final words from me :D!

As I Fallen For You

Well well well! This is how the story end~ I don't want it settle is Eun Gie being Jjongie's girlfriend or not, conclude yourself, hehehehe♥ for all subscribers, everyone who view and read, thank you thank you thank YOU!!! I'm sorry if the story isn't end up as you expected or I disappointed you in any ways M(_ _)M I sincerely thank to everyone who already willing to spend their time to read this story!! I currently have another 2 stories, check them if you won't mind :DD thank you once again guys!!

Forgot;;; in this story slip my hidden dream, for ebing a cover artist for such band like SHINee, I'm a designer to be and currently struggle over crazy assignments in my uni; my brain practically use for brainstorming ideas all the time now and sometimes I tired~~ but I'm glad if I got something good from that brainstorming ^^ eee that's all~ hopefully I can fulfill this wildest dream being a cover artist /runs

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novelle_freak #1
Great story so far :D Sorry I didn't read it before, have a lot to do.<br />
Happy writing ^^
such a short story :( but it was really cute^^ haha <3 finished it in one sitting^^
JueJue997 #3
zsarmayco03 #4
omg ;~; this seriously needs a sequel ;A; why great story ended too fast?
I love your fanfic, please keep updating (^◇^;)
zsarmayco03 #6
lkhewlkgbskbskjbfkzhdsbajs SO GREAT!
chiaozz #7
only one line??
zsarmayco03 #8
O_O update!! moreeeeee!!
chiaozz #9
update soon^^
New reader, i like this story & jjong is so childish i like it :3