chapter o2 ; Status: Your Friend

As I Fallen For You

As she starred at him, his eyes also looking at her widely while his mouth shaped to a big smile. "Uh, nice to meet you, I'm Shin Eun Gie," she bowed then look up again to see the members expressions. They just give her a welcome look normally. "Hi, I'm the leader Onew," the boy with short-brown hair greet her with a very warm smile as he stood up and bowed formally. "This is our rapper, Minho," the one who look most manly stand and bowed and Eun Gie was a bit struck out because of his charisma. "Then this is our almighty Key," a guy in blond hair smirked as he wave. Eun Gie smile a little, as Onew continue to introduce, Jonghyun suddenly get up, "Hyung, I already knew her," he grinned so widely. His statement made the whole room look at him then at Eun Gie who just avoid all of those eyes on her. "Oh, you already knew her?" Onew break the silent. "Yes, she's my childhood friend," he smiled relaxedly at Eun Gie, while EUn Gie still avoid him. She just don't want to look at his eyes. Do you even knew how hard I try to forget you? Now you smile to me as if nothing happened

"I want we to wear black costumes!"
"No! I want colors!!"
"Yah, but the concept say we should..."
Eun Gie quickly noted down anything that she can hear from that conversation, until suddenly their manager walk to them and bang the table. "YAH! Boys! Look she can't hear what you says!!" he pointed to Eun Gie's note that full of her messy handwriting. "Here, just get them interview one by one!" as soon as Eun Gie hear that she gasp because that mean she will be with Jonghyun alone, and she didn't want that AT ALL. But however Eun Gie's there to do her work, so she just had to accepted that. She doesn't want to let her Chief down because he believe in her, plus this is her first job. Then the "interview" started. The manager idea really help her, each member let their thoughts out and she can calmly note everything down."Please make this album a hit!" Onew said as he left the room. "I will do my best!" Eun Gie replied. Onew bowed at her as he left the room, she bowed back as she whisper to herself, "What a polite person,"

Next is Key, he chatter all the waaayyy from the bottom to the top to each detail he wanted. Eun Gie's make a long list out of that. "Yah, may I ask something?"
"Eh? Sure,"
"You're Jonghyun's chilhood friend?" "Uh, y-yes, I was,"
Oh no, don't ask anything further!
"Was?? You guys not friends anymore??"
"W-well, I lost contact with him since 4 years ago, so..."
"But Jonghyun still call you, his childhood friend just now, isn't he?"
Eun Gie can't said anything again, then she look Key was scanning thorough her,
"Well, I don't really mind if you guys still friends, it's not like I questioning this because I was irritated with you or anything, just I'm a curious person," he smirked
"O-oh, no I'm not irritated by you, it's just I'm not comfortable with what just Jonghyun said in front of you and the other members...,"
"Ahahah, it's okay, we won't interfere others life! Just because I'm the curious one, kekekeke,"

Key left the room, left Eun Gie who try to remember everything she just blurted out to Key who just she knew for some minutes. The door open, wake Eun Gie from her thoughts. "Eun Gie-yah!" that familiar voice arrive at her ears, she even didn't need to look because she knew who's voice it is. As he sit down in front of her, he grab her hand that attached to the papers, "Omo! Long time no see! How long it have been??"
"Jonghyun-ssi, please let my hand go,"
"S-ssi?! Yah! We're childhood friends!!"
"I don't have any friend who break their promise,"
yeah, you left with no words, left no trace to be tracked by me, couldn't be contact, and you said nothing to me. How I could consider I'm still your friend?
"Eun Gie-yah, I knew you mad because I left you without saying anything, but back then I had such rough time too. I wanted to call you but I'm not allowed,"
he grab Eun Gie's hand even tightly and place his face closer to her
"When I finally have the chance to contact someone, I don't know if you already change your phone number or not, because when I called your home, there's no one answer it!"
Eun Gie just sigh,that time my mom and dad must be busy in the field you, silly. And Why don't you just try to call my cellphone? Why even you're not tried it?
"Okay, okay, I apologize too, for whatever it is"
Eun Gie just feel guilty as Jonghyun just blabber everything out. Also hi seye that look to her just so sincere so she suddenly feel like the bad guy there. Creep, I just can't stand his puppy eyes...
"So now, how about we become friends again?"
Eun Gie startled as she heard that. Being friends with him again, with his situation right now, "Are you sure saying that? You're an artist now, and, and you're on the peak of your popularity now,"
"I know! But we still can be friends can we? And I'll try my best to keep my promise!"
you still remember your promise, wow, okay that's a surprise
"Yes, yes, Eun gie-yah??" he please with his puppy eyes
Eun Gie has no choice but to accept it, "All right,"
She sigh. She just don't know yet it won't be the same like back then

eep I suppose to update yesterday but a heavy rain strikes! D: I can't turn on my comp :| oh and I already do a research for the characters and other things I mention before in the 1st chapter, but still can't find any decent picture for Eun Gie's office, will appear later~

the character faces~ for Jonghyun's face and SHINee's I guess you are all knew XD
Eun Gie's office cubicle, thanks GOOGLE!! XD
the cardboard of inspirations!! Credit picture to respectfull owner~~

lastly but not least, thank you
Zientje1; my 2nd subscriber ^^! Also thank you for 60+ views :"D!! You guys are awesome :"3

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novelle_freak #1
Great story so far :D Sorry I didn't read it before, have a lot to do.<br />
Happy writing ^^
such a short story :( but it was really cute^^ haha <3 finished it in one sitting^^
JueJue997 #3
zsarmayco03 #4
omg ;~; this seriously needs a sequel ;A; why great story ended too fast?
I love your fanfic, please keep updating (^◇^;)
zsarmayco03 #6
lkhewlkgbskbskjbfkzhdsbajs SO GREAT!
chiaozz #7
only one line??
zsarmayco03 #8
O_O update!! moreeeeee!!
chiaozz #9
update soon^^
New reader, i like this story & jjong is so childish i like it :3