Fate Meets Catastrophe


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened when their gaze met and it took awhile for him to avert it. He felt a familiar sensation that he hasn’t felt in a long time, though until now he did not know what that feeling is.

The man cleared his throat before speaking. “Who’s Lee Sungmin?”

Kyuhyun immediately looks at him. He was surprised at how the man looked so clueless and innocent that he couldn’t figure out if he was telling the truth or not.

“I’m sorry, I really need to go.” The man said politely and passed by Kyuhyun’s shoulders. If it were the real Sungmin, he would have already beaten him up for blocking his way. Kyuhyun knew he wasn’t an angel with polite manners like what others say. He was far from that.

“What was that?” Leeteuk asked while stuffing chicken in his mouth.


“The Lee Sungmin you always talked about?”

Kyuhyun nodded with a smirk. “It was definitely him.”



They returned back to the apartment just in time Hwayoung got back from day care. Kyuhyun played with her immediately after they arrived. They were both running around the house and laughing loudly. Kyuhyun adored her more especially that she is already playing comfortably with him already.

Soon after, Hwayoung yawns beside Kyuhyun and lays her head on his lap.

“I’m sorry. You must be tired. Better get some sleep.” Sora says as she carried her daughter.

“No need for apologies, good night!”


Kyuhyun changes his clothes and lays down the couch. He grabs his phone and smiled to himself when he scrolled down the pictures of him, Yunho and Ahra. The pictures he had were taken when he was younger and the last one they had taken was way back when he was in first year college. He regrets not taking a lot of them.

“You sure you can sleep here?” Leeteuk appears suddenly and sat beside him.

“Of course, I actually miss sleeping in the couch.”

He bounced happily while caressing the cloth. Leeteuk smiled and ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair.

“Well are you okay now. I mean after everything.”

Kyuhyun took a sharp breathe and leaned his back on the couch. It’s been a long time since someone asked him if he was okay. And he’s been avoiding it ever since the incident.

“You know what I shouldn’t have asked. Sleep well Kyuhyun, you got a big day tomorrow!”Leeteuk says enthusiastically.

The younger hits him with a pillow and answers sarcastically. “Thanks hyung! That’s so kind of you!”



Kyuhyun stands in front of a cream painted 3 storey house with a mundane expression. Instead of rushing inside the house like he should, he prolonged his time just staring at the structure he used to call home, the place where great memories were made and the place where the people who used to give him more life than others live. But now it was just a house made of concrete and pieces of wood. 

“Sir? Do you want me to help you with that?” an aged housekeeper approached him, bringing him back to his senses.

“No need.”


He finally enters the house 3 years after he left to a foreign country. Nothing has changed. Everything was kept as it is. 

"You're back! Just in time for breakfast! Come on!" Ahra greets him warmly and pulled him to the dining room.

In there, his were parents already seated on their usual places. Kyuhyun didn't know whether to approach them and give them a peck on the cheek then hug them tightly after not seeing them in 3 years or just go to his room and not greet them at all. 

"I'm back." He respectfully bows instead.

"I thought you arrived yesterday? Come on sit." His father says.

Kyuhyun sits in front of Ahra like he used to but the empty space between him and his father puts nothing in place.

"So how was college?" 

"I graduated with high results mom. Just like you wanted." She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. At least she was half sincere.

"And the training? I heard you were doing good as well." 

"It was a good experience..." 

He could see the satisfied look on his parents face and it felt great. After all he did everything to make them happy again.

"About the company--"

"Will you ask about how I was?" Kyuhyun laughs but there was silence.

"I'm sorry, that was rude of us. How's life in New York son?" His father asked.

Kyuhyun didn't answer rather, he stood up quietly and once again bowed. 

"I'm really tired. I think I should get some rest before I start working later."  He smiles and leaves the table.

Mr. Cho sighed deeply while his wife looked down not being able to bear to see his son walk away.


Kyuhyun walks upstairs but before he headed to his own room he stood in front of another room beside his. Fingers easily clasped on the knob even though his mind kept resisting the urge to open the door. But the door opened.

“Hyung?” he called.

“I’m back...”

Tears threatened to fall as the silence surrounded his.

“I hope you can forgive me now.” No answer.

“Will you?” When words failed to give relief, tears fell down and he didn’t ask again. He closed the door before him and left.




“Get up!” Ahra pushed his brother to the edge of his bed.

“Noona! I just slept!” Kyuhyun held on the bed post for his life.

“You’ve been sleeping like a pig for hours! Now come on! You’ll be late for your first day!”

Kyuhyun ignored her impatient sister once again.

“I’m not gonna ask you again!” She held her two fingers in front of Kyuhyun’s face, ready to pinch. Kyuhyun finally fell on the floor and crawled to the corner.

“Okay! I’m up!”



Kyuhyun sleep walks to the entrance of the biggest company In South Korea. He barely sees who are greeting him with his half hooded eyes.

“Are you ready to take a tour in our company? Sir? Sir?”

“What?” He finally opens his eyes fully. The company manager gave him a confused looked when he didn’t respond.

“Yeah. Sure.”

It took them almost an hour roaming around the building. Familiarizing new faces and memorizing new names. Kyuhyun hated his first day already and he knew he would hate it more in the following days.

Everyone expects high from the son of the president of the major shopping malls in the country. Most especially because the second son has trained professionally with the best, outside the country. Being the next heir of the successful business didn’t put much burden on Kyuhyun’s shoulders. The job isn’t what he worries about because he knows he can do it. It’s the impressing that he needs to show his parents that gave him much pressure. Being a businessman was far from what he dreamed of becoming but if that’s what it takes for him to be accepted again, then that is what he’ll be.



Silence finally came when he sat in his office that is wide enough to hold a party. He turned behind him and enjoyed the view that is overlooking the city of Seoul. He sighs heavily when he has nothing to do but to be stuck in there, pretending to be working.

“What should I do now?” his body slides down the chair while thinking hard. Then he remembered not having lunch.

He gave Leeteuk a call.


“What’s up?”

Kyuhyun sits properly utterly excited with his plans.

“Can I get the number of the chicken delivery you called last time?”

A pregnant pause.


’”I’m hungry.”

Leeteuk sighs heavily over the phone. “Leave the poor man alone Kyuhyun!”

“Hyung please!”

After almost a minute of arguments Leeteuk gives in to Kyuhyun. He dictated the numbers and said his goodbyes immediately to avoid further involvement in his best friend’s evil plans.


boring isn't it? 

don't worry i'll update again within next week

i'm sorry TT TT




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Chapter 3: So that's what happened to ming...i was about to burst in tears and then the chapter ended..
Pleaseee update soon!! I beg u!! T-T
angel1980 #2
Waiting for your next chapter^^
zuttoo #3
Chapter 3: awww...my heart automatically goes emo when reading lives turning upside down and one person has to sacrific for everyone...thanks for the update!
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 3: wow didnt see that coming, so there was an accident that caused kyu to go to states and take over family business, but he is not happy about it, but min's situation is much worse....so maybe in the next chapter you can give some info on it? Thx for updating...
Chapter 2: who ia the one at the other room of kyu house? and what incident?
i bet sungmin used to be a violent guy back then but why he so polite to kyuhyun?
uh wondering what kyuhyun's evil plans.
gaaahh so much questions.
thnks for update.
waiting for the next
Chapter 2: This just makes you wonder what happened to Sungmin to become a delivery boy and what accident that happened to Kyuhyun... this is all just making curious.. Cant wait for the next update author-nim.
Chapter 2: now i'm REALLY curious to know what happened to both of them in the past...
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 1: wow, so interesting.....cant wait for more.....
seulmi #9
Chapter 1: Hmmm interesting.. im curious as to what happened to min... wasnt he a rich kid back in high school...