Too Good.

Full Moon
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As promised a very quick update. The second part of the Jinmin storyline. How is it?

Do you guys like it? I know is a rare pairing, even more than KookieMonster, though I really like them together, so hope you guys start liking them too ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ    Next update will also be pretty quick probably tomorrow :) ---------------------------------  

Do you ever feel like this day will be the worst day of your life, though end up being better that you could even think of.


Well I never did. 


Not until the day I woke up to see a text message with an address saying “I’ll be waiting for you at 8:30p.m, don’t worry about what you wear, we’ll be alone at home”.


We’ve been texting each other since the day we met at the restaurant. Mostly talking about food, thought other things too. Like of how lonely we’ve been feeling since we actually met.


Is true.


I never really thought of it until I met him. Now suddenly I feel lonely. I wanna be with him. Spend time with him.


And so did he.


I’ve been looking for something close to this feeling all my life. Searching for something that would actually catch my attention and kept it for itself.


The night before, I sent him a message saying “Where have you been all my life Jinnie hyung? ㅋㅋㅋ”


Though I didn’t receive any reply.


I went to sleep at 4 a.m that day; my thoughts hunting me. I screwed up.


Now he knows I like him, and he hates it….


When I woke up, the first thought in my head was “ Park Jimin. you’re so stupid…” then after a few minutes the screen of my phone lit up.


The first message was too much for me…


Does this means he likes me too?


His address…plus we are going to be home alone?


Is this a date?


Then a second message came out almost immediately, “Sorry, I fell asleep last night. And to answer your question; I was in your restaurant, yet you were too focused on your food to notice me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ”


I couldn't help but laughing.


He was right though. I never even look at people, because I simply don’t care. But him…he was different.


He was too good to be true.


I was about to get up, totally forgetting to reply when a third message came in, “ I mean, can I have your company tonight? I didn’t mean to sound bossy. I understand if you have other plans.”


Isn’t he adorable? I chuckled at my own thoughts, replying “ You can have me all you want, any day you want, at any time you want. I don’t have any plans, though I would cancel them if I had any.”


Not even three seconds after, a happy face emoticon came as reply.


The anxiety was eating me inside out. I showered, shaved, ironed my own outfit. Even I was surprised at my own actions. But I felt, happy.


The night finally came, after agonizing hours of waiting I finally hopped in my car, wearing the best and most sincere smile I’ve ever seen in my face.

Blasting music in my car, I drove over to his house, singing along every possible song that popped up in the radio, even if I didn’t really know the lyrics to it.


His house was not as big as I thought it would be, though it looked very different from mine. More like a home, a place you would like to be in.


The big smile in my face changed into something in between a worried and awkward one. I was nervous, very.


I still wasn't sure if this was a date or not, but I was hopping it was.


He opened the door as soon as I stopped the engine. I could see him through the windshield, wearing casual clothing, a worn out pair of jeans and a white plain T-shirt. He also had some sort of a towel in his hands, and looked slightly tired. Different from me who almost emptied my whole cologne before leaving home and wore a fancy, yet casual outfit, carefully selected to make me look good.


“I told you not to worry about what to wear…” was the first thing he said, as I walked over to him.


“What? Me? I just got into the first thing I saw…” I faked a laugh.


“Yeah right…” and he noticed it, “Come in, please feel as free as in your own house” he motioned me to sit on the couch.


The smell of food was invading the house. 


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tin10nuevo #1
Chapter 18: When will you update??? Pls
Malii1313 #2
Please update, this is the most awesome and perfect fic I've ever read, still waiting <3
Commanderpoondoo #4
Chapter 17: Lord Almighty I love you.
Chapter 18: This is freaking good do more Arthur nim