first!"
"NO~! I told you I can't sleep without cuddle soemthing!"
"Just cuddle my pillow, I have another one in my work room!"
"What? But-,"
before he finish his sentence the door bell ringing. Eun Gie run to the door when she opens, SHINee's Manager already stand there. Without saying anything, she bring Jonghyun to the door with him still holding his bowl of oatmeals. "Take him out of here," the Manager was confuse but that he take him with the bowl too. "Gosh, I already got such chaos in the morning,"

After what happen in that morning, Eun Gie can't be calm while at her office. "Eun Gie-ah, what's happen? You seem restless," Se Mi try to read her face expression. "Se Mi-ah, being a friend with celebrity is though," she sigh. "Eh ? What do you mean? Isn't it awesome being a celebrity's friend?" she chuckle. "No," she sighing again. She decide to let Se Mi knew what happen and pretty much everything
"Whaah~ you friend with Jonghyun of SHINee and now you work with them,"
"It's exhausting somehow, I felt like taking care of a child,"
"What? He sounds sweet to me! Even he's an artist he respect you,"
"Respect? He always push his wish on me,"
then they both talk all long while Eun Gie doing her work, she let all her heart out because she don't know who'll she talk tobeside her. At 9 Eun Gie decide to go home because she's all worn out. She arrive at home about 10.20 and she find Jonghyun was already there, sleep in her sofa with the TV still turn on. "Yah, Jjong-ie! Don't sleep like that!" she shake his shoulder a bit. "Oh..., Eun Gie-yah, welcome back!" with that position, he hug Eun Gie. "Let me go! I still need to wash," she can easily takes his hands off because Jonghyun isn't fully awake yet. "Okay, I'll wait you in the bedroom," he get up unsteadily, walking to the room then shut the door
must I sleep with you cuddle me again?

For about 5 weeks it happen everyday, she always find Jonghyun when she back from work, either alrady fall asleep or just arrive. Jonghyun just vaguely gave the reason why he always need to cuddle Eun Gie and Eun Gie who already tired of work never find any strength to disagree with it, while truly in her heart she somehow feel more comfortable with Jonghyun cuddle her. At the first day of the 6th week, while at work, a text message send,

Eun Gie-yah! I can't sleepover anymore (╥﹏╥)
I had to practice for the new album
the one you work on the cover~

Eun Gie was a bit surprise and she's feeling disappoint. But she quickly sort that feelings out and back to do her work again. When she come home she find nobody sleep in her sofa or welcoming her back again
am I missing him?

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novelle_freak #1
Great story so far :D Sorry I didn't read it before, have a lot to do.<br />
Happy writing ^^
such a short story :( but it was really cute^^ haha <3 finished it in one sitting^^
JueJue997 #3
zsarmayco03 #4
omg ;~; this seriously needs a sequel ;A; why great story ended too fast?
I love your fanfic, please keep updating (^◇^;)
zsarmayco03 #6
lkhewlkgbskbskjbfkzhdsbajs SO GREAT!
chiaozz #7
only one line??
zsarmayco03 #8
O_O update!! moreeeeee!!
chiaozz #9
update soon^^
New reader, i like this story & jjong is so childish i like it :3