
지못미~ Jimotmi~


"Heeeeyyyyssshhh!!! Mossaraaa~"* she cringed and grimaced as she flipped through the photos she took from her sight-seeing today, featuring her joke of a bangs which ruined almost every picture she took. "Hey hair, how long will you be making me suffer, eo?? I said I'm sorry already, I won't be experimenting with you anymore, can't you just cooperate with me again?" She blew off a mouthful of air making her rigid bangs fly off a bit. "Seriously of all days my bangs just decided to splendidly split in half and fly away like that today, jincha mossara!!!!" she kicked her feet underneath the table.


"Eyyy Dara noona, it's not that bad," Jjangmae tried to appease her a bit, biting his lips as he watched his noona throw a fit.


"Jjangmae, tell me, which part of these pic is not bad eo? Tell me!!" She shoved her phone on Jjangmae showing a pic of her playing with big tympanas, smiling like a kid, with her bangs majestically splitting in half.


"Eyyyhh no matter, your fans will find you cute in this pic, you don't even have to worry about that," Jjangmae tried to stifle his laugh, puffing his chubby cheeks when he saw the pic.


"Oh they'll notice it for sure, trust me. Might as well I make fun of it and point it out myself first than have them point it out to me," she sighed in resignation as she focused on her phone, uploading and captioning her photo on her SNS.


"Ahhhhh really I can't live with this!!!" She whined as she frustratingly ruffled her bangs, before she begrudgingly resumed checking out the rest of her photos, mumbling incoherent words to herself.


"50 thousand won, you'll still be taking selcas later like you never had those awful bangs in the first place. And another 50 thousand won, and you'll be whining more after those shots, noona," Jjangmae teased, snorting as he saw the look on her pretty face.


"Yaaaahh!! Are you making fun of me right now??" Dara glared from across the table, to which Jjangmae merely shrugged and grinned, "Just stating the obvious."


Dara rolled her eyes as she consciously tried to fix her bangs with a bit of shuffling it, "Ugh, whatever, I give up, I'll enjoy taking my pictures, bangs be damned!" She stood up from the table they were on just as the waiter from the restaurant they were eating returned her credit card. She smiled at the flustered boy who looked so star struck as it was obvious he recognized her. Jjangmae then followed Dara together with her two other stylists on their way outside.


With their stomachs full and more than half a day ahead of them, Dara resolved that no one can stop her from enjoying their next stops later, and she will take as many memories aka pictures with her as she can, split bangs or no split bangs.




"Seriously, there really is no decent picture of me without the frigging split bangs?!! Ugghhh!" Dara groaned inside her hotel room as she flipped through her pictures on her phone, before starting to organize her things for her flight back to Seoul tonight.


She never thought managing bangs would be this difficult, she never saw Bom nor Chaerin nor Minzy have their bangs in this awful situation like hers. She thought having bangs would be nice since her fans told her it looked good on her  way back in Jiyong's concert here in Singapore last year when she wore a wig that time. If only she had known that bangs are such a pain with the capital P, she wouldn't even entertain the thought of having it.


"Move on, Dara, the world doesn't end with hideous split bangs," she pep-talked herself as she closed her eyes in concentration, but when she opened them again, her hand automatically lifted phone screen in front of her, showing one particular shot of her with two of her stylists, her bangs looking like a big joke on her forehead.


"GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" she threw her phone away from her on the bed and landed on her bag.




"Kekekekekeke… Cute…"


He was chuckling to himself as he browsed the photos she posted on her SNS. It's around noon in Paris right now and he just woke up. He developed a routine whenever they're both overseas with a huge time difference between them to check his SNS first if she's awake already or not before calling her after he wakes up. Thanks to this habit, he started his day seeing her quirkiness and cuteness.




This continued on for a solid 15 minutes before he finally got up from his bed and stretched out, sniffing a bit because of the colds he got just before he flew here to Paris.


With a sleepy, but goofy grin on his face, he headed to his bathroom, bursting in his iconic G-Dragon swagger voice as if he's about to perform at his concert, just as he the shower….


"Yeogi buteora, modu moyeora, sajin jjikeora, LILILIRARARA~~!!!"**




Just as she landed back to Korea and got off the plane, she immediately her phone to check the time and if there were incoming messages during her flight. It didn't surprise her that the first one to come up was a text from him…


"Baby I miss you~ Niga bogoshipeo~~Text me when you've already landed and when you arrived home, I'll call you…"


Clingy babo… Not that she minds though. She giggled as she typed in her reply…


"Babo…kekeke… I've just landed. Will be home in about an hour. Missing you more…"


She consciously fixed her bangs a bit again, knowing her fansite admins will be waiting for her arrival for some pictures, before she stepped out of the departure area, eager to get home.






He picked up his iPhone once he heard that a message arrived; he knows it's her.


And it was.


"Home… Unpacking…"


He smiled as he looked up to his stylist, "Noona, can you give me a minute?" to which her stylist agreed and walked out from the room.


He then pressed call on his phone and waited for her to pick up.


"Hey Jagi~" he heard her say from the end of the line, which was followed by a big yawn and then he heard some shuffling in the background.


"Still unpacking?" He asked.


"Eo~ How's your cold? Do you drink your meds on time?"


"Neh, Noona, I do, I'm a bit fine but still sneezy and sniffy.." he sniffed on the phone.


"Good, keep at it okay? Don't miss your meds.."


"Arasso-yo~… How was the flight?"


"Scary as always… But no turbulence, thank God…"


"Saw your photos earlier. Adorable as always babe."


"Ugh.. Adorable your foot, I look stupid with those bangs, why did you even remind meee?" He can hear her pouting on the other end of the line.


"It was adorable babe, kekekeke, only you can pull of the split bangs, be cute and get away with it!"


"Huh, says the guy who makes man skirts look hot just because he's G-Dragon! You could even walk with a booger on your forehead and everyone will think it's yummy and fashionable!"


He burst out laughing with his girlfriend's exaggeration of his image, "Yaah, I had my fair share of unglam, jimotmi moments too you know!"


This time, it was Dara who guffawed on the phone, "OMG, I will never forget that picture from your 1 Night 2 Days parody with the boys!! Your hair was flying everywhere and fans showed me  a pic where they photoshopped a crow on your head!!!"


"Oh God, please don't remind me of that, I beg you…" he begged for her mercy jokingly, but deep inside, he didn't want her to stop, it just feels so good to hear her laugh like that. It never gets old. He'd gladly take all her teasings and abuse with open arms if he'll be able to hear her laugh in exchange.


They laughed for a few more seconds before they calmed down, then he heard her say, "Seriously though, I think my hair is punishing me. Getting damaged like this, and now my bangs won't even cooperate. I should really stop playing with my hair…" She sighed over the phone.


"I'm sorry babe. I shouldn't have convinced you to keep on bleaching your hair last year…" He felt guilty for her as he remembered how she cried when her hair started to fall out due to excessive treatment that has been done to her hair.


"Hey, I told you it wasn't your fault, it was mine okay, don't blame yourself," there she goes again, cheering him up and comforting him when instead it should be the other way around.



"Shush, I will not hear the end of it Kwon Jiyong."


"I would just like to say, you look beautiful whatever your hair looks like, okay? In my eyes you will always be beautiful…" He smiled and he can imagine her cringing on the other end of the line as she listed to his cheesy words.


"Cheesy much… Anyways, should I show you my hideous pictures?" she asked.


"Ani, I wanna see your split bangs! Facetime!!"


"Heol, NO."


"Eyyyyyhhh, I wanna see how cute you are with those bangs, palli~"


"Aigooo, I can never win against you. Hold on…" He heard a few clicks so he also setup his phone for Facetime, showing himself to her, and herself to him.


"kekekekekekekekeke… cute…" Jiyong chuckled as he saw that Dara's camera was focused on her bangs.


"Cute? Are you delirious or something?" She moved away from the camera, and have it capture her whole face. Her eyebrows are furrowed in the center, and then she blew off air on her bangs .


"I'm telling the truth though babe, do that again!!!"


"Do what?"


"That blowing thing on your bangs!!!"


"What do I get in return, though?"


A naughty smirk crept up his face and she knew whatever he'll say next will make her cringe. And hot.


"My body when I get back," he said huskily, gesturing at himself dramatically.


Damn you, Kwon! Dara furiously thought as she felt herself blush. Soon enough, she saw him laughing his off as he watched her get flustered.


You're a bad boy, fine, play that game boy, I can handle it~ The lyrics rang in her head as if on cue, and it was her turn to smirk.


"Oh, you better be so damn ready then, Kwon," she narrowed her eyes at his face on her phone's screen, biting her bottom lips innocently.


She saw his playful smirk disappear on his face and his Adam's apple visibly went up and down as if he took a big gulp.


Tables are so damn turned.


"What are you doing, woman?" Jiyong said in a voice so low she almost wasn't able to catch what he said.


"Oh nothing~" she said in a sing-song voice, twirling some of her hair's tips in her index finger, before she blew air off her lips to blow her bangs out playfully.


"What monster have I created?" He laughed at her, amused at her antics although it's still obvious in his eyes that he's basically stripping her off of her clothes right at that moment.


She burned with his gaze and she knew herself that she better cut this off or she'll really end up if this continues. She needs to break this, and fast!


"I have to fart…" she blurted without much thinking.


Jiyong blinked, and that moment, the connection broke already. She felt heat creep up her cheeks as she realized what she just said.


"Tease!" Jiyong glared at her jokingly over at the camera, and right then she knew he knew she was fooling around to break the moment.


"Thank you, master," Dara said seriously , tilting her head a bit in a slight bow to him.


Jiyong merely rolled his eyes, and just then, Dara said from the other end of the line, "Yah, I have to go for now, need to finish unpacking. Call me later okay?"


"Fine, but email me all your pictures okay?"


Dara glared at him, "Are you gonna use  them to blackmail me?"


Jiyong answered quickly with a wink, "Who knows?"


"Ugh Kwon Jiyong you are impossible!" she sighed exasperatedly, while rolling her eyes.


"Bye cutie bangs," Jiyong smooched on the phone and Dara can only shake her head.


"Bye, call me later~" Dara answered before both their screens reverted back to their phone wallpapers.





"You done, Jiyong-ah?" the stylist came in around 5 minutes after the call.


"Noona, change of plans, can you not style my hair like what we discussed earlier," And he explained what look he want to pull of that particular day.


When he was finished, the stylist was looking at him with an epic WTF expression on her face, "Are you attempting an image suicide today, Jiyong-ah?"


He just grinned.


"Aish, whatever, it'll be you who'll look stupid anyways, not me," the stylist noona conceded but not without making several tsks and a few judging looks while shaking her head at him.


"Well, that's the whole point," Jiyong shrugged.




The next morning…


"HEOL…" Dara breathed as she stared stupidly on her laptop screen, looking through his photos that are spreading on SNS already.


She heard her phone vibrate as she scrolled down more to check more pictures, knowing who exactly texted her.


"Nae apmeorireul jimotmi~ LOL good morning, baby~!"

(Sorry I couldn't protect my bangs~: modifying Crayon's lines, "Ni namja chingu jimotmi~/Sorry I couldn't protect your boyfriend~")


Right away, she knew she did it on purpose to tease the living hell out of her.


Of course, he sported the honorable split bangs like nobody's business. 


"Ahh molla, jimotmi! You're on your own, I don't know you!" She told her laptop screen as if it was a living thing listening to whatever she says. She shut it down and stretched out, feeling refreshed and light after seeing his un-glam pictures, proceeding to the showers as she played her iPhone. She burst out laughing when suddenly in random, Crayon played.





T/N and A/N:

* 살아 (Mossara) literally, "I can't live (with this)". It's an expression of desperation.

**Fantastic Baby, modified by Dara as her caption: "Come here, gather together now, take a picture~ Lililirarara)"


Short and pointless oneshot right? hahaha.. but I do hope I was able to make you guys feel a lil bit lighter. :)

And this goes out to my TM btw. hihihihihi.. as always... Something to cheer her on while she's drowning in school work ^^

Please do leave comments okay? Thank you for reading! :)

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Chapter 1: Kekekeke... giddy!
aubreyLazy #2
Chapter 1: awwwww so so cute!!
Chapter 1: super duper cute... and thank you, for keeping your promise for not causing spreading tears here... this cute is smiling-giggling-rolling_on_bed-chuckling type, not cute-sweet smiling-teary_eyed type.... gyaaaaak~ what am i blabbering here?? >.< ugh.. but you know what i mean, neh~ kkkkkk
aaaaaaaaaaaackkk~~ now i imagining that this was behind the story of the infamous split bang... wkakakakakakaka.. /hoping here, how cute!! >.</
and, aigoo~ how do your brain work, eh?? you could bring the bang for brightening-mood-story-idea...!!!!!
gyaaaaaa love you!!! and love your stories too!!! and your stories idea!!! and your writing style also!!! and and and... gyaaaaaaaaaaaa LOVE YOU!!!!! >/////<
Chapter 1: sooo cute and funny xD
daragonlovesyg #5
Chapter 1: Ahahahahahaha.. this is light and cute^^ i love it^^
DaragonButterfly #6
Chapter 1: cute...thanks

ACKKKKKKKKK T________T LIGHTENED MY BAD DAY TODAY T______________________T <33333 AND THE MUSIC WAS JUST SO LIGHT T____________________T IT MADE MY HEART FEEL LIGHTER HUHUHUHUHU SEEEEEE. T_T THIS IS MY PERSONAL HAPPY PILL!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_____________T <3333333333333333333

peppiwelsh1 #8
Chapter 1: It's cute! A little on the cheesy side but what the heck! That's what we've been waiting for from Daragon!
PamelaGumamela #9
Chapter 1: WAHAHAHA, 누나~~~~~!!!!!!!!! 역시!!!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 짱짱짱이당!!!!!!!!!
Hihi. This is so cute! I'm laughing all throughout.
You pointed all those events so well! Wow.
I cannot say anything coz too much feels you brought in here. And well I have a feeling too that he did that purposely so that he can . But dang they sport that look oh so well! 다윰!!!!

진짜용누나!!! 대 투 더 박!!!!!